
It was finally quiet in the dormitory. The moon in the night sky was full and the silence surrounding me was calming.

After the feast, the first years were escorted by Percy and the new prefect. While the first years were being escorted, the senior students mingled among themselves in the great till the curfew was enforced. Everyone was engaged in conversations about their experience during the vacations. I made myself scarce and moved to sit in the corner of the house table.

Due to my prior behaviour, not many bothered me when they saw me sitting alone. Neville was the only one who came and took a seat beside me. We had a chat about how Neville had his holidays. Neville told me that his granny was still as disappointed in him as she always was. Him not flunking in the practical classes all year round was the only relief that his grandmother had. She even said "good" one time. He could swear on it even if she denied it.

Neville seemed much more confident this time around. Still shy, but not frightened anymore. He told me about how Ron and the other children of our house even invited him to sit with them during the train ride. I was happy to see that Ron's attitude towards Neville had changed for the better.

After we all arrived at the dormitory, the students of our batch were asked to wait in the common room for an announcement by the prefects. While the rest were discussing on what could be so important that they had to announce it to them on the first night back, I knew the announcement will be regarding the privileges we are to receive based on our performance the previous year.

Soon Percy and the new perfect made their way down from the first year's dormitories. After seeing that we all were busy amongst ourselves, Percy cast a silencio on Ron. The sudden inability to speak had Ron in a hysteria. Seeing Ron panicking, the boys surrounding him looked around in panic. The girls too were attracted by the panic among the boys. The spell had its intended effect and they finally noticed Percy's presence on the stairs.

After everyone's attention was directed towards Percy, he began the announcement. He informed us that the results we had in the previous year had an additional effect. This was shocking for these students. They had always believed that the only exams which held any lasting impact were O.W. L's and N.E.W. T's.

This caused another round of murmurs amongst us. Percy once again raised his wand and this was enough for everyone to be quiet again. He explained that the results we had shown in the previous year was what will determine the perks we receive in the following year. This information was never disclosed to the new students in order to properly and fairly access the drive and attitude they have towards the various subjects.

This will also let the teachers get a clearer view about the students' strengths and weaknesses. They can then set the needed extra classes to improve their weaknesses and strengths.

Apart from the general positive effect this will have, it also helps separate the students who have shown better aptitude towards a certain subject and with increased attention and guidance from the respective teacher will truly shine.

The better results shown in the first year the more privileges one would receive. He also added that even if the results played an important role in deciding the privileges, the all-round activities that one took part in the year will also contribute to the decision. The activities can be quidditch, music, anchoring, writing, experiments etc.

If any particular faculty recognized your sincere effort and results in any activity that can be considered constructive, then the school will try it's best to provide the student with opportunity to improve.

Apart from the study aid, the privileges include better rooms, extra time on the activity of their choice, leave from classes and much more.

After listening to Percy, there was another round of murmurs, this time of excitement.

Percy announced that the only way to get these benefits was to meet the strict requirements of the faculty. It did not matter if they scored first in the class if the general level of the batch had not been satisfactory. This meant that the privileges did not apply to someone who was the best among a bunch of mediocre students.

After he finished listing out the privileges and the way to earn them, he asked them to come forward once their names were announced as we will be receiving our first privilege tonight.

He first called the names of two girls, one of whom was Hermione. Even after she placed all her efforts in being polite enough to not be overly domineering regarding her intellect in front of the students all year round, the exams were too easy for her to score anything less than outstanding.

Hermione listened to my advice and still suppressed herself during the practical portions of the exams. This was the only reason that she did not top the whole year in every single subject, both in theory and practical. Her being much more emotionally stable increased her practical application to new heights. She was much more confident in herself and therefore much more capable. If she showed her actual genius, I was sure that Dumble's will take an unhealthy interest in her and it can even affect our friendship.

Her scoring the highest in every theory paper and the excellent wand waving during the charm's exam, was enough for her to qualify for almost all privileges that were available to the second-year students.

Everyone cheered for the two and Percy announced that the boys this year had not qualified for special room privileges. Boy's tried showing discontent, shouting that they too had some students who scored outstanding in one or two subjects. To this, Percy replied that this was not enough for them to qualify them for the best privilege of having their separate rooms. The boys became silent, seeing this Percy announced that even if they were not qualified for this particular privilege, he was sure that many of us would get other privileges which we will understand once the classes resumed. The head of the house will be the one informing us about it, so we should keep our patience.

After Percy left the students discussed frantically on the new knowledge we received and were excited in anticipation of what we would receive once the classes began.

I congratulated Hermione and then went towards my dorm.

After everything settled down in the dormitory, I sat by the window looking out in the silence while enjoying the soothing presence of the moon.