
YeonA's POV

A sudden male voice calls out to them. "Yo Jungkook! Jimin!" I turn my head to see a man with dashing fiery red hair jogging up to us. "Yugyeom! My man!" Jimin and the guy, who I'm guessing is Yugyeom, but each other before Yugyeom and Jungkook do the same.

I laugh at Jimin again, this time secretly though. Why? Jimin is shorter than Jungkook by in guessing two inches. Jungkook is shorter than this Yugyeom guy by in guessing two inches as well. So that basically makes Jimin and I four inches shorter than Yugyeom.

"Dang, short genes do run in the family," Yugyeom teases as he points to Jimin. "Yugyeom!?" This time a female's voice draws near as we all turn to see Jimin's twin making her way over to us.

"Hey little devil," Yugyeom ruffles her hair, getting a playful punch in the end. "Where were you last week?" She asks after her small attack. "Oh you know me, just getting as much hoes as I need."

Everyone but me cracks up, which now turns the attention on me. "Right, Yugyeom, this is my cousin, YeonA-" Yugyeom cuts him off. "She's the one you've been telling me about right? Yeah I heard so much about you from Baek-" now's my turn to cut him off.

"You know my brother?" Due to my observation, Yugyeom hesitates to answer so instead Jimin does instead. "Yugyeom came over a couple of times to hang out while you were in America."

"And wow, when Baekyun tells me how good looking you are I didn't expect you to be this sexy and damn looking-"

"Be careful," Jimin warns, "I may be short but I can still beat the shit out of you. So do not cross the line." Yugyeom raises his hands in defeat, "my bad."

"Anywho, you should come with us," Jaemin steps into the conversation, breaking the heavy tension. "Jimin and I are planning to throw a small tour-party for her since this is her first time in Seoul after three years."

"Well I'd love to-"

"YeonA!" Finally someone I know and talk to on a normal basis. "Lucy?" Now I'm confuse as to why she suddenly calls out my name. "What are you doing here? Isn't Yixing suppose to pick you up today?" She shakes her head as she comes nearer.

"He said something about your cousin having a small party and needed to go to work early so he thought why not have your cousin drop me off." She then turns to both Jimin and Jaemin, "if that's obviously okay with you."

"Oh don't worry," says Jaemin, swinging her black and mint-green ombre hair, "the more females the better." She winks, walks In between us, takes both of our arms around hers, and forces us to walk away from the males.


"So how are you liking it so far?" Jaemin starts up a conversation as the men go and get the barbecue ready. I don't think for a moment, "a lot better than I expected it."

"It's because of Jungkook." Jaemin surprisingly looks at me with wide eyes before glaring. "Absolutely not! YeonA, you may be my cousin and I love you to the moon and back, but no. Jungkook is just a huge no!"

"I know right, I told her the exact same thing today in lunch," Lucy adds on and shakes her head again. "No matter what we'll tell her, she'll still feel attracted to him-"

"I mean who wouldn't? He's hot, gorgeous, and sexy, but his attitude and his dangerous vibe are huge deal breakers-"

"Even after everything we'll tell her not to do-"

"She'll still do it!" They both synchronized.

"I didn't even mention anything about Jungkook - let alone a boy - and yet I get attacked already?" They both look at me apologetically, "sorry," they synchronised again.

"Enough about me, but who's this Yugyeom guy and why don't I know about him?" Both Lucy and Jaemin stare at each other before turning to me.

"Remember when I told you that there are two types of bad boys?" I nod my head. "Well that was partially a lie. Yugyeom is the third type of bad boy: he cheats and cheats and cheats. With every girl he ends up seeing always end up on his bed with him on top. After he's done playing with her, he moves on to the next."

"Is he at least considered kind hearted?" They both burst out laughing their asses off. "He's been called jerk-ass, dumbass, alluring pedophile, and all sorts of things, but nice and kind were never one of them."

"Do you know that though?" They both stare at me with confusion written all over their faces, "huh?" I roll my eyes, "but do you know he is what they say he is? Like has he ever been a jerk to you?"

"YeonA, he literally just called you out on your looks! In front of your own damn cousin! Who by the way can beat the shit and living soul out of him if he continued-"

"How do you know that?" I ask her. "Duh, because I was there when he said it-" I shake my head at her. "How do you know he actually can?"

Due to my observation, I can tell she's struggling to answer, almost like if she's hesitating.

"Girls! Food's ready," Jimin comes in with a tray of fresh cooked barbecue. I observe her actions and facial expression to see that she's relieved someone came in the right time.

Something suspicious is going on here and I'm not liking it. Whatever it is, I hope it's not anything dealing with gangs or the mafia because I will block every single person from my life.