Ch2. Think not Tink

YeonA's POV

"Where is this place?" I ask after a couple of minutes of eating dinner. "This is basically like my secret hideout," Jimin answers me, not sparing a glance at me.

"Aren't we suppose to have like a tour or something? I haven't seen Seoul in three years and I was kind of hoping to today," I inform, hoping to get the obvious message out.

"Well we still can," Jaemin and Jimin stare at each other before Jaemin continues, "but isn't it too late already?" I shake my head, "wasn't that the whole point? For me to go on a tour?"

"Well what's the rush?" Yugyeom suddenly includes himself in the conversation. "Pardon?" I ask in English.

"Why are you rushing to go on a tour?" It's not what he said but by how he said it that sets me off. His tone wasn't teasing or anywhere near curious but more of a "why the fuck would you want a tour you bitch-ass-face shorty?"

What a sudden turnout.

"I'm not rushing it-" he lets out a heavy and annoyed sigh, getting everyone's attention. "Why don't we go home for now and she can have her tour tomorrow?" Lucy suggests, breaking the tension.

"Sounds good to me," Jaemin and Jimin both agree while Yugyeom and Jungkook stay quiet. Jungkook looking unbothered while Yugyeom looks irritated.

Now what's his problem? Is he bipolar or something?

"Very well then-" Lucy claps her hands but gets interrupted by Jimin. "Jaemin, why don't you take the girls home? The boys and I need some men alone time."

Jaemin nods her head and instantly stands up, signalling for Lucy and I to do the same thing. "Isn't it a little too early to go home?" I question, stopping Jaemin from taking another step forward.

"Do you wanna go home now or sit here and talk about men and their orgasms?" I quickly shake my head and follow Jaemin outside the two bedroom house, follow by Lucy as she waves goodbye to the men.

"What was all that about?" Lucy asks as she steps beside me, referring to Yugyeom's sudden snap towards me. "He's probably just tired or something, nothing to worry about," Jaemin gives me a reassuring smile.

"You're making it seem like he's my boyfriend or something," I gag at the idea of having a bad boy as my boyfriend. "Who by the way is nowhere near my expectations."

"Oh and Jungkook is?" Jaemin teases, earning a playful glare from me. "In fact, yes. Jungkook reaches my expectations just perfectly." I roll my eyes at her and enter the car.


After school arrives the next day, I'm receiving a message as soon as I exit the last building. It's from Jimin and it says, "Go with Lucy and Yixing, you'll be attending a wedding of a close friend of mine."

I stare at the text longer than I intended to, not realising that someone's been calling my name for more then three times. So I look up from my phone and see Yixing, Lucy's oldest brother, making his way towards me.

"Yixing!" I joyfully swing my arms around his back as he does the same to me. "I haven't seen you in three years!" He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head, "I missed you too."

"Now come," he takes my backpack in his arms, "we'll be attending a wedding in about two to three hours from now," he shows me his famous smile and leads me to a very nice looking silver Camaro.

"Yo, three years ago you couldn't even own half the price of this. What do you work as?" He forces out a light and awkward laugh before signalling for me to get in.

"Yo, my bestie!" Lucy waves to me and I kindly accept with the same action, though with both hands. "So who's getting married?" I ask for the third time after getting myself comfortable in the back seat.

"One of my best friends. And the theme today is enchanted forest-"

"So I have to dress like Tinkerbell, got it-"

They literally took my joke too far that when I got to the salon, there was already a Tinkerbell's green dress just casually being displayed on a mannequin.

"You're joking right? I can't possibly wear this-"

"Oh no we're just kidding," one of the ladies laughs, "this is the dress picked out specifically for you." My eyes widen at the magnificent beautiful emerald gown.

The top of the dress is a full lace floral design that goes around the neck and sleeveless whereas in the bottom is plain emerald.

"This is my dress?" I was about to touch the silk when Lucy shakes her head. "This is actually my dress. But this one," the same lady brings out another mannequin, this time my eyes don't widen because of the dress but because of the v-line that reaches to the bottom of the breasts location, "is actually yours."

The only difference is that in the center between the bottom and the top has a silver-like belt with a floral design going around the waist.

I let out a laugh, "You must be joking with me- there is no way that I'm going to wear that! Heck I don't even think I can pull it off!"

Oh how wrong I was!