7. Choice

Steve POV:

I couldn't move my body at all as if time has stopped in that tragic moment. I called out to Anna because a car was approaching her but when she turned to look at me, she was knocked over by the car. All I could see was blood, Anna's blood!!!!! Red, everywhere!!!!! My body frozed.

I saw Anna lying there lifeless. I ran to her forcing my body which has been numbed due to shock. I hug her, called her name several times but there was no response from her, I was helpless, I couldn't do anything. I was panicking inside, my heart felt like as if it had been shattered into pieces 💔, but I tried to stay calm and rational.

Then I saw a middle aged man, around forty years old getting out of his car and coming towards us. He was the one who hit over Anna. I was mad at him but all I could think of was Anna's safety. I shouted, 'Call the ambulance'. He immediately dialled the emergency number. I could notice that he was trembling too. I couldn't care less.

I keep on calling Anna but still there was no response from her. I keep on talking to her thinking she might hear me. ' Anna please, don't leave me, don't leave me alone, please no, no Anna, please don't leave me. I need you, please Anna, don't leave me behind please wake up and talk to me. I promised to protect you from now on. So please wake up and talk to me. Anna, please don't leave me, please 😭😭😭😭...........'

Then the ambulance arrived. All I could think about was that this is all my fault. If only I had never told Anna  to pretend to not know me in school. If only I had asked her forgiveness earlier, If only........... It is my fault that Anna got hurt. They carried her inside the ambulance, put oxygen mask on her. When they checked her pulse, it was weak, totally weak but still her pulse was still there. Thank God, at least there's hope.

They had to put her through an *implantable cardioverter- defibrillator (ICD), then they gave shocks to her. I was there watching Anna fighting for life. I was sitting, watching her, can't even help. I just prayed to God at that moment 🙏. Because I know he is the only one who can take lives and save lives, the best doctor and eternal healer. I am a devoted Christian and I know that Christ has been with me throughout my life no matter what.

A miracle happened at that exact moment. Anna's heart rate was returning to normal. I couldn't even hear what they were talking about. All I could hear was Anna's heart beat sound from the Electrocardiogram (ECG). That was the day I felt like an useless trash but it made me believe that miracles do happen when we pray our hearts out to God. Our heavenly father always answer our prayers when we asked for him 🙏.

I also made a choice to that day. I really wanted to become a pilot but I gave up on that dream. I made my choice and promised to become a doctor and save lives so that I could protect Anna. So that I could help people who are fighting for their lives. I had never wanted to be a doctor because it's my parents profession. They never had time but what happened that day made me realize how I think of them. I felt really proud of my parents at that moment because I knew at that same moment, they will be saving lives just like the doctors and nurses saved Anna.

* ICD is a device that detects any life threatening, rapid heart beat.

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Medical profession is a humble and really a difficult job. We should always love and respect our doctors ❤️❤️❤️👩‍⚕️.

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