First prototype

Its been a few weeks and I have been becoming the prank terror of the mansion. After some fun Force training I asked father if he could buy me some materials so that I could work on a project.

He agreed on the condition that I stop pranking him to death. After my materials arrived I began my work secluded in my room. I spent a good part of my week trying to work on making miniature chips that can help with the programming.

The tech in this universe is advanced sure bit it seems to be way to bulky for my tastes. I decided to try to make all my components as small and compact as I could so that I can ensure both functionality and mobility.

after a month of work I finally got the chips to be an appropriate size. I then began on creating the wiring. this would allow for energy to travel throughout the device. after a few days of work I decided to then work on the casing for the device.

The device was shape like a doughnut the size of a table. It had a large hole in the center that was big enough to be a hoola hoop. Afterwards I created a twin and then added a bunch of other things that would allow it to function.

The next issue was power.*Hey SAM, how many points do I have now?*(At the moment, 7450)*Wait, how did I get that much*(It was earned through the accumulation of knowledge and the training in the Force that added to the total.)*So I can earn points by training and learning new things, interesting.*(You can also gain points by inventing your own technology without the assistance of blueprints.)

*Makes sense, so it would be more profitable if I ask for the knowledge of technology instead of asking for a blueprint.*(You can buy blueprints of things that have been invented and designed by someone else. the consequence is that you won't accumulate points by constructing it. However, if you apply knowledge into your own ideas and designs you can gain a substantial amount of points.)

*Very well, I would like to see the price of arch reactor tech knowledge for the MCU from Iron Man.*(The price for that technology alone is 5000 points, would you like to purchase?)* Yes*(Purchasing..purchase complete...downloading into host...downloading... downloading complete. Thank you for your purchase.)

With that a few flashes of theories and concepts flow through my mind. After it was complete I began sketching and preparing my own version of the arc reactor. Note that all I had were theories and ideas so I had to start from scratch in creating my own instead of copying someone elses work.

I spent the whole night working on the rough sketch and it was complete. it looked like a dodecahedron instead of Iron Mans traditional circle or triangle. That's because each side of the arch reactor is actually its own individual arch reactor connected to each other at the center. This allows for more power than the traditional arch reactor.