
My name is Famin. An orphan with no surname.

I didn't know that I was one. Growing up in an orphanage, I always took the caretaker as my mother. That is until the day my fellow seniors in the orphanage thought I was too dumb and showered me with the cold hard truth.

I felt lost. Disappointed. 

When I woke up the next day, I thought I got over it.

But some of the unwillingness to accept the truth remained. 

As time passed, I got even more insecure about it. My fellow seniors "teased" me about it. I had always wondered how they were any different from me. Was it their confidence? Attitude? Or were they too insecure that they need someone to vent their feelings on?

I was four years old back then. A boy with stars in his eyes and naivety all over the face. I wouldn't consider me from that time as cute but I was passable. Although my fellow seniors seem to disagree. I met one of them a few days ago and asked for the reason they "teased" me.