Sapphire A**

The rest of us blink and turn to stare at each other. Jimin decides to take the initiative by pointing out, "well if you're a friend of Jungkook then yeah-"

"She's not my-" Jungkook's voice is cut off by Minah placing her plate on the table and sitting down, right besides him. The atmosphere just got awkward.

"I don't have any of you for a class right?" She asks, staring at each ond of us but Jungkook. When her eyes reach me, I'm expecting her to remember me from first class. "Nope I don't," she says even after observing me.

Well duh because you were too busy admiring the man sitting right besides you.

I don't know if it's just me or not, but something about her seems oddly off. So with that in mind, I just turn to the boys. "Continue."

"I said what I needed to say," Taehyung sighs and tries his best not to show any negative expressions on his face as he avoids staring at the new face.

"Well I obviously am loving it. With one word I can get almost anyone in this cafeteria. With one simple word, any girl would come bowing at me. 'All hail Jimin! All hail Jimin!'" He chants enthusiastically.

"Are you some kind of king or something?" I ask, now wondering why we went straight to the tables and not the lunch lines. I clutch my stomach in pain as a low grumble. I mentally curse myself as Minah turns towards the defending sound, but shakes it away as I pay no mind to her.

"'Some kind'? Baby girl, I am a king-" Taehyung and I burst out laughing. Our laughter dies out in an instant by a frequently asked question, this time by the new face.

"Baby girl? Are you two dating?" Minah points to both Jimin and I, showing a sign of utterly confuse and a flash disgust quickly passes through her face as it disappears, along with her look of interest on us.

"We're cousins," I answer her. This conversation puts the atmosphere in an awkward tension yet again. Silence follows after silence and after silence.

Normally, we would have thousands among thousands of topics to talk about on a daily basis, but now that there's a new face, a suspicion one at that, it's quite difficult to choose a perfect - much less suitable - for this situation.

"Food anyone?" Three heads don't hesitate in following Jimin's actions as we all saunter towards the least busiest lunch line.

"Why is there a sudden new face at our table? Especially with Jungkook?" Jimin pulls us all into a small corner, whispering. "I think I saw her earlier in the hallways while I was going to my Forensic Science class," whispers Taehyung, taking a secret glance at the newcomer.

"Jungkook and I have her for first period, Criminal Justice." Their eyebrows raise in suspicion towards my new information. "You do?" Questions Lucy, "cause she said she doesn't have any of us for a class."

"Because she was too busy admiring the raven-headed man. She probably didn't notice me." Obviously I wasn't going to embarrass her. There wasn't a reason for me to and even if they didn't see it as an embarrassment, it's not a big deal for them to know.

"So what are we going to do-?"

"Yeah, what are you going to do?" We all scream a little by that sudden voice. We all turn to see Mrs. Taelah, Vice Principal, eyeing us closely while standing her guard.

"You all looked like you're planning a heist or something," she says, pointing to us all still huddling around. We notice and straighten our backs, clearing out throats and facing her. "We weren't planning on anything," Taehyung shakes his head at her.

"I hope that's true," she walks away, still keeping a closed eye on us. After she was out of hearing range, we all huddled in again, this time forming a line as we entered through one of the lunch lines.

"We shouldn't be making a big deal out of it," says Lucy with her confident voice. "She's probably just someone who's new and wants to make friends. We shouldn't suspect her of anything." After Lucy's statement, the topic about Minah drops completely.

None of us bringing it up again the rest of the day.


Five minutes before school ends I get called to the principal's office, Mrs. Taelah's to be exact. With the hundredth sigh today, I stumble into her office, already knowing the reason why I was called in.

"You know the drill," she apologetically smiles, giving me a notebook and a pen. Before leaving, Mrs. Taelah speaks in a low voice, not sparing me another glance as I could already tell what emotions are surfacing.

"One who doesn't want to listen and the other who doesn't try to." Those words are always the last words that circulates through my eardrums every time I exit her office.

At first, listening to those words left my ears like a train enters and exits a cave - leaving no trace of it ever being there. But as time passes by and I hear those words often these days, they start to leave burning coals inside the pits of my stomach, ready to erupt in flames.

Despite being in a list of new students this year, I've felt like my whole life has evolved ever since I met that grammar teacher slash everyday lesson giver slash feminist slash independent principal.

She knows so much about life and choices and the human language that can read almost anyone just by the body language. And I'm one of them.

So without exchanging any other words, I leave her office and make my way over to the library, where I was earlier today.

"In trouble again, Ms. Byun?" My eyes instantly land on a pair of rich emerald eyes. "Mrs. Shang," I innocently smile up at her before quickly walking away.

Mrs. Shang is a nice Chinese librarian with wrinkles on the corners of her big eyes, small squishy, heart-shaped lips, small nose, small ears, and very prominent cheekbones.

Mrs. Shang is the typical everyday librarian with reading glances located at the bridge of her nose, a plain colored cotton buttoned up loose shirt, high waisted plaided skirt, and a pair of plain colored pumps. Brown wavy hair. With her skin tone, her streaks of white hairs make them look like highlights under the burning sun's sensations.

She usually has a nice and calm demeanor unlike most elderly librarians you see either on tv or else where.

"Minah right?" A sudden conversation strikes up besides the aisle of books I'm in and I can't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's been so long since we last saw each other." I pull out a random book and secretly glanced through the open area to see a man of biceps staring closely at Minah, who's doesn't look like she's paying much attention.

"When did we meet?" She asks him, using her index finger to scan through the books on display. "At the CAHS club, last week." Stops in her tracks and turns around, eyes beaming and smile widening. "That was you?" Her tone is awfully bright and chiming that it somehow brightens up my mood.

"So you do remember," he says, taking a step closer to her. The corner of her lips curl up in a smirk as she mirrors his actions, both now standing face to face with just mere centimeters from contacting each other's skin.

"You know," she runs a finger seductively up his arm, tracing indistinctive patterns up his biceps until she stops at his shoulders in which she wraps her around around, bringing him down. "I would like to feel you stamina once again."

Her smirk widens as she leaves, having no clue that someone was spying on their dirty secret conversation.

"What an ass," I say as I see the irony in this situation. I shake my head and let out a bitterly laugh, placing the book back in its original position.