Hogwarts Express 2

The train ride to Hogwarts began with me and Hermione discussing about the holidays.

She spent the holidays enjoying with her parents. The friends she made during the year were in constant contact with her via owl letters. Her studying also improved significantly since the mental stress decreased. She was very excited to show me the notes she had compiled on the various healing spells that we were supposed to study theoretically during our vacation.

I also retold my experience with the Weasley family during the vacation. She was not surprised that I would go and spend the holidays with the Weasley's considering our friendship with the twins. Me being unable to come out in the open to deal with goblins had led to Hermione being burdened with interacting and communicating between the twins and the goblins. The success of Joker was fully the genius of twins and hard work of Hermione.

She was surprised when I told her how Ron behaved while I was staying with the Weasley's. We both had the impression that he was nothing short of a loose cannon and any association with him would lead to us being troubled unnecessarily.

The next thing I told her was the reveal of the Black Heir. She was worried, which was clearly visible on her face but she still gave me a reassuring smile and supported my plans. Her confidence in me was something that gave me the most assurance. Even after confidently carrying out my plans, somewhere deep inside I was worried if it was still too early and if something would go horribly wrong. Her smile eased my worries.

Because we had been keeping minimal contact during the holidays, there was much to discuss and plan for the upcoming year. This break was a necessity for both of us. It was not just me who was constantly on edge the last couple of years, Hermione was just as busy if not more. While I could not do many things out in the open it was her who had to work extra hard. This break gave us a much-needed reset.

In our first year we had focused on healing as our secondary subject. During the holidays Hermione had asked me to brush up on the theory about ancient runes and arithmancy. For this year we were going to focus on offensive and defensive spells. I had not revealed about the chambers to Hermione yet. This time I hoped for her to be safe and not go running around endangering herself while trying to crack the code.

The reason we had decided to focus on these types of spells was due to the free time we will be having due to the incompetence of our new defence against the dark arts teacher. I had already explained to Hermione how Lockhart was so self-obsessed with himself that even if he was a great wizard, he would not be a great teacher. This was enough for her to lose interest in him.

In the previous timeline Hermione had been blinded by not just his looks and smiles but also the marvellous feats that he had achieved while travelling and exploring. Hermione had been of the mindset that someone who was himself so adept in magic would surely be an amazing teacher. It was this belief that had her blinded. It will not be the same this time around.

Lockhart was very egotistical and this was what we were going to use to our favour. My popularity will make it easy for me to soothe his ego and then I could ask for special perks from him to aid us. Last time around all it took was a few words of flattery for him to hand me a slip to the restricted section, this time we can use it for much more.

We were still going to continue our healing classes with madam Pomphrey in the infirmary. Quick and efficient healing could be the difference between winning and destruction against Voldemort and Dumble's at the end. Ancient runes and Arithmancy will be studied only as a theory this year. Both were highly specialized fields and even if we had basic understanding of mathematics due to our education in the muggle world, it was still a hard and dangerous subject to be learned on our own.

After our brief discussion, Hermione took her leave to meet up with her friends. It was my idea for Hermione to be as social as possible. While I could not mingle much till I complete my objectives, Hermione could.

While I was sitting alone in the carriage, I began to sort out the events that would take place in the upcoming year, and how I could use this knowledge to my advantage without being discovered.

The twins would not release any new products for a couple of years, so the interaction with them will also turn down significantly. My over interference could lead to hampering of their thoughts and creativity.

Draco would surely be more irritating this year due to the appearance of a new Black family heir. The opening of the chambers would only make it worse.

Neville would still take time to overcome his insecurities, even with my help. I just hoped that Ron would try to understand him and make others in his gang be more accepting towards Neville.

Dumble's will surely know about the presence of an Horcrux entering Hogwarts. He himself was adept in the magic after all. This did not mean that Dumble's was not a man with flaws. I was sure that Dumble's knew the entrance to the chambers in the women's washroom. It was just that Riddle had placed some sort of curse or enchantment preventing Dumble's especially from entering till the guardian is alive. Even Dumble's was not immune to the stare of the Basilisk.

He needed me to open the chambers and kill the beast to gain access. Previously I was so relieved on saving Ginny and getting out of there that I completely overlooked the fact that the chamber of one of the founders was a sitting treasure trove. Like I explained previously, last time I was just plain stupid.

This time I was going to properly utilize the opportunity I had received.

Apart from this, one of the final goals for this year was getting justice for Hagrid. He was one of the purest being I had met in both my lives. He demanded nothing and all he did was try and help those in trouble despite the fact that he was less fortunate than most.

Unlike last time I was not going to just get his charges dropped, but get him proper compensation for the years of mistreatment and his right to wield a wand if he so desires. I knew that it was one of his most cherished dreams.

As my thoughts reached the end, so did my journey. We had arrived at the Hogsmeade station.

Unlike first year when we travelled by boats through the lake on our first visit to the Hogwarts castle, this year we would be travelling by carriages.

Seeing the familiar Thestral was relieving. I always felt a special bond with them. Though my Patronus previously was a stag, like that of my father, I now knew that most of my previous life was heavily manipulated. This had me in anticipation what it will be this time around.

I sat on a carriage and began my ride towards the castle.


It is the start of a new year at Hogwarts and now it is your turn to voice your opinion on how long do you wish for the year to take to complete.

You can comment on how do you wish for harry to delve in the inner workings of the chambers.

Thank you and keep supporting.