Chapter 4:

Jonas looked at Al's running figure. "Someday I will confess to you.", said Jonas as he was clenching his fist. "Boo!", yelled Layla. "Ahhhh!", screamed Jonas. "Omg your face! It's so hilarious, you sound like a girl!", said Layla. Jonas blushed and yelled, "Shut up!".

     "Ha! I knew you still liked her!", yelled Layla. Jonas covered Layla's mouth. "Shh! Be quiet, what if someone hears you!", whispers/yell Jonas. Jonas was as red as a tomato. Layla pulled her hands up in defense. Jonas took his hand off her mouth. "So, when are you going to tell her.", whispered Layla. Jonas looked away from Layla and said, "I don't know if I can. I mean you know how she would react. She did reject me the first time.", said Jonas in disappointment. "Well, she did think it was just a joke. She is dense and an idiot.", said Layla. Jonas looked at the direction that Al ran to again. "I know, next time I will make sure that she will know that it's not a joke.", said Jonas as he looked at Layla with determination. "Aww, how sweet you really love her don't you, but just to tell you. If you do get together, and if you break her heart, I will feed you to the zombies.", said Layla with a sickly-sweet smile and voice. Jonas started sweating and said, "Uh, yeah I would never do that ever.". Jonas looked away from Layla. "I will never treat her badly.", vowed Jonas clenching his fist. "Of course, you won't.", said Layla.


     Al was walking around the storage room and putting they stuff in her [Storage] into the school's storage. She made sure that no one was watching her putting the stuff away. "Al are you almost done yet!", yelled Ace. "Yeah! I'm all done.", Al said as she finishes putting the last item in her [Storage] on the shelf. Al then walked next to Ace who was right outside the door with other people, mostly teenagers.

    "Ok go and set up the tables, and you go make sure everyone's ready for Lunch.", commanded Ace. "Yes Ace!", they yelled. Al then poked Ace side to get his attention. "So where is Merri, Mandolin, and Harris?", asked Al. Ace looked at her and said, "They are at the gym just hanging out, they don't know about you yet. It's kind of like a surprise for everyone to know your alive. So, you are going to have to wait to meet them after Lunch. Can you be patient enough though?", asked Ace. Al thought about it then nodded. "Good, well we are going to have to give you a room. We have roommates here. It's like a girl and boys' dorm. But we still have your room, since no one has touched it, you can have it back.", said Ace. "Wow, really! That's so awesome! I can't wait to see my room again!", said Al excitedly and was skipping. "Stop yelling will you, we don't want anyone knowing you're here until it's going to be lunch time.", said Ace keeping up with Al's paste. "Ok geez mum.", said Al. "I am not your mum.", said Ace with a straight face. He was used to it, Al called him mum and called Layla Dad, for some reason. Al sometimes calls them a family name like aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. Everyone was like family to her. Some people played along like Merri and Mandolin. They were both her aunts. So, they called her their niece.

      They arrived at Al's dorm and Ace said, "Do you have your keys on you, because you took both of the keys before you 'died', and that was the main reason why we didn't go bother your things.", said rather bluntly. "So, does that mean you have no respect on my privacy!", yelled Al as she placed her hand over her heart. "It's not like you respect others privacy.", Ace scoffed. "Hmm, yeah your right!", yelled Al. Ace looked at Al and started to laugh. Al looked at Ace with happy eyes. "You finally laughed again!", yelled Al excitedly. Ace rolled his eyes, looking to another direction and said, "Well, that's because of your stupid.". Al looked at him and said, "As long as it makes you and the other's happy, I'll be as stupid as I am right now.". "Why-", Ace got interrupted by Al as she slammed the door open.

      She had the keys in the door. "Ops, I slammed my door to hard, but hey at least I found my keys in my pocket!", yelled Al cheerfully with a grin. Ace looked at her and sighed. "Can you not slam the door open and stop yelling already I told you that.", Ace said. "Oh, sorry about that. I'll try to stop yelling.", Al said sheepishly. Al went into her room and looked around, it was a little dusty, but not that much "Yep hasn't changed at all.', said Al. Ace was in front of her door and said, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll call you when its lunch time.", said Ace. "Ok then bye see you later.", said Al. Ace just waved a bye and closed the door. Al went and locked it then began exploring again. She saw her old teddy bear on the shelf that her parents gave her when she was 8. She grabbed it and hugged it. She fell on the bed and thought, 'It's been a long day...Time to sleep.'. She fell asleep without another word.


           A loud knock was heard on the door. It knocked three times before the person started to bang on it. "Al get your butt out here right now!', yelled Layla. Al woke up and wiped the drool on her mouth. " long have I been sleeping...", groaned Al. She then got up and went to open the door. "Finally, you answer! I have been waiting for 5 minutes here!", yelled Layla. "Sorry, I was sleeping!", Al said sheepishly. "Really, welp you are a heavy sleeper. Which is bad because what if we were in danger or something! You are going to be waking up dead or something!", yelled Layla. "Ok, geez dad. I'm sorry I can't control my sleeping thing.", said Al. "Don't give me an attitude Child!", yelled Layla. Then Amelia ran over to Al's dorm. "What's taking you guys so long. We are in the cafeteria already.", said Amelia. "Al was sleeping, then we started arguing.", Layla said bluntly. "Well, hurry up with it, we need to go now.", said Amelia. Layla then grabbed Al's hand and they started to book it to the cafeteria, leaving behind Amelia.

