
Nixel groaned as he watched how his green emerald boy sleeps soundly on his bed. Trying to resist him from hugging or any physical contact.

It has already been a week and almost a half when Nixel decided to give him some test and it has also been a week and almost a half since the last time he touched him. Nixel was itching himself to hug him or just simply touch him.

He can't touch his hand nor ruffle his hair. In fact, he was with Owen almost the whole day going shopping. The secretary himself said that it's best if he goes with him so he can keep an eye on both the two of them but Nixel on the other was already getting impatient and irritated.

He wants this to be done already.

Everytime he comes home, he's either too tired to do anything with him or talking with Owen. I mean, he can touch when Owen is not around but just recently, Owen found out that he can actually understand them and could even respond by either nodding or shaking his head. If so Owen asks his emerald boy if Nixel touched him, he could easily detain him somewhere where Nixel couldn't find him.

He was so eager for it to end already but as those days pass by Nixel couldn't help but get troubled by his own feelings. Why was he like this? To him who in fact he just met a week and a half ago? He doesn't even know his name and where he came from.

Nixel thought of doing an investigation of him but somewhere inside him felt sour and bitter. He started overthinking stuff, what if he hated him after knowing that Nixel invaded his own privacy? Or worse, he'll pick Owen than Nixel more? He hated the idea of him being away from him.

As Nixel sighed as he turns his back away from him, closing the door shut. Jungle boy opens his eyes as he looks at the door that just got closed right now. He pouted and felt sad for a moment. He missed Nixel. He missed bonding with Nixel and how they used to have fun. How he wish that this test would end up quickly already.

Closing his eyes again as he fell into deep slumber.

The next day came pretty quick and the sunshine was hitting his face slightly at the corners of the curtain. He wiped his eyes before standing up and going to the bathroom to do his morning routines.

Washing his face up, looking at the mirror, he reminisced how his past few days had went. It was awful. Each time he goes out with Owen just wears him out. First they go to the hospital which the Rossi family is also in charge of to check up on him then next they either go shopping and stuff.

It's not like he's complaining, he actually enjoys it. But as the day comes to an end, he flops onto the bed and sleeps. He tried waiting for Nixel but completely failed.

Just yesterday, they went to a salon to fix the haircut he did to himself and it was great. Though, the way he protected his bangs was quite of a war. It was charades and years before they could finally figure out to let out some strands of his hair as bangs. In all honesty, it did fit him.

Next, they went to an arcade to play and Owen keeps on winning over him but he after a few more tries, he finally won over Owen. In those days he finally opened up to Owen and the same goes for Owen.

Although, the first time he went outside with alot of people gathered around made him uncomfortable until now but Owen could tell that he was improving. He was a fast to adapt at stuff and his environment.

As he finished doing his daily routine, he went outside and just like before he found food on the table and a note saying that Nixel had already left. He felt sad of course. Ever since that day, Nixel started avoiding him. But he can't do anything since it's also for him. He couldn't help but sigh and eat the food that was especially made for him at the least that made him happy.

A food just exactly made for him by Nixel.

He was giggling like a little kid as he chews on his food and suddenly the main door to Nixel's suite opened making him jump. It was no other than Owen. It was always like this every morning but he still couldn't get used to it.

"Morning, Green." Owen greeted him and he smiled at him.

Green was a nickname he made for him since his eyes were as green as an emerald, it was amazing. No cap. As Owen took a toast from the plate, he sat beside Green, as what Owen calls him, and look thoroughly for their schedule this day and what caught his attention is something that his boss and Green would surely love. He smiled at that thought.

"Green, are you ready?" He asked Green who was happily nodding at him. "You should be, it's the last day of your check-up." I told him and I saw how Green's eyes sparkled at what he had heard.

"Yes, yes. You can finally go lovey dovey with Nixel, the idiot who in is in fact my boss, again." The browned haired guy showed him a very energetic wide smile as he finishes his breakfast, hurrying to put clothes on and pulling Owen out of the house so they can finally end this day.

