Chapter 18

Perspective Max

It's been a few days since the conductor announced that we will have a new colleague, I still wonder who he will be. Anyway, I have a bad feeling about this.

-Max, honey, what are you thinking? You've been in the clouds for a few days. Did something happen?

-No, but I have something that grinds me, since he announced that another student will come, I have a strange premonition, that something bad will happen, but I don't know what.

-Off, don't think about it anymore, nothing bad will happen, I'll always be by your side, I promise.

-Okay, Yuki, let's go to school.

When we got to class, someone was sitting in my bench, I wanted to shout to get out of there but when he turned to face me I thought I was dreaming, my bench was really Adrian, this time I can not I'm messing with Alex, I know him very well. But what he was doing here, I thought I got rid of him, I was sure that something would happen, why he always appears in the landscape when I'm happy, why he doesn't let me live my life, it annoys me.

-Hey Max, how are you?

-What are you doing here? I thought the police arrested you.

-Of Max, how weak you are, I escaped, now I'm a free man I don't have to run anymore. And who is next to you?

-You don't care. Don't get caught touching him.

-Why, is someone important to you?

-Yes, he's my brother.

-Brother, I thought you were alone with your parents.

-Okay, you thought, now if you want to get out of my bank, or if I don't put you aside.

He walks away, and starts laughing, leaves the class but I still hear his laughter in his ears. When I turned to face Yuki, he was crying very loudly.

-Why are you crying?

-You still ask me why I'm crying, what do you mean, I'm your brother, like we had a relationship, what happened to her, do you want to break up?

-No, I said that to appear to you, I didn't want to hurt you, if he found out that you were with me, it would hurt you too.

-But you still didn't have to say I'm your brother. You could say friend, not brother, but I felt better, and you think it won't hurt me now that he found out I'm your brother.

-Ooo, fuck, I forgot about it, from now on stay alone with me, don't approach him.

-I'll do that, but I have a condition.

-What is that?

-To kiss me.

-What a trick you are.

I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him, but at that moment Adrian entered the classroom. When he saw us he started laughing and clapping.

-I didn't know the brothers were kissing each other.

-And if we kiss, what's your job? Lasanas in peace, you have no right to comment.

-Of, Max, you stayed the same, you haven't changed at all. I wonder how this boy can stand you.

-He has really changed, don't judge him anymore, and I love him very much.

-Ooo, what a beautiful statement, but I'm not impressed by anything, so goodbye, see you next time, I hope you stay whole until then, especially you boy.

He leaves laughing again, but this time he no longer had that frightening voice, as if he had a sad voice, but nevertheless I took Yuki in my arms and whispered in his ear that nothing would happen and that I'm with him. I was sure it would happen, it's something, but I never thought it would happen.