It has been two months since they started their first year at Hogwarts and it was going very smoothly. Harry had never imagined in his wildest dreams a normal Hogwarts term, even for a week. Harry and Hermione searched for a week on the topics that they would like to study and learn while everyone else was wasting away the time in a blissful environment. The weekends were for them to chill out, Harry being with Daphne for the whole time and Hermione exploring Hogwarts with her friends. Hermione had begin to make friends with children from hufflepuff and ravenclaw. Her hiding her brilliance had been a great boon in her making friends.

Harry and hermione, after much deliberation had chosen Healing as the first topic they were to master alongside their studies. They had already made their way to the infirmary and talked to madam Pomfrey about becoming her apprentices and she was happy to give them approval. It had been nearly fifteen years since someone had taken a interest in healing before they passed their OWL's. They were asked to come to the infirmary everyday for one hour after classes so that madam Pomfrey could teach them basic healing spells like cleaning the wounds, concussions and burn marks.

Hermione had already taken out at least ten books containing everything for a wizard to start on the path of healing. Hermione had already, successfully, practiced and performed almost fifteen basic healing spells. It was then that Harry remembered what Hagrid had spoken to the group of Harry, Hermione and Ron in their second year when Draco had called Hermione a mudblood and things had heated up to the point that Ron was spitting slugs from his mouth for two days. Hagrid had always been a simple guy, speaking without a speck of lie. Hagrid had said that " there is not a single spell made that Hermione cannot perform".

Harry himself had made great efforts in not just the actually practicing of spells but also the theory behind it. In his previous time, most of the spells he was proficient at like the disarming charm, the patronus etc. were learned by him by being exposed to strong emotions and though they were powerful it was extremely limiting his arsenal to be used against anyone deadly. His final fight had been made possible due to Voldi's wand not responding to his magic and extreme luck and he did not wish to be so unready again.

Once they had settled down and Harry and Hermione were sitting in an empty classroom practicing healing and bruising spells on each other for extra practice because even if there were injuries every day at Hogwarts it was still not enough for them to get enough practice to have a mastery over the basics. Once the practice was over Harry informed Hermione about voldemort still being alive and how he was involved in a prophecy and if he does not stop him there would be countless deaths and terror.

Harry had waited until they settled down to inform her, as he hoped that she get a good feel for magic before he asks her if she would like to be even remotely involved with this dangerous task. In the previous lifetime they had fallen into unstoppable circumstances such that they had to stop Voldi's dangerous plans by going through deadly tasks every year but now that he knew Voldi's biggest secret in advance he did not have to go through unnecessary troubles but it will still be dangerous if they were going to do it by themselves without much commotion.

Upon hearing everything that Harry had just informed her she grew silent, after taking a few breaths she asked harry on what was his plans to tackle the situation, because so far Harry always had a plan and if she was being informed of this then he already had a rough idea of what they were to do. Harry informed her that the scar was a connection between him and Voldi and for the past week it has been hurting everytime they were in the defense against the dark arts class and especially when he is in close proximity with professor Quirrell.

He informed her of his suspicions that Quirrell was either working for Voldi or that he was being possessed by Voldi. It took Hermione a minute to process the information, she took out a parchment wrote down the possibilities of them outsmarting a teacher so that they could form clear steps of action. She was sure that harry would not speak such concern to her if it was not serious and being cautious was her nature so when her friend was in literal danger of death then the first thoughts were not self protection but rather a plan of attack.

As harry took time to access the path that they had followed in their first year in the previous timeline he understood the utter stupidity in it and it all began with the petty thoughts that Ron and other gryffindors had placed in his heads since the beginning of the term which had lead to them being overly suspicious of professor Snape and the idea that he was hell bent on destroying the wizarding world to bring back his old master.

Last time they had foolishly wasted precious time in searching for something that they had no business looking into, got Hermione involved with the stupidity for a chance of fighting with Draco, again caused by Ron's overly inflamed pettiness, followed by making a possible accomplice of Hagrid, a person who has already been to azkaban once, and then not trusting their teachers and Dumbledore enough to protect against someone who was not even close to his magical peak. These set of decisions in their first year had lead him to be alone in an underground secret room with potentially the most dangerous dark wizard in Britain's magical history, while he was a first year student with no idea of the magical world before he got his Hogwarts letter.

Hermione informed Harry that there was definitely something that Voldi wanted to gain so that he could increase his power once again and if they were to take all the information and signs around them since the term began only one announcement was odd, Dumbledore's announcement at the start of term banquet, so if they were to follow it they could get to the bottom of Voldi is after. Harry was slumped at how quickly she had made out the plans they spent most of the year coming up with, but he also felt helpless that like last time she had suggested going after trouble by themselves which was not something he wished for.

Harry told Hermione that they are to leave this to the school and under no circumstance should they even go close to whatever it was on the third floor corridor. For extra precautions he suggested no more evening rendezvous to anywhere including the library for the remainder of the year. They were to always be with one other student during the day to day classes, go to the infirmary together and return back to the common room before six in the evening. During weekends they were to cease all activities by five and return back, they could have their dinner in the common room by asking the elves in the kitchen.

Harry informed Hermione that he was being this careful because he did not wish any of them to get involved even remotely and they should leave these matters to the staff. He also explained that he wished for them to get fully prepared before they go out to fight his fights, while they are still being protected in the safety of Hogwarts and their teachers.