As for Nixel, he doesn't apparently know what's ahead of him this day. As per usual he looks at the reports that his employees give and would check on what they are up to. Just this morning as he was riding the elevator he heard that one of the board of directors will be throwing a party, not that he cares just as long they can do their job well.

He looks at the time and sighed as he lean on his swivel chair looking at the view from his office out from the big glass window behind his desk. He can perfectly see the building where he lives, his suite in short.

Although it is quite far from his company, he can still see the top of it and the tinted windows of his suite which is located at the very upper floor in the building.

Looking back at his computer as he browse at the files on his desk, a notification popped, a reminder from Owen to Nixel on what he should be doing in this very moment. Nixel pouted at the thought of Owen and his baby having a fun time together while he works his ass off. Even just for a minute they could drop by in his office so he can atleast see the person he adores.

Yes, Nixel adores him. It took him quite some time to swallow his pride but still denies that he's not gay and obviously not feeling for a romantic relationship with the kid. Watching the clock tick by, Nixel heard a knock on the door and had his hopes up but frowned to see it was just one of his employees.

"What?" He asked him darkly making the employee shake in fear.

"S-Sir." The employee stuttered trying to get all of his power to talk right and give the files that his department manager told him to. "Files!" He squeaked at the boss, making Nixel's brows furrow more.

The employee was near already tearing up and Nixel sighed removing all the thoughts inside his head, "Put it here." He told him and as soon as the employee placed the portfolio in his desk he went running out from his office.

Was I really that scary? I'm pretty sure that I'm handsome to make them go weak on their knees, not because I'm terrifying. Nixel asked himself as browse through the portfolio in their department. It was pretty good.

After browsing to some of the company's files, Nixel decided to get a coffee in the company's lounge area. A few employees were there and they greeted him as he walks inside. Some even offered that they'll just get the coffee for him but Nixel insisted to get his own.

Everyone inside the company was confused. Owen was pretty popular in the company since he was very friendly and second, he talks to every employee regarding the matter of the business said by the boss and of course, lastly, he is indeed a head turner. They rarely see Nixel go out of his office except when he wants to check on them or ask how's work's doing. Other than that, no interaction was said to be done.

Nixel isn't really strict and scary. In fact, he gets along with them pretty well. Only if you talk to him personally. He's also jolly which makes it easier for them to talk to except when he's at work. Work Nixel and Personal life Nixel is different as if they're two different persons.

Owen is used to it. If only their employees know that Nixel their boss is also as childish as a kindergarten. They would make a mockery out of him. Goodbless you, Owen, who just sneezed because we are talking about you.

Walking back to his office made him stop from his tracks when he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. It was Trisha Baranov, the girl he ditched last week ago. Not that he cares.

"Nixel, you jerk!" Trisha shouted earning gasps and murmurs from the crowd.

After all, it was said that the Trisha Baranov, an known celebrity, was dating Nixel Rossi, a known CEO in the field of business and also an actor, for two whole months. In short they used to have some history. They were the talk of the whole country for two months straight.

"Trisha." He called for Trisha who is now ready to punch Nixel in the face.

"You were IA for atleast how many days now. I couldn't even reach you on your phone. After ditching me this and that." She ranted with her brows furrowed which Nixel finds cute but now is not the time for him to adore someone, most likely if it's Trisha, his friend with benefits and ex.

"What do you want?" Nixel groaned and continued walking back to his office with Trisha tagging along with him beside his left.

"What? I can't check up on you every once in a while as friend? Without any sex involved?" She sarcastically asked him, opening the door leading inside Nixel's big ass office.

Putting down the coffee on his desk, he didn't answered and batted an eye on Trisha that just made her much more frustrated. "Anyway, there's this new scandal going around that involved you and me." Trisha started, placing her sling Gucci bag on the couch.

"A paparazzi, unfortunately, saw us in the car doing something magical."

"That's our business, not theirs."

"Hello, paparazzi. Ever heard of them? And most likely, fans."

"Don't really care." Nixel flatly said, sipping from his coffee as he continue to do his work. Trisha groaned and mimicked what Nixel had just said now.

"You don't care but I do. My manager is going to kill me." She dramatically said, looking at the photos displayed on the shelf. "But whatever, it'll pass." Soon.

