
Name? He doesn't have a name. He used to have one. But after so many years of not hearing it, he have eventually forgotten it. How many years has it already been when someone called him by his name? 14 years? 17? He was frustrated since he can't remember anything from his past anymore.

He only looked down at his feet feeling lost. What was he before? Who was he? He tried looking for answers but there was none.

As Nixel noticed how he suddenly looked like being troubled, he pulled him close by his waist, looking at him with a big smile. "No need to force yourself. I don't really care if you have a name or not." And with what Nixel had said, jungle boy pushed him as he felt this new feeling inside him. He was flustered and his cheeks started to burn.

Nixel chuckled at his sudden movement and standing up making the other guy get more cautious around him. He took a step forward and he flinched at Nixel's movement. Trying to ease the brown haired guy once again, Nixel took another step forward putting a strand of his hair behind his ear to see his face much more clearer.

He looked at Nixel with his green emerald orbs sucking Nixel deeper. "You..." Nixel started as he caress the other boy's face continuing to look at his eyes. Nixel was lost for words as he was also lost with the emerald eyes staring directly at him.

Nixel came back to his senses when the smaller guy flinched at him with how their skin have made contact, feeling the warmth of each other. He pulled apart from emerald eyed boy and looked at somewhere else to distract himself from this guy who's somehow making his feelings questionable.

Nixel coughed and sat back from the couch he was sitting and taking the laptop beside him to do his business again. But he just couldn't somehow to focus on what he was doing. Nixel couldn't help but distracted at how he was still standing and looking at Nixel with those emerald orbs of his.

This isn't helping at all. Nixel said to himself as he massaged the bridge of his nose looking back at the emerald green eyed boy who was wearing his clothes that just seem so sexy.

Wait. Wait. Did he just seriously think that he was sexy? No, it can't be. He was just messing around with Owen this whole time saying that he likes this guy and all but sexy? What made him think that he was sexy? That made him creeped out for a bit.

I pulled him down to the couch letting him sit down beside me which surely shook him. Dimming the lights made him a little bit jumpy and cautious, likely when I opened the television hanging in front of us. I went to Netflix and gave him the remote.

He looked back and forth at the remote and at the television and pressing the power off button made him look at Nixel with worried eyes but Nixel only giggled at his reaction. He pressed the power button once again and was relieved when it turned on, he gave back the remote to Nixel, worried that he might actually get mad the second time he does it again.

Nixel ruffled his hair and went back to Netflix once again and picked something that Nixel thinks he would love and have decided to just go with Tarzan which was filmed way back in 1999.

I forgot that the volume was on max, that's why he looked so shocked and scared when the first part of Tarzan, the Disney castle, the intro was shown.

"Oops." I muttered to myself, lowering the volume as I chuckle at how he was eager to watch it. I put my focus back at my work once again and let him watched beside me like a little kid.

We were like that for 45 minutes and when I decided to rest my eyes. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and snacks for the both of us and going back to the living room, I saw how his eyes sparkle at the seen where Tarzan and Jane are almost kissing. My smile got wider when I went near to him.

He wasn't fazed by my presence since he was so into the movie. I opened a biscuit and offered it to him. He looked at me and at the biscuit that I was offering, he looked hesitant at first but he took it after quite some time. When we placed our eyes back at the screen, Jane and Tarzan was already kissing.

I saw how he blushed at the scene burying his face slightly onto his knees as he hugged them tight. I bit my bottom lip, taking his chin which he had rested on his knee with my right hand. I looked at his lips and smirked.

"Do you perhaps know how to kiss?" I asked him straight to the point which just made his face much more heated up. He looked down and shook his head vigorously. Seeing how his face reddened until to his ear made me feel something inside me.

"Well, I do." I told him and I saw how his eyes widened. I closed the distance between us until I can finally feel the hot breath he was releasing from his mouth. I looked to his eyes that just continues to devour me every now and then but I stopped when the lights have suddenly turned on and there was Owen looking at us.

I clicked my tongue with how he cutted us when it was already going good. "Your lips didn't perhaps touched or anything now, did it?" He looked haggard as he asked us and he pushed me away as his face continues to reddened running to the bathroom where he washed up earlier.

"No." I answered as I continue to glare at him.

"Good." Owen said and as soon as I heard him say that I flinched.

"Good? How was that good, Owen? We almost kissed and you've decided to interrup—" I was taken aback when I saw how he raised his eyebrow at me mocking me with how he mimics my voice.

"I don't swing that way, Owen."

Seeing him smirk only made me groan out of frustration as I ran my hands through my black locks. Remembering what just happened a little while ago and what could've happened if Owen here didn't interrupted them.

Hearing how the bathroom clicked open, Nixel looked at him who was still red probably because of what happened earlier. When their eyes met, he looked down going back to his seat but before he could do so, Owen grabbed him by the wrist making him shot daggers at him. While Nixel somewhat felt unpleasant when he saw how Owen touched him.

"Wait, you cut your hair?" Owen asked and before he could touch his hair. Nixel grabbed him away from Owen, looking dark at Owen.

Owen raised both of his hands high up in the air as a sign of giving up. He felt how his body tensed as he could feel scared with the expression his boss was making.

"Sorry." Owen told Nixel, whose face has now softened as he caress the blushing brown haired boy.

Remembering something from his past as he looks as these two made his heart ache. Removing all of those thoughts away from his mind, he looked at them once again and smiled but it faded when he remembered how he saw them almost kissing. He wants his boss to be happy but his health comes first.

Owen coughed to get their attention but was too busy from being all lovey dovey. He called Nixel's named and looked at him with full threat. Owen couldn't help but frown at him. "No need to look at me like that, I don't have any intention of taking him away from you."

He furrowed his brows more while I crossed my arms at him, raising a brow. He sighed and have finally let go of the guy which was smaller than him by probably 7 inches.

"Look, I don't really care if you're straight or gay—"

"I'm not." Nixel contradicted. I snort and laughed at his retort. That's what he says. "Why in the fuck are you laughing, Owen? Stop it."

"If you say so." I said and continued laughing for another 2 minutes. I stopped when I could finally feel my jaw and cheeks hurting from the burst of laughter. "But yeah, gay or not. I don't care. The first thing you have to do is get him checked if he have HIV or not. Any disease? Etcetera." I told him and as I looked at the other guy who is now watching Tarzan? Did Nixel just seriously made him watch Tarzan? I'm speechless.

"That's it? And after that, you won't interrupt us anymore?" He reassured.

"Yeah. You can kiss him any day, if he is negative to all test we're going to do to him. Deal?" I smiled at Nixel who was gritting on his own teeth and said,
