Anna POV:
A week has passed since that day, I was still mad at him. I avoided him as much as possible since that was what he wanted. I have a feeling that he wanted to talk to me when I saw his eyes from far away but I avoided him.
I ignored him even at home. That day, he came to my house to apologize but I ask Nanny May to send him away and ask him to leave. I was not in the mood to talk to him.
After all, he hurt my ego, that was what he deserved.😤
He stayed there for a long time but I didn't change my mind. Nanny May was also shocked to see us like that, it was not the same old silly fights anymore.
She asked me to forgive him but I didn't change my mind. When it was finally dinner time, his mother came to pick him up. I didn't even go out to say hi to Mrs. Wills, his mother.
I was so embarrassed and and still mad at the same time. I lock myself up in my room and look at them from the window. I have never seen Steve's face look so anxious before. It really breaks my heart to see him in that way.💔💔💔
So, as I say, I still avoided him so he also just copy paste my actions 😂.
At school, thanks to God's grace, I made some really good friends, well two to be exact, Layla and Hannah. It's really fun to hang out with them. They are so innocent and funny.
Layla is really funny and talkative. Hannah is very quiet but her words are so humorous. No one in the class will believe that Hannah has such sense of humor except me and Layla.
It's quite amazing that that we are friends despite our different personalities.
According to psychological studies, it is said that close friends share about 1% of their DNA. So, I believe that we might have that 1% of our DNA to be similar at least in something which we are not aware of. 😌😂
We were talking about random stuffs but then Layla started talking about how finals are knocking near and the pressure and stress of the seniors as they are going to high school soon.
Well, the thing is Layla has a crush on one of the seniors, just because I said she is innocent does not mean that she doesn't have a crush, she is innocently having a crush with her pure innocent heart😂.
She was so sad since she would not be able to see her crush in the school anymore. I was comforting her and I realized that I am in the same case as her 😂.
I realized, What! That means Steve will be going to a different school now, but I was so happy that I finally went to the same school with him. Luck was not on my side those days, woe is me😪. I was so sad.
I made up my mind in that moment. I have to stop avoiding him. It hurts my ego but if it means that I can made-up again with him then everything will be alright.
School was finally over, I went back home and decided to visit Steve as it has been a long time since I last saw him. I went up to him, he was playing with a dog.
I called for him and said, Hi! Steve. He looked at me surprised then he smiled and came up to me.
He said, Um, Anna, I am so sorry. I have been such a jerk, a bad friend. I hope you can forgive me. I was taken aback by his words, my heart was pounding so hard.
I said, it's okay, it was nothing trying to keep up with my cool. I told him I forgive him. We were playing with the dog, playing catching ball with the dog.
The ball went over the road, I ran and was about to pick the ball up when I heard Steve calling me anxiously, my visions getting all blurry. My life flashed before my eyes in that moment I was knocked over.
I didn't even realized that I had been hit by a car. My whole body was in pain, I felt so tired, I just want to sleep, I heard Steve crying and calling for help, I tried to open my eyes but couldn't.
That was the thing I could remember. When I...........
Hello guys!!!!!👋😊😊😊
So, what do you think will happen to our Anna and Steve ?
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Bye Bye. See you all in the next chapter......☺️ 👋👋👋👋