Getting bored and all. Trisha went to Nixel's desk and watched as how he push himself to work and at the big window that until now still amazes her. Looking at her watch, she smiled. "Get up." Trisha ordered Nixel with furrowed brows.


"I said get up, we're eating lunch!"

"I'll pass—"

"And I don't take 'no' as answer. So come along now." She said, dragging Nixel along with her.

With that being said, Nixel couldn't do anything but just to get dragged by her out of his office to her favorite restaurant. Owen's going to kill him when he finds out he ditched work but he's the boss.

Owen, on the other hand, is now eating ice cream with Green who is also getting dragged by him to the arcade. "Green," Owen panted looking haggard. "We've been running inside the mall for hours now and we're back inside the arcade. What next?" Knowing he won't get an answer he still asked him otherwise.

The green eyed boy nudged Owen to play with him with the claw machine. This is now their 458th time this whole and a half week. Out of all those attempts, both of them still managed to fail. It was hard and it was obviously a scam. The claw machine is a scam or they just really suck at it.

The browned haired boy placed a token in whilst rolling his eyes as he groans. He focused on his target and pressed the red button. The claw went down on this really big panda, Owen looked hopeful for a second when it went up with the claw but it faded when it fell, receiving nothing.

Owen patted his shoulder and said, "This is scam, Green. Let's just go after this, okay?" He told him and with sad face, Green nodded at him.

Putting a token inside, Owen pushed his glasses up to see the view much more clearer, he focused and when he was about to press the red button, a pair of small delicate hands held his. His breathing tensed when he felt contact, he immediately pulled away but the guy who was holding his hand started moving it and said, "Is that the thing you want?" He looked at Green who nodded at him with a big smile on his face.

It can't be him. Why is he here? Pushing the red button, the panda that they were aiming for got clawed and went down. Green gasped and immediately took the reward out from the machine with his twinkling eyes.

He looked at the guy who helped them and smiled. The blue eyed guy took a step backward before looking down on his feet saying, "Hey there." He greeted him.

Owen getting back to his senses, he checked to see who it was and he was right. Those familiar blue eyes and his golden locks. It is him. "Erik." Owen muttered under his breath with pure horror plastered on his face.

"Hey, Owen." Erik greeted back with a small smile. "I, uh, saw you in the party last week ago. Fancy meeting you here." Erik continued but Owen couldn't respond he was still in the state of shock.

"Who's he? A friend of yours?" He asked and Owen snapping back. He nodded slowly at him. Erik looking at him knowing that his might cross the line he still dared to ask, "Um, well," He trailed off, picking on his fingers. He tried opening his mouth but pursed it tight instead.

Owen's frows furrowed at him. Wanting to know what he was about to say. When he was about to ask him, his phone suddenly started ringing. Owen excused himself to answer it.

"Mr. Owen Carter, the results from the tests is now here. You can go here anytime, just letting you know."

"Thank you, doc. We'll be there in a bit."

"Okay, sure thing, Carter."

The doctor said before ending the call. I looked at the smiling Green and tapped his shoulder. I bid goodbye to Erik but he stopped me. "Are you sick?" He asked.

I sighed, removing his hands gripping onto my wrist. "Nope. It's his appointment." I said, pointing at Green who just specifically don't really care what's happening right now. And then, I left him relieving the pain and annoyance inside me.

Going inside the car, I started the engine and started huffing breaths. With a tap on my back, I looked at Green who was wearing this really worried look and I smiled. "I'm fine. It's your doctor, he said we can get the results."

Hearing the word 'result' made him much more happier for this day. Finally, after long week of waiting, it's finally here.

"Let's go?" Owen asked him and with a simple nod they went driving to the hospital.

Back in the company where Trisha still continues to bother Nixel with this big mouth of her, gossiping how this and that are happening. "Seriously, I still can't believe you left me with Mr. Wilson though."

"Mr. Wilson?"

"Yeah! The teacher."

"You hate him? I hate him too." I frankly told her making Trisha jump on her own feet towards my direction.

"Oh my gosh. Really? I hate him too! We really are bestfriends after all!" She squealed right into my ear.

