Who Are You Dating?

Suji spent the whole week working and worrying about the upcoming collaboration of Seungwoo and her. She became afraid that the feelings she tried to suppress will make themselves instantly known. It has not even been a month ever since she decided to cut ties and severe her feelings to him, but another obstacle was already out there to test her. 

Wearing her most comfortable pink trench coat as the weather temperature has been notably dropped, she wore khaki dress slacks and a long-sleeved white blouse underneath. Her makeup was light, and she tried her best not to make it cakey.

As she went out of the elevator and walked towards the editing room, she was informed that Seungwoo would be the one who is going to make the design cover for the book she was currently editing. As she finished editing the book last week, they will do several meetings to suggest and share the opinion with the author.