      "We are here!", yelled out Layla. Luckily there is no one in the cafeteria except for Ace. "Layla don't do that. What if people were here.", Ace said. "Well, no one is here, so that's that.", said Layla. Ace sighed knowing that he won't get through Layla. Layla the hugged Ace and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey, should I give you two privacy so you guys can do more or something?", asked Al. Layla and Ace got embarrassed and Layla went and punched me on the shoulder. "Shut up!", yelled Layla. Al chuckled and looked around the cafeteria. "Wow it changed a lot, there are more tables, less space, and the walls are really color full.", said Al as she was laughing. "Alot has changed since you left.", said Jonas who just came in.

          "Really, I didn't notice.", Al said sarcastically. "Don't be so mean Al.", said Amelia chuckling. "Why what's wrong with that. Don't I treat everyone that's a friend to me that way?", Al asked. Everyone facepalmed except for Al and Jonas of course. Jonas heart felt like it got stabbed with a 1,000 knifes. "I pity Jonas, man why did he pick her out of all people.", Amelia face palmed. "What! Does Jonas like someone! Who is it Jonas tell me!", yelled Al. "'s no one that you need to worry about.", Jonas said, while patting Al's head with a nervous smile? "Ah come on, I want to know. Why don't you tell me, I'm a trustworthy person!", yelled Al. Ace, Layla, and Amelia were laughing in the background, but also feeling the pity for poor Jonas. Jonas was red when Al got to close to him. "Umm, could you please backup a bit Al. You're too close.", Jonas said it like he was out of breath.

       Al backed up a couple of steps. Jonas was nervous of that fact because he was thinking, 'What if she knows I like her! I'm not ready for that yet!'. He looked at Amelia for help. Al then noticed that he looked at Amelia and was red. Then Al said the stupidest thing ever, "Oh right I should stay 3 or 5 feet away from you! After all you have a crush, and you don't feel comfortable with me getting close to you huh? Oh! Let me guess you like Amelia huh! That's why you don't want me to close! You don't want her to get jealous ad seem like you don't like her huh! Don't worry I won't bother you anymore now!", Al bluntly said. Jonas and Amelia looked at each other and paled, while Layla and Ace were Hella laughing their heads off. Jonas and Amelia stared to wave their hands and saying that Al got it all wrong, but that just made her more suspicious.


        A bell rang and that meant it was time to get ready and go to lunch. "Oh shoot, people are coming hurry Al hide!", yelled Layla. Al looked confused and asked, "Why do I need to hide for? Aren't I going to meet people.", "No, you stupid! It's going to be a surprise; you are going to make a big entrance.", said Layla. "But I don't want to!", yelled Al, but she just got shoved into the way back of the kitchen, where the lunch ladies and men that used to work here, office.

      Ace was getting the microphone warmed up and Layla was setting up the last of the decoration. While Amelia and Jonas were outside and making everyone stand in line while counting to see if everyone was here. Ace and Layla were done, along with Amelia and Jonas. So, Ace gave them a thumbs up to let everyone in. Everyone started coming in and grabbing their lunch. It was loud and chatty in there. Merrie, Mandolin, and Harris headed toward the direction of Layla, Ace, Jonas, and Amelia. "Hey what's up guys. Looked like you guys made it out alive.", said Harris. "Yeah, we were worried that you guys died, because of how long it took for you guys to get back.", said Merrie. "Well you are wrong! We made it out alive and even brought someone!", said Layla. "You guys brought another person. Remember what happened last time you guys did that!", Mandolin yelled. "Yeah we know but this time it's different.", said Amelia. "You too! You agreed to let them take that person with you guys!", said Mandolin. "Yea, what happened last time was not pretty and why are you siding with them Amelia! Shouldn't you be on our side! I mean you did go with them because of that time!", said Merrie. "This time is different. We know what we are doing.", said Jonas. "Oh yeah, the last time you knew what you were doing was when you got her killed!", yelled Harris. "Don't bring up that time, we were all naïve back then, you guys need to calm down.", said Ace. "Calm down! Calm down! You're asking me to calm down, oh please didn't you make a law about outsiders!", yelled Merrie.

         "You guys need to chill. You will find out who it is eventually, then maybe you'll understand, but for right now can you three go sit down.", Layla said, and she looked at Merrie, Mandelon, and Harris. They all just glared at Ace, Jonas, and Amelia, before sitting down. The reason why they didn't do nothing to Layla is because she is kind of like the groups pet. It was about time to start heading out, but the trashcans were passed to them, meaning there was going to be an announcement. Ace got the microphone and started to talk on the mic. "So, everyone, as you know we came back with a lot of supplies. But someone helped us find these stuffs for you guys. I think some of you may know them, which I'm referring to you as them because I don't want to reveal the gender yet until they come out. Now some of you may know them, and some others may not.", said Ace.

     Some of the people then gave him a cold stare. Knowing what happened on that day. "Any ways I don't want to keep you waiting so, you could come on out now.", said Ace. But no one came out of the kitchen staff office doors. "I said you can come out now.", said Ace again. He repeated this again but still nobody came. He then went up to Jonas and whispered into his ear, "Go check what's taking her so long.". Jonas nodded and went to the kitchen staff door.