The Proposal

New York

Violet looked back at him, closing her eyes for a second and shifting to her gold werewolf eyes. "Hello," she said in an attempt to mock him.

Aldren's mouth parted in awe, and he released his grip on her. Her lithe body fell to the ground, coughing. She would have made a run for it, but she had already overexerted her magic and her body needed time to recover her strength. She could unleash her wolf, but she was confident it wouldn't be enough to defeat him. He was after all an Elder, far stronger than ordinary vampires.

The corners of his lips curled up, then widening into a full-blown smile, and he erupted in laughter. He was amused, mystified.

A hybrid woman, something he had never heard of before. Hybrids that lived that long generally were male, considering their body are tougher compared to females. He'd heard of hybrid men numerous times over the centuries, one or two every few hundred years. Some were even able to survive their Metamorphoses, also known as the 'Morph'.

It is a process where the hybrid has to choose which part of them they would become: a gruesome undertaking, a battle within oneself. Half and half killing each other from within and for those who do not Morph, death is inevitable. While those who do, only a handful of them survive.

However, over his entire existence, not once had he come across a female hybrid, and more so a hybrid witch that survived that long. He could tell she was over the age of Metamorphoses, which generally occurs at 12 years of age.

A woman that was half-witch, half-werewolf.

He had never seen anything so fascinating in centuries!

Aldren looked down at her on the ground, a white towel still wrapped around her body.

"You're a girl." He thought out loud, earning an incredulous scoff from her. She shot him a look that says, 'are you stupid?' Then she looked down at her towel-covered body, more so her breasts.

"Well, look at that. I guess I am." she said in a mock tone.

His chiselled face grew stern, and he looked at her pondering. He could kill her now, for releasing his werewolves and the death of his men. He could solve the problem, and more so, satisfy his need for revenge. But where would be the fun in that?

Violet saw the change in his expression, "You owe me, werewolves." He said, reaching down to her. His hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"I don't owe you anything!" the blonde retorted, and out of nowhere, he chuckled, genuinely pleased for some reason she did not know. And frankly, she didn't want to know.

His other hand reached to grab her by the neck once more. But unlike last time, there was a gentleness in the way he held her. His hand was at the base of her jaw, and his hold wasn't meant to strangle her like before but merely to lift her from the ground. He then pinned her to the nearest wall.

The left corner of his lips curved up as he looked down at her. He did find her attractive from the beginning, and that fact remained unchanged.

"I've decided..." he said, "you're going to be my wife," a chilling grin spread on his chiselled face; his tone meant she didn't have any say in it.

So used to getting what he wanted, he didn't give a damn if she refused. First off, she didn't have a choice; second, he always gets what he wants.

Violet stared back at the man known as the Abomination. "What?!" she said. Her brows furrowed together in confusion. Did she just hear him wrong? But before Violet could even have the time to process the information, he bit her neck.

The second his fangs pierced her skin; she winced in pain. She pushed him back, but his mouth remained attached to her neck, and for a moment, she thought she would die, but he released her suddenly.

It was the first time a vampire had ever bitten her, and it hurt like a bitch.

Her hand reached for her neck immediately, stopping the bleeding, and she glared back at the raven head,

"Aww. What the hell, man?!" she shouted in frustration.

Aldren looked down at her, the corner of his lips curled upwards. A glint of mischief was in his obsidian eyes.

And with her blood on his mouth, he grinned at her, and she wondered for a moment if he was a psychopath.

Before she even realized it, his blood-stained lips met hers, and her body froze when she felt his warm tongue brush against hers.

Seconds later, he grinned at her stunned expression, her lips stained red with her blood. Then he released her, and she fell on the ground, confused. What the hell just happened? She wondered as she watched the Abomination turn his back to her and take a seat on her sofa.

"Get dressed," he instructed. His voice pushed her back to reality, and she glared at him, "What the heck was that?!" she demanded, her voice raised, and she wiped her mouth in disgust.

Aldren simply shot her a look as he crossed his legs and leaned back comfortably on the sofa. "Get dressed, or I'm gonna grab that towel off of you," he warned, causing her eyes to widen, alarmed at the notion. She pushed herself off the floor and walked towards her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Her mind was going 20 miles per second, wondering what he planned on doing to her. He clearly planned on taking her with him. To do what? She could only imagine worse than death. And so, she walked in her ensuite bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Seeing blood on her face; she washed it off in slight disgust with water.

"Hurry up!" she heard him, on the other side of the door.

"Okay, okay!" she shouted back, wiping the blood off of her neck and face with the towel. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a blue shirt, putting it on after her lingerie. She grabbed her wallet and shoes after, mind still racing to what the man had said before.

'Did he say I'm going to be his wife? Oh, hell, no!'

Never in her worst nightmares did she even imagine involving herself with vampires, the lowest of the low. Carefully, she opened her bedroom's toilet window and started to climb it when out of nowhere, she heard her bedroom door slamming open, and she felt his hand grab her leg. He threw her out of the bathroom moments later, and she fell to the floor with a thud.

She looked up at him, seeing him glaring down at her. Pissed at her failed attempt of an escape.

Violet then ran like hell, which wasn't fast compared to him.

She reached the living room when he blocked her way to the open front door in a flash. "Where are you going, darling?" he asked sweetly with a smile on his face.

She stepped back, thinking of a plan. Left? Right? Forward?

"Don't even try and run away from me." He warned graciously.

Violet clenched her jaw, "Do you think I give two shits on what you say?" she snapped, earning an amused grin from him. "You can try, but I'm going to catch you." He stated, confidently.

She gritted her teeth and ran forward then leapt over him at werewolf speed. She was able to escape the apartment and reach the hallway, when seconds later, he grabbed her and slammed her to the wall in the hallway, causing the concrete to crack at the force. Air knocked out of her lungs, she coughed. Stupid body, she thought. Why did he have to show up when she was at her weakest? She wondered to herself.

"Your high-spirited kitty-cat, I have to give you a shot," he said, and she felt something sharp on her neck, and she blacked out, collapsing in his arms.