"Trisha, enough." Having enough with this girl for this whole day makes my ear bleed. Why did I even became friends with her in the first place? My head hurts from all the screams and squeals she does every single second. "Trisha, I swear to—"

Suddenly I got cut off when the door swung open revealing Owen and him. I tried stopping myself from hugging in this very second. I never felt this happy seeing Owen with him. I tried giving signals to take Trisha away from this office but it wasn't working.

"Hello, Owen, first time seeing you for this day." Trisha greeted coming forward to them. My eye twitched when I saw how she holds his hand. "And who might this fellow be?" She seductively said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Slamming my hands on my desk shook everyone. "Jeez, Nixel, what in the hell is your problem?"

"Get off him." I hissed at her going nearer to their direction.

"What?" She asked sounding confused.

"I said get off him."

Trisha did what I've told her and raised a brow at me. "Don't tell, the reason why you haven't been seeing me for this past week was because of your new boy toy? I didn't know you swi—"

"He's not my boy toy." I darkly told her, noticing how she tensed up with how I intimidating I said it.

"Really now? Then what's it to you if touch like this?" Trisha teased as she pulls him to a hug and started putting her mouth near to his.

"Trisha." I warned her and we looked at each other's eyes and before I knew it, she was already laughing on the floor.

"Goodness, the look on your face is priceless. Chill, Nixel, I'm not taking him away from you." She told me and continued laughing as she holds her stomach. "Who are you even for Nixel Rossi to act like that?" She asked him but she didn't got an answer.

I massaged my temples and turned to look at Owen. "Owen, I thought you were going to do something for this day. Why are you here?"

"Oh, about that. I finally got the results, here." He handed me in the results and I immediately checked the papers each and every detail but all of it was negative. I bit my lip refraining myself from smiling.

Pulling him to a hug. "I missed you." Tightly hugging him as I put my head onto the crook of his neck.

"Owen, who's he?" Trisha asked Owen as the two of them watched hugging each other. Owen sighed and told Trisha the full details on what exactly happened after they ditched her and her sister. She does in fact need an explanation.

"So, that's why. Didn't know he swings that way."

"Don't really care." Owen blurted and Trisha couldn't help but nod and agree with him. "Same, same."

Being the Trisha she is, she smirked going to interrupt their lovey dovey moment. "Hey." Trisha waved at the emerald eyed boy and he smiled.

Holding both of his two hands, she asked him, "What's your name?" With a really big smile on her face.

"Jungle boy." "Green."

Nixel and Owen said in unison. Nixel looked at Owen with cold eyes with brows furrowed. "You call him Green?"

"What? You call this lovely fellow 'Jungle boy' and 'Green'? How dare you do that?" Trisha asked them with pure horror. She can't believe this. In that one week, they called him jungle boy and green? What nonsense.

"We don't know his name since he can't speak." Owen explained.

"But that doesn't leave the fact that you call him Green, Owen."

"It's nothing personal, sir."


"Enough. Both of you." Trisha stopped those two silly friends. Looking at this tall guy with brown locks. "You can understand us but you can't speak? Really? Then what's one plus one?" She said holding up both of a finger in both of her hands.

Owen groaned. "Trisha, as I've told you befo—"


The boy said, shocking Owen and Nixel. While as for Trisha, she is now simping on the voice of his.

"Wait, he can speak?" Owen told himself with his jaw falling off.

"Jumping into conclusions yourself. Anyway, knowing that you can speak. What's your name?" Trisha asked him once again but he only looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say.

Trisha held his chain high up. "Don't sulk now. Let's just give you a name then. With these emerald eyes of yours, you shouldn't really sulk. They're pretty!" Trisha jumped in joy.

Nixel moving forward, tucking a hair behind his ear.


"No, Trisha. What are you saying?"

"Names, Owen. I'm thinking about names."

"Erold." Nixel said as he pulls him close by his waist. "What do you think?" Nixel asked him and the other two in the background agreed but asked why and how he though of Erold.

Erold, a new named specie, only blushed and looked at him in the eye as Nixel gets captured deep once again. He told him,

"Your eyes do really captivate me, Erold."