Chapter 21

Perspective Yuki (Derek)

I can't, I can't wait for tomorrow, I can beat the one who said he can beat me. I am the best no one can beat me will beat him if not seen.

But a feeling that something is going to happen, and not something good but something bad, I want this feeling to disappear, it reminds me of Max, and I don't want that, I want to get rid of the memories with him, but more and more I miss him and I remember everything we did together.

Today at 3 pm there is a fight with that boy, I can't wait, it's barely 12, until then I will train, I will not let anyone or anything distract my attention, I want to be focused and win, to show them all that I'm no longer that sucker I was before, to show them I've changed.

Perspective Max

In an hour the fight takes place, I am in the locker room and I am waiting for the one I will fight with to come, every time I see a younger boy I have the impression that he is my Yuki but I am wrong every time, a This time I almost kissed a stranger because I thought it was him but it wasn't like that, at that moment I wanted to go home and start crying, but I remembered that I don't have anything like that anymore. Why the cow is so cruel to me, I feel like banging my head against the walls.

That hour has passed and now I'm in the ring, and the one I'm going to fight with hasn't come yet, I think he's too scared to show up when he finds out who I am.

Perspective Yuki (Derek)

When Erik came to tell me that the one I was going to fight with was Max, I thought he was lying to me, and that he wanted to make fun of me, but now that I saw him with my own eyes I couldn't I think he's in front of me, he didn't even recognize me, I wanted to shout that I'm Yuki and he's an ox, but I didn't have the courage, every time I tried to say something, my voice stopped. and I couldn't talk anymore.

-What are you doing Derek, like your name isn't, or should I call you MUTE? Did your cat somehow eat your tongue and you can't talk anymore, say something once, or do you want to start the fight?

I couldn't think of anything at that moment, all the moments spent together came to my mind, I wanted to cry at that moment, but I was sure that everyone would start laughing at me and no one would respect me anymore, I wanted to run away from there but I couldn't, I want to confront him, see if he is as strong as before, or he has changed.

I tried to hit him but he avoided all my blows, I received a punch in the mouth and one in the stomach because I thought I would faint there, I was very careful not to hit him hard, I wanted to see how far to end this fight, I didn't want to hit him, even if I said I hate him, I still love him a little ...

- Why don't you hit, why don't you fight the real ones, you bragged that you are the biggest fighter, that you can beat me, but you can't do anything, you're a coward, I better not come here if I knew it would be like that , you're a coward Derek, then he punched me in the stomach that made me stop breathing for a minute, and I fell down, and I didn't get up from there, I gave up everything, I give up on Derek, I want to become new Yuki, and he to become mine, but that's not possible, not until he realizes who I am, until he realizes that I still love him.

The winner of the match is announced, who is Max, I was still on the floor and I was thinking about everything that has happened so far, he comes to me and starts talking but I didn't hear him, I was overwhelmed by my thoughts, he got angry and got up from below and you want him to hit me, but he stopped the moment I took out the first words since I saw him again ...

-I missed you Max, how are you?

-From where and to where did you miss me, how do you know me?

-Credema knows everything about you.

-Where from?

-It seems to have forgotten Max.

-Who are you?

-Someone hurt you very badly, I'm ...

Perspective Max

When he told me who he was, he fainted, why I'm sorry for him, I feel like crying but I don't know why, this hasn't happened to me before, I took Derek in my arms and took him to the hospital, the from there they said he had nothing, just because he was overworked, and he didn't eat properly in the last week, so they said let him rest, he asked me if I knew his family and when he answered I saw two people who seemed to me to be known to be approaching us.

-Doctor, what happened to Yuki?

-Who are you?

-We are his family, what happened to him?

-To overwork him, and in the last week he didn't eat anything, please be more careful than him, then see him again.

I was sitting around like a fool and listening to their conversation, why that guy told Derek Yuki, what's going on here, why I feel like I know them. and when they turned to face me, I realized that I was Yu and Erik, and that the one sitting in that hospital bed now was my Yuki, I can't believe I found him after so long, I it comes to the type of joy but, you have to let it rest.

After a few hours of sitting and talking with Yu and Erik, and telling everything that happened to me, Yuki woke up and started crying when she saw me, I went and took her in my arms, I feel like crying too.

-Why are you crying?

-I thought everything was a dream, and that you disappeared again, why you did this to me, why you left me, you know what I had to go through because of you, I had to change, why you did this?

-For you...

-For me, I think you're making fun of me, you're a liar.

-I did this to protect you from those who wanted to hurt you, I wanted you to be safe, I really didn't want to hurt you.

-But more hurt, and even more so when he cheated on Yu.

-I didn't want to do that, I couldn't even cheat on you, then, I told Yu to drug me so I could do what I did.

-And when we saw him entering the hotel, then he was no longer a drug addict, I was very well seen.

-Then we just pretended to enter the hotel, we knew you were following us so we entered.

-But why did you do that, WHO MADE YOU DO THIS, DAYS ...

-Our father, he said that since I met you I became weak, and that he always didn't want you, he wanted to get rid of you, and he said that if I don't break up with you, he will kill you, I preferred to I'm breaking up with you only to know you're dead, even if you weren't with me anymore.

-Where is he now?

-In prison, I found out after a few months since I broke up with you, but I couldn't come to you because my father's people were still hunting me, but now we got rid of everything that bothered us, now we can be together, and happy.

A few days have passed and Yuki is better, today they said that they let her go home if she feels better, we left the hospital together holding hands, she is very nice, she returned to Yuki the previous one, she still has some phases in which it's harder, but gradually everything seems to return to normal. I can't believe I made peace with him, I love him too much, and I couldn't live without him, I lost him once, this time I will take care of him, I promise, nothing will happen to us separate ...

THE END.....