
In front of a small shop, three teenagers and a man with a cat in his hand were talking. 

"Thank you for finding my cat. As promised, I will give you this Potion."

"Received 'Mana Replenishing Potion'!"

"30 EXP gained!"

Two screens were displayed in front of Rewen's eyes.

"Thank you, Good Sir." He smiled, then walked away from the shop along with Sam and Vinia.

"Are you done?" Sam asked with a tired voice. "We have been walking all day. The sun is about to go down. Let's go home."

Vinia also agreed. "Yes. It's getting late."

"I was planning to do that anyway." Rewen had a good harvest today. He had completed three "Lost Items" quests which had given him three Mana Replenishing Potions as well as 90 EXP in total.


[1500 EXP gained!]

"You have gained a 'Middle-Silver Ranked Unnamed Spear!'


Stage: Rank 2 Upper Grade (2387/8000)

Proficiency: 53.601%

Expertise: Spear