Chapter 3:

       When they got out of the building, they saw zombies. "Shoot! There are zombies everywhere!", said Layla. They all ducked down at a garbage can. "We can just sneak around them, hurry lets go the car is just right there.", said Ace. They then made turns and was ducking down on large items, finally making it to the car. Jonas opened the car doors and started putting the stuff in the back. Then the zombies started to notice them and was getting close to the group, but luckily, they were done with packing the car and started to head inside the car.

Jonas started the car and drove. They ran over a couple of zombies to get through. "So, that was a bumpy trip.", said Al. "Ugh...Al can you not.", complained the group at the same time. "Ok, I get it you guys are tired. No need to get so oily about it.", said Al. The group just glared at her to stop her. Al put her hand up, surrendering. "Ok, ok I'm sorry, I'm done.", said Al in defeat.

"So where are we driving to!", said Al. "We are driving to the base, hoping to see if Merrie, Mandolin, and Harris are there.", said Jonas. "So, where is the base!", said Al. "The base is at our school, Eclipse Middle School.", said Jonas. Al just nodded her head and looked out the window. 'I wonder how everyone is. I hope people didn't change that much.', Al thought as she looked at the group. 'They are so uptight now. Not like how they used to be. They used to be so rowdy and energetic. Like normal kids, but now they seem so mature, adult like. It's only been 10 damn months!', Al thought, then sighed. 'Now it's up to me to get them to be looser.', thought Al with stars in her eyes. Al then got lost in her thoughts.

"Hey Al, are you ok.", said Layla. Al broke from her thoughts and looked startled, and said, "Uhm, yeah I'm ok!". "Are you sure, you don't seem like it. You have been quiet for a while.", said Layla. "Really how long has it been.", said Al. "It's been 30 minutes or so.", said Layla. 'I've been in my thoughts for that long. Dang I think a lot lol.', Al thought. "Oh, I just got lost on my thoughts.", said Al. "What were you thinking about?", said Amelia. "Oh, I was thinking how everyone is.", said Al. "They have changed a lot after you 'died'.", said Ace. "Really! I didn't know I had a lot of impact on people!", said Al. "Of course, you don't, you don't even believe in yourself...", Amelia muttered. "Hmm, what was that.", asked Al. "Oh its nothing, so I've been meaning to ask you. Why have you been so secretive lately.", asked Amelia. Al looked away at the window again. "Well, everyone has their secrets. I'm just choosing not to tell mine.", said Al. "But why! Do you know we are always here for you right!", yelled Amelia. Jonas, Layla, and Ace looked surprised on seeing Amelia yelling, and yelling at Al especially. Al didn't look fazed and smiled at her still. She was still looking at the window. "Oh, look we're here!", Al said, changing the subject.

Amelia looked at her, Al was getting away this time. Jonas then parked in the school parking spot inside the gate. People started to crowd around the car, but not a lot of people. "Woah why is there people surrounding the car.", said Al. "They are just worried; they haven't seen us in the last two days, and we are probably low on supplies again. Good thing we ran into that gas station though.", said Layla as she was smiling. "Yea I'm glad too!", said Al.

They got out of the car and people started asking questions like, "Where were you guys." or "Did you find anything.". "hold on guys, you need to chill. We will tell you all about it at lunch.", said Ace. People then started to back up and some just walked off. A while later the people cleared up and Ace ordered some people to pack up the stuff into the storage room. Al was looking around and Jonas saw her actions. "So, did anything you see change, when you were gone?", asked Jonas. " not really, I don't see much has changed, I mean the buildings do look older. Oh, and look, my graffiti is still there!", yelled Al. Jonas looked at her graffiti. It was a picture of stick figures representing their little group. "Yeah, we kept it there in the memory of you.", said Jonas.

Al then ran over, when she got over there. She saw a wooden grave with lots of art decoration on it. She looked at it more closely and saw her name on it. "That's your grave. We had everyone that knew you paint or draw on it, because we know that you love drawing stuff.", said Jonas, who appeared behind her. "Really! That's so awesome, I never knew you guys cared that much!", yelled Al. "Of course, we did, especially-", "Al! Get your stuff in here.", yelled Ace. Al looked at Ace and ran over to him, "Bye Jonas! I'll talk to you later!".