Chapter 5:

After Al got pushed in, she started walking around the office and went to one of the office room, she looked around and saw old pictures on the walls of the old staff members that used to work here. Al then found a yearbook of all the year of the Eclipse middle school. She started to look threw her years in the middle school yearbook. She found herself lost in the photos that Jonas had to get her attention. "Hey! Al Ace had called for you 3 times already, what are you doing.", said Jonas as he was coming into the office room. Al looked at the door as Jonas came in. Jonas looked around the room, then looked at what Al was holding. "Oh, you found the yearbooks. That's nice but we have to go, everyone is waiting for you. You can look at them later.", said Jonas as he left through the door telling Al to follow him. Al followed him and was just looking around bored. They reached to the cafeteria.

When they got there, Ace announced one more time nervously, "Ok, so this time they will come. I swear, no more jokes. Jonas went to go get them. Don't worry I won't make you wait any more.". The people in the crowd was getting bored of waiting. Some of them even stood up and started to leave, including Merrie, Mandolin, and Harris. Ace was tapping his shoes on the floor impatiently. Then Al and Jonas came out of the door. "There she is!", Ace yelled. Some people gasped and had wide eyes. Others were confused on who she is. "Uhh, sup guys. How have you been.", said Al. She then got tackled by a lot of people. They ran up to her, with tears in their eyes, tackling Al to the floor. "Oof!", Al said as she fell. People were crying and some were still confused.

"I thought you died Al!", yelled Merrie as she was crying. "Don't you ever do that again!", yelled Mandolin. Al was just lying on the floor looking like she's died inside. Everyone noticed and got from her. "Did you guys gain weight or what, and I don't even know half of you.", said Al. They looked at her with the 'are you serious' face. "Al you just ruined the whole reunion. Why are you like this.", Harris said with disappointment. Al just looked at him and said, "Wow is that you Harris, you actually grew and its only been 10 months! You really did hit your growth spurt!", Al said ignoring what Harris said. Mandolin just hit Al on the shoulder 3 times. "Ow! Ow! Ow! stop it Mandolin!", yelled Al in pain. For some reason, Al couldn't feel pain but said ow and I did flinch as a reflex. 'Why can't I feel any hit they give me, and when Layla beat me too, it didn't hurt at all. But I did say ow and I did flinch as a reflex.', thought Al. "Hey Al are you even listening!", yelled Mandolin. "No, what did you say.", Al said bluntly. Mandolin and Merrie looked at her pissed, while Harris is not even surprised by now. Then, people started to crowd her and started to ask questions like, "How did you survive." or "Where were you all this time.". "Ok guys give her some space, she is tired, and I bet all of you are too. So, get out of here and go hangout outside.", said Ace as he was making people backup. People then nodded and they all went outside. The only people that were there was Merri, Mandolin, Harris, Layla, Ace, Jonas, and Amelia.

Merri, Mandolin, and Harris then dragged her to sit down, while Layla, Ace, Jonas, and Amelia followed. "We need to talk about a lot of stuff.", said Harris. "About what.", said Al. "Do you remember about that time.", said Merrie. "What time?", asked Al. "The reason why we had to go and get more supplies in a hurry, the reason why you almost died!", yelled Mandolin. Al thought about it, then a light bulb went in her head.

"Oh! You mean that time of were Layla, Ace, and Jonas invited a man named Paul. After 3 weeks of staying here he broke the defenses of our base and took almost all the supplies he could get his hands on. He then took off to his base and zombies started coming in but luckily not a lot, and we managed to kill them all, but we needed supplies, so we went out to get supplies and I di- almost died. Do you mean that time?", asked Al bluntly while smiling aimlessly. The group face palmed, and Harris said, "yes that time.". "Oh, then yeah I do!", yelled Al. Merrie and Mandolin started to laugh. "Hahahaha, that's just like Al to do that!", Merrie said as she was laughing. "I know right! I missed this so much!", said Mandolin as she was laughing to. Soon everyone in the group was laughing except for Al, as she was confused. Al just shook her head. "Anyways! We all have something else to talk about to each other.". They all looked at Al with confusion. "What do you mean?", Layla asked "Well, it is obvious after all! You all need to make up! Hehe!", Al said with a bright smile. The room suddenly gotten tensed. Al suddenly got up, surprising everyone. "I'm not gonna help you help you guys apologize to each other! You guys gotta do that one your self's! It doesn't matter how long it takes; we are childhood best friends! You guys have to recognize what you guys did wrong and talk to each other! Well, bye for now!", Al waved at them before running out the door.