Chapter 1:

          ~Previously on The [System], The Host, and The Zombie Apocalypse?!~

I looked around to see where my friends were and saw them in a corner trying to swing or shoot the zombies that were surrounding them. You could hear gun shots of panic. As the reliving bodies fall to the ground dead again.


     I froze in fear of thinking my friends are going to die. They were afraid and panicked. I snapped out of my fear and shot in the air 3 times. The zombie's attention was then on me. "Run guys! I promise I'll be right behind you guys!!", I said smiling, while waving my arms around like a mad woman. "Are you crazy! You're going to die!! That's too much zombie for you to handle!!", yelled Jayden. "Yeah, no matter how strong you are, you are not going to make this out alive!", said Layla. "We have no choice ya know!! You have to run ok! I promise that I will make it out alive. and even if I die, it's better than you all dying!!", I yelled out with a 'duh' voice, while waving my arms around. I then started to run with the zombie's chasing after me. I started shooting the air multiple times again. From behind me I heard my friends say, "You better not die you hear us! If you do, we won't forgive you!".

       Then I was all alone running away for my life. I was running until I was cornered in an ally way. There were zombies on both side of the paths. I couldn't help but wonder, 'is this where I die.', and guess what.... I was right. I did die without delay.

I felt the pain all over me as the zombies were eating me. I then felt nothing after a while. Then I started to smell smoke. 'A fire but how?', I thought. Welp, now my friends are gonna hate me for this. My body is going to be burned to a crisp. I slowly felt numb as my conscious faded away. 

       I then was in a black void. I felt like I was floating forever. Until suddenly I fell and hit my head on the floor. "Ow, what the heck!", I said while rubbing my head. I looked around and only saw that I'm in a pitch-black room. Even though I can see myself very well. "Hello!! Is anyone there!!", I yelled. I looked around again to just see the pitch black again. I sighed and looked down hopelessly. "Is this how it's going to be for the rest of my life or dead life? Uhh..I don't know...", I complained.

3rd P.O.V

       "I'm going insane in here!! It's so boring!!! I would rather die than this!!", yelled Al.

  [System Activate]

"What was that! That scared the crap out of me!", Al said looking around, yet she saw nothing but a pitch-black room. Al was starting to get freaked out now. "Who's there!! I can do karate!! Don't come near me!!", Al yelled jumping into a basic karate form. Then her hand started to get consumed by the black room. "What the heck?", Al questioned. She was shaking her hand, trying to shake it off. The blackness then started to separate and turned into this rainbow light fusion. "What the heck is this?!", yelled Al as she touched it and it just got absorbed into her body.

       The pitch-black room was but a white clean room now. Al shielded her eyes from the brightness of the white room. "What the heck happened?", Al said. Al uncovered her eyes and looked around.

{Hello I am your system!}

"Ahhh!! Who are you!! Where are you!!", Al yelled. She kept looking around for the owner of the voice. Yet she saw no one.

{I am a voice in your head so you can't see me, idiot.}

"Hey!", Al yelled offended.

{Haha, let's cut to the chase. I am your [System], I help you control your powers.}

"My powers? What do you mean?", asked Al confused

{Yes power. Let me explain it to you the easy way, since I think you're an idiot! You are basically immortal and an OP protagonist. Also, there are more crap to explain, that I don't want to right now!}

"Really...Are you kidding me...that's...Awesome!!! But I don't really want to go back. I want to go to the place where my Dad is. I want to be normal. Ya know!!", Yelled Al.

{Well to bad, because you're not normal. You have never been normal since you were born. So, we are going to start training right now.}

"Wait! I said I want to go with my Dad! I don't want to go back there!! I want to stay dead! Ya know!!", Al yelled pouting like a 3-year-old, but the [System] just ignored her.

{You talk really loud. Anyway so, all you must do is say these words! [Inventory] for getting the items you want, but some items are locked. [Storage] for putting or taking out stuff. [Fly] to fly around. [Map] to you know summon a map that could help you find someone. [System on] to talk to me for some knowledge that you want to know.}

"Says you, your giving me a headache with your voice! Are you not listening to me! I said I don't want it!!", Yelled Al as she was getting frustrated. 

{Stop acting like a spoiled brat. You whine to much, it annoying me. You must stay alive to save the world. You do want everyone to have a happy life from the apocalypse, don't you?}

"I'm not a spoiled brat, but since you put it in that way.... Ok I'll do it!!" yelled Al in determination.

{It's not like you had a choice anyway, haha!}

"Oh wow, Way to ruin the mood ya know.", deadpan Al.

{Ok bye I'm going to sleep now. It's so tiring talking to you.}

"Wait what-", She then saw a portal forming in front of her. It then pulled her in. "Ahhh!! System are you trying to kill me again!!", she screamed.

         She had fallen in earth again and as she was falling she was screaming and wailing her arms around. Al fainted because of the pressure that was on her body. Al was close to the ground, then she just stopped falling and started floating at the right second. Al woke up 3 hours later on the ground. She sat up and groaned. "Uhm...what happened. Wait wasn't I gonna die again. System you are so mean ya know!!", Al yelled. She didn't hear a response, so she pouted and stood up but, immediately regretted it. Her head started to hurt, and she leaned on the tree. Wait...Tree?! She looked around and notice she was in a forest. "Are you serious System! How am I going to find my way out of here!!", Al yelled. Al then started to walk around forgetting the headache she had just now. She then saw a road nearby and started to run to the road.

       As she was running, she noticed that she was starving. "Hmmm....I should test my powers out, so what do I do again. Just say [Inventory].", Al said. A rectangle box just then appeared in front of her and it had labels on it, weapons, food, shelter, Accessories, etc. Al clicked on food and there was a lot of food in the [inventory]. "Hmm...what should I pick. Oh, I know I should eat some meat. I haven't eaten that in a long time.", Al said. She clicked on a bowl and put rice in there. She then started to put pork on the top of it and grabbed a spoon. "Woah this is so cool!!", Al yelled. 'Hmm..I want a backpack. I should also put some extra food in there and cloths I guess?', Al thought. So, Al summoned the backpack with the stuff in there and hung it on her back. 'This might be useful later.', she thought. 

     Al started to walk and eat. She was just going on the road that lead west. She then stopped to relies something. 'Wait why am I going through all this trouble just to find my friends. I could just use the [Map]. "[Map] I summon you!!", Al yelled for no reason. The [Map] appeared, and she looked at the instructions, you have to think of the people who you want to find or look at and the [Map] would show you. So, Al thought of her friends and it should show her their location. It said that they were moving, and they were near her. 'Huh? How are they moving so fast.', Al thought. She thought about it some more and pieced it together. 'They have a car you stupid but how did they get the car. Last time I was alive, we couldn't find a good car to drive in.', she thought. Forgetting that they were driving behind her. She was stuck in her thoughts until she heard a car noise. There was a car going in a fast speed and was going to run her over!! 'Oh shoot I'm going to die again!!', Al thought to herself. She then jumped out of the way at the right second. She rolled over in the dry dirt and lay there for a sec. There was smoke everywhere.