We all gathered around the fireplace to prepare for the trip to diagon alley. The first experience Harry ever had of the floo network was somewhat of a shock. If Hagrid had not found him that day roaming around in the knockturn alley then he would surely have placed himself in a lot of trouble being as naive as he had been.

This time around he knew not to commit the same mistake so when it was his turn to go and Mrs. Weasley was explaining the rules in a hurry expecting him to already be aware of this mode of transport he waited patiently and let her finish. Harry then took a handful of the floo powder and went inside the fireplace while saying DIAGON ALLEY in a loud clear voice. The next moment harry arrived at the bustling seen of the vibrant Diagon Alley.

Yesterday night he had discussed with the Weasley's on how he will be spending his time in the Alley. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were sure to be busy with buying stuff for Ginny's first year, the twins were off with their hefty purse to buy weird things for themselves and surprise things for their sister, Ron was going to meet the Gryffindor boys to hang out, and I was going to meet the Greengrass at Gringotts.

After everyone had arrived, Mrs. Weasley gave us a time to gather back and asked us to be careful before heading off with Ginny and Mr. Weasley into the crowd. I made my way to Gringotts to complete some basic procedures with the goblins before the arrival of Greengrass family.

As usual the grandeur of the place was second only to the castle of Hogwarts. This time I went straight to the head teller and had no need to reintroduce myself as Hermione has been in frequent enough contact with the goblins on my behalf and the goblin king himself had ordered them to help me. The head teller knew the need to keep our transactions, conversations and my identity a secret and hence he directed me towards a door through his eyes and made no further conversation pretending to once again continue with his work.

I seated myself and called for Dobby. Dobby as usual was overly enthusiastic on seeing me and began rambling about how he had completed all the tasks that were given to him by master Harry potter sir. He reported that aside from Kreacher in the Grimmauld place he had not found any living elf in the two other mansions of the black family estate. Kreacher had also seemed very surprised when he felt someone added to the family magic with such a strong control but did not leave right away to meet so as not to be away from his mistress.

When Dobby had shown up claiming to have a letter and instructions from the new family heir Kreacher had believed him but was reluctant to hand over the locket which was supposed to be the task given by the young master Regulus. Dobby did not wish to force him seeing his condition and thus waited until harry gave the next order.

The Malfoy's also had tried summoning Dobby many a times over the month but due to Harry's order Dobby was safe. When he had not heard from his new master for over a month, he became concerned that Harry has starting to have second doubts and did not want him anymore and hence he was so happy when he was summoned today and this was also the reason why he began listing his accomplishments so as to prove his worth.

Harry gave a bit of praise to the elf and informed him that he was sad to do it but he cannot yet openly have Dobby around him and that Dobby will have to wait a couple more years. Dobby was thankful. Harry informed Dobby that he will have certain tasks to fulfil in the upcoming year and he will not be able to meet with him more often.

Dobby enthusiastically listened to his instructions. Harry informed him that he will have to be now responsible for the withdrawal of any money that harry needs and coordinate with the goblins. He will have to use the wealth in going around the different magical communities around the world and collect rare tomes and books from places that cannot be used by fair trade. He will have to find the list of people that have a good moral compass and are somewhat in the advanced fields like alchemy, medical, curse breaker or such professions and sort out the ones that could be employed by the Potter and Black family as their own.

He will also have to find ways to remove the Portrait of Sirius's mother from the Grimmauld place and see if he can placate the behaviour of Kreacher in the coming year or two. Harry informed him that he knows its a hefty undertaking completing so many tasks but he will give Dobby access to the full income of his as well as a time of two years.

Dobby understood his tasks and gave his assurance for their satisfactory completion and stood behind Harry as he was not yet dismissed. After ten minutes in the room the head teller strolled inside and sat down after greeting Harry. Harry was a given a basic rundown of the finances in the past year and his expenditures. The amount he spent on the twins or Hermione was negligent compared to what they earned from the sales of JOKER and now that it had become completely operated by the Goblins they just had to sit back and enjoy profits in the upcoming years.

Harry informed the head teller of him taking in Dobby as his personal elf and that he will now have the authority to withdraw funds without requiring his express permission. The head teller was surprised because even if it was common to use elves for transactions it was always under express authority of the master in the form of a letter or their personal presence but it was his first time witnessing someone giving his elf the authority in full.

After some thinking he understood that the boy now sitting in front of him could not be judged normally as he recalled the absurd promise Harry had made their king. Harry also asked him that he should now inform the Malfoy's that the Black family heir has broken their hold of Dobby and he is now the personal elf to the heir and they no longer need to worry. He was shocked thinking of the possibilities of this but agreed and that concluded their meeting.

Harry knew this was going to create a large ripple in the magical world considering that the historic Black family which had been empty since the last war finally had someone at the helm and he was unknown to boot.

Harry then asked for a private room for meeting with the Greengrass and was quickly shown towards the room by the head teller who assured him the Greengrass will be informed of where to meet him.

Harry finally gave Dobby the permission to leave while reminding him once again to follow his instructions and not answer the summons of anyone other than him and if someone finds him through kreacher he can cast them out of the Grimmauld place with his authority and he has no obligation to act cordial to them. Dobby once again reassured him and vanished from his spot.

Harry relaxed and waited for his fiancée to arrive