Chapter 2:

~Previously, on The [System], The Host, and The Zombie Apocalypse?!~

She then jumped out of the way at the right second. She rolled over in the dry dirt and lay there for a sec. There was smoke everywhere.


The car stopped abruptly, and the doors opened. The people inside ran to where Al jumped and fell. It was Ace, Layla, Jonas, and Amelia. The started coughing and tried to clear out the smoke.

        Al had somehow gotten up a tree and was hiding on a branch. When the group got there, they saw nothing but a flat bush. "What the hell was that? A zombie?", said Ace. "Hmm..I don't know. It's too smart to be a Zombie. I mean it did just dodge our car.", said Layla. "You got a point there Layla, but what if it's an evolved Zombie.", said Jonas. They started to Argue, while Amelia stood quiet. Then she spoke, "What if its human?". They turned to look at her like she was crazy. "Why would a person in the middle of now where, on the road be here and with no one else around.", said Ace. "Yeah no one is dumb enough to do that.", said Jonas. "Now that you think about it. The figure looked familiar. It looked like...her...", said Layla. They all got quiet. Suddenly Amelia spoke up, "It can't be her. She died and her body got burned in the fire.". "But there is still a chance that she is alive.", said Jonas. "No there isn't. She couldn't handle that many Zombies at the time.", said Ace. "But we never saw her body. We just only saw the building of the Ashes and zombies.", said Layla. "Stop giving each other hope! She is dead and we need to move on from that!", said Amelia. Al was watching and observing them the entire time. She then decided to go down the tree and make an entrance.

           "So, who's dead now.", Al said. The groups snapped their heads toward Al's direction. They had wide eyes and they were shaking. They started to walk towards Al with tears in their eyes. " that really you?", asked Layla. "Who are you and why are you calling me Al? My name is Lucy.", said Al. They looked shocked. "Sorry, you look really similar to someone we knew...", Jonas apologized. Al looked at them with suspicious. They looked at her in disbelief, Al then started shaking. She started to.... LAUGH!! "Omg!! You believed that!! Hahahahaha! The look on your faces! Y'all really thought I was dead!" Al said while laughing, almost on the verge of tears.

        They had a look of anger on their faces. Layla tackled me and held me in a head lock and started to choke me. "Ugh..I can't breathe...", Al said while tapping Layla's arm. "You stupid little brat!! How dare you make us worry!!", yelled Layla. Then she made me stand up. The girls in the group went to Al and started to beat her up, but not too much. They stopped beating Al and hugged her. Al was in 'pain' by the beating she got but was confused on why they were hugging her. Then the boys joined in the hug. "Umm...why are you guys hugging me?", asked Al. Amelia then pinched her side. "Ow!", said Al as she flinched. Amelia explained, "Because we missed you, you idiot! We thought that you died!!". "Psht..Me... Die. Yea in your dreams!!! Hehe...hehe.", Al said nervously.

       They all let go of her and lead her to the car. They got in the car and Jonas started the car. "So... where are the others.", asked Al. Layla looked at her and said, "We separated looking for food. As for Jayden, he locked himself in his room.". "You know, you never are supposed to separate in a horror movie!", said Al. Layla dead paned and told Al to shut up. Ace then butted in and asked, "Now tell us, how did you survive, and why didn't you come and find us?". "Oh, so I died and came back alive.", Al said with a causal tone. "Take this seriously Al!", said Layla as she punched her on the shoulder. "Ok, ok. So, I survived by running as fast as I could and jumping on the buildings, and I was trying to find you guys but couldn't. So how many years has it been, I lost track?", asked Al. "It's just been 10 months since you disappeared.", said Jonas. "Really! I thought it would've been gone longer!!", yelled Al.

They covered their ears, except for Jonas since he was driving. R.I.P for Jonas ears. "Quiet down will ya. Your gonna break our eardrums.", said Amelia. "Sorry. I didn't know I raised my voice.", said Al. "Of course, you don't.", said Amelia. "Do you have any other questions?", Layla asked. Al thought for a bit, then an idea popped in her mind. "Oh ya! I forgot, what are evolved zombie's? Is it like the zombie that we saw that knocked the door down?", Al asked. Amelia looked at her and explained, "Yes, it is. There have been lots of information on the evolved zombies. They have special ability's and power, but we humans as well have also been evolving.".

Al looked at her with curiosity. "You mean that we humans also gotten powers and ability's?", Al asked. "Right, but it's coming slowly. The only people who have ability's right now is me and Ace.", Amelia said. Al looked at them with bright eyes. "Wow! Really! That's so cool! What kind of ability's do you guys have!", Al cheerily said. Ace interrupted in the conversation, "I have pyrokinesis and Amelia has telekinesis.". "Thats really awsome!", Al commented. "Yeah it really is.", Layla said.

    They then stopped at an abandoned gas station. "So... why are we here for?", asked Al. Ace looked at her with 'are you serious' face and said, "We told you like 10 minutes ago. We are here to find food for the school. How could you forget.". Al looked at him and said, "Welp I have bad memory, sorry lol.". Ace glared at her, while Al stuck her tongue out.

     They walked into the gas station. They started to look around and grabbed stuff that they needed or just wanted to bring along in case they needed it. Al was just looking around and jumping on the stands they had. Amelia walked over to her and said, "Stop it, you're going to crack our head. I don't want to be wasting materials on you just because of your stupidity.". Al looked at her offended. She took her hand and placed it over her heart. "How dare you...I at least have one brain cell in me.". Amelia just looked at her with an agitated face. "How about you look around and help us find stuff, instead of jumping around and being an idiot.", said Amelia. "Ok, ok, no need to get so angry about it.", said Al.

      Al then went to go look at the area that hasn't been touched yet. Al the just got an idea. 'Hmmm... since no one has looked here yet, why don't I just summon a bunch of random stuff and say I found at least something.', Al thought. "[Inventory]", Al whispered. She then summoned a lot of food, blankets, drinks, and cloths. "Hey guys!! Come look over here and see what I found! You might be surprised!", yelled Al. The group came running to the direction that Al was in. "What happened! Are you ok!", yelled Layla. "Yea but look what I 'found'!", yelled Al. "Why are you saying found as in you didn't find it.", asked Ace. "Oh no reason, just for fun ya know!", yelled Al. "No, I don't know.", said Ace. Al playfully glared at him with a smile, they then started packing the things that they could.

       "Al help us pack, you have a bag with you, and how did you even get that bag, it looks brand new.", said Jonas. 'Oh shoot, they have common sense', Al thought. "Oh, I got it in an abandoned house wrapped in a package.", Al said like it was nothing. "Really how lucky of you any ways start packing, pack everything that you can.", said Jonas. 'Phew, I pulled it off. Now time to pack everything into my [Storage] space!', thought Al. Al then grabbed the thing and when she put it in her backpack, at the right time she stashed it into her [Storage]. 'I'm so smart!', thought Al. Amelia looked at her, then her backpack. "Why is your bag not getting stuffed like ours", asked Amelia. Amelia looked at Al suspiciously. 'Oh, shoot the common sense again', thought Al. "Umm...I didn't put many things in here?", Al said. Amelia just looked at her and shrugged it off. "Ok I'm done over here!", yelled Layla.  "Same here.", said Jonas. Ace and Amelia just nodded that they were done. "Yep I'm all done!", said Al.