
Today is the anniversary of the zombie apocalypse, May 13, ****. It has been 3 years since we have been in the zombie apocalypse. We have been surviving the zombies for 3 years, I would have to say that is impressive. Sure, many people died by the zombies, each other, themselves, etc. It was me, and my friends Layla, Ace, Merrie, Mandolin, Harris, Jonas, Amelia, and my brother Jayden turn to find some supplies outside our base. We went to separate cars and found a small store that had some supplies inside. In a flash, everything went downhill.

        Everyone that was in the car, was quiet during the car ride. In the car that I am in right now is shared with me, Layla, Ace, Amelia, and Jonas. While the car in front of us is Merrie, Mandolin, Harris, and Jayden. I was trying to figure out a way to start a conversation, because it was awkward as heck.

"So, everyone! Isn't our life a bumpy ride!", I said to them.

"Al not now.", Ace said with a serious voice.

"Aww! Don't get so oily Ace! I'm just trying to swipe the awkwardness out! Ya know!", I said.

But, in the end everyone was still quiet. I then sighed, and pouted.

"You guys are roady today!", I said sarcastically.

"Al can you just shut up already.", said Amelia.

"That was very-"

"Don't you dare finish that senten-"

"Road of you Amelia!", I said with gun fingers pointing at Amelia. She looked annoyed. Amelia looked down with shadows across her eyes.

"Are you-"

"Can you just shut up Al! Your voice is so irritating! You talk too much has anyone told you that! We are in a serious situation and yet you still need have the stupid personality of yours to make puns currently! Can you be serious for once in your damn life!", Amelia shouted at me with anger and irritation in her voice. But in the voice of rage, I also hear her stressed out. I turned to the window again and back at her to see her with a look of regret on her face. Everyone was dead silent because of the serious tension, the only sounds that could be heard was the car.

"Sorry Amelia I know where in a tough situation right now. I just want to be optimistic about it, nothing will change with all of us being glum.", I said to her cheerfully. Amelia then sat down and turned to the window.

"Sorry.", Amelia said quickly.

       I smiled and looked out the window to see we were going to stop at a small looking grocery store. We parked on the front of the railings of the grocery store. I then greeted the others with my loud voice, or that is at least what my friends say. "Hey guys!", I said to them. Layla covered my mouth after I said that.

"Don't be so loud, will you.", Layla said in a hush voice.

"Nwo.", my voice muffled.

So, to put it short we were just gathering the things that were necessary in there. When we stepped out of the building we heard gunshots. We ran to the area where we had heard, were in and noticed the tires on each of the cars we took had been shot. The birds around the area started to fly away and the gunshots that were destroying the tires and windows, attracted the zombies that were around the area. Our eyes widened as we saw that man holding the gun, that was used to destroy our tires and windows.

     "Welp, looks like were in sticky situation.", I said smiling still, as I took a wooden stick out of nowhere.

    "Wtf, Al can you not right now.", Mandolin said with an annoyed tone.

The man then ran off in the car he had. 'How did we not hear his car?', I thought, and I tilted my head to the right and put my finger on my cheek.

"What the hell?!", yelled Layla. The zombies then started to surround us. I grabbed all my friends and yeeted them inside the building. I ran inside and started to block the doors and windows. I looked at my friends and see them doing nothing and still in shock.

     "Umm, hello! Aren't you guys gonna help me!", I yelled at them, grabbing their attention. Ace, Jonas, and Amelia made a small nod and started to help with blocking the doors, while the rest were blocking the windows. Suddenly the doors slammed open and all the stuff blocking the doors were flying around everywhere. Ace, Amelia, and Jonas flung back right before it happened. We then grouped up again to see what was going on, ya know, instead of running.

       "Oh slam~, who did that.", I said randomly, but of course no one could hear me because of the objects that were flying around. As I was trying to figure out what happened to the door, my friends were saying stuff I could not really hear. They then grabbed my hand and started running out towards the back. 'Wtf.', I suddenly thought as I caught a glimpse of a zombie that had red hair and glowing eyes. It was weird, were the zombie's evolving?

        As we were running non-stop, my friends were freaking out and panicking. It was written all over their face. 'I'm running out of breath...', I thought, as I kept trying to keep my paste with them. I somehow got split up with them by the poles and trees that were in the way. The zombies that were following me, were far behind me. I looked around to see where my friends were. You could see the gun shots of panic. As the reliving bodies fall to the ground dead again.