Chapter 6:

Al started to walk around. She went to the field and a group of 4 people came up to her. She knew them, their names were Taiga, Kassidy, Sara, and Jessy. They were a group of artists. Al would usually talk to them about their art and just talk to them when they were near. "Al are you really alive. I mean we all thought you were dead.", said Jessy. Al just stood there looking at them then said, "Nope I'm dead, you see I'm a zombie! Roar!". They just laughed and said, "Yep that's definitely her, she never takes things seriously." or " For a second there I thought she was an imposter!". Al got offended about the comment they made and yelled, "Hey I can be serious sometimes!". They looked at her and Taiga said dramatically, "Yeah sure, when you become serious the world will end!". Al puffed up her cheeks and pouted, "I can too, and the world will not end if I do!", Al yelled. They just nodded their heads and hummed, "Sure...". They spent minutes of talking to each other. Then a group of girls came up to them.

"Hey, you with the black and white hoodie!", yelled random girl #1.

"Do I know you?", asked Al.

"You should know us! We are the most popular girls in this school, and you are stealing all of our attention!", said random girl #2.

Al just looked at them blankly, while smiling and asked, "W-wha? Ok? Why should I care? Are you guys like those typical girls that are in the movies? If you are then be goonnee! I don't need to deal with your crap! You guys are making me cringe with your classic words! At least do this to me when were in private Lmao!!".

The girls looked offended. "Excuse me! That is no way to talk to us!", said random girl #3.

Al then just looked away from them and said, "Your excused!", while waving her hands to them.

The girls were furious. They started to yell at Al, and people started to look at them. They started to crowd the group. Then Layla, Ace, Jonas, Amelia, Merrie, Mandolin, and Harris passed through the crowd of people. "What is going on here.", demanded Jonas.


They sat in an uncomfortable silence. "Well, if no one is saying anything, I'm going to go. I have patrol in about 30 minutes.", Amelia got up. After she did then Ace also got up. Then Merrie pulled them down and spoke up, "Wait! I have something to say." All of them looked at her. Amelia had a stoic face on her. "Please…?", she asked. Amelia and Ace sat back down. Merrie then looked at Jonas. "I'm sorry for blaming everything on you Jonas. It was our fault too on what happened that day.". Jonas eyes widened in surprise. Mandolin then spoke up, "Yea were sorry Jonas. It was our fault on trusting him too. I mean we were to careless back then. I'm sorry that we pinned all the blame for you and making you carry all the burden alone.". Jonas looked at them surprised, then looked down. "It's all right. It was mostly my fault. I after all found him and took him in without a care. So, I am sorry.", said Jonas. "No, it wasn't! We were all at fault. We trusted that man and we were blind to his act.", said Harris. Layla and Ace were just observing the scene. "I'm sorry for being such a asshole to you too, Ace and Layla. We are so sorry. This might have taken a toll on all of our relationships, but I hope we can fix all of this together again.", said Mandolin. Merrie and Harris nodded their heads in agreement with Mandolin. "I accept your apologies.", said Layla. "Yeah, same.", agreed Ace. Amelia then looked down hesitating. "Um…Guys.", she called out to them. They all looked at her. "I'm sorry for closing myself out on you guys like that. I closed myself out and blamed it on myself for ever letting that MAN in." She clenched her fist and bit her lips. They all looked at her in surprise. "We forgive you Amelia, if we were as close to Al as you were, we would have done the same thing as you.", Harris spoke up with a kind smile. Amelia looked up in surprise and smiled. She looked around for conformation, as she did all of them gave her a warm smile. They all gotten up and grouped hugged each other for a minute.

They then sat down in silence again, until Mandolin broke it by saying, "Isn't funny that our group is kind of back together by Al, again.", said Mandolin. "Yea, it sure is! I am so happy she is back. She was always the final piece to our group.", said Layla. They all agreed with that statement. "Yea even though she can be really annoying sometimes.", said Ace. Layla then heard noises outside and looked through the window to see people crowding around a group. "Hey guys what's going on over there.", said Layla as she was pointing out the window. The group stood up and went to the window seeing a crowd of people surrounding a group over at the fields where the benches where. "Hurry let's go check it out.", said Ace. They all ran outside to the crowd of people. They pushed through the crowd of people and Jonas asked, "What's going on here.".

"Oh, good Jonas you're here! This girl was making fun of us and bullying us!", said random girl #4. "Yeah she was hitting us and making fun of us because she was jealous of us, because we are so much prettier than her.", said random girl #1. Al just looked at them confused and was ready to barf. She said in confusion, "What are you talking about, I did not even hit you I'm sitting down and had my back turned away from you, and me, jealous, please your jealous of me because I was getting more attention from you and also, it's because I'm more beautiful than you guys, I know.". Al had a mocking smile and flipped her hair dramatically. "Is this true Alaya, (random girl #1), Regina, (random girl #2), May, (random girl #3), and Sabrina, (random girl #4). Are you really bullying her because she was getting more attention than you.", Jonas said. Layla, Merrie, Mandolin, and Harris looked pissed off, while Ace looked annoyed with this situation, but really, he was just as pissed off as they were. "N-no, it's not true! S-she's lying! I w-would never do that!", yelled Alaya as she was stuttering too. The other girls nodded with agreement. Jonas stared at them hard, while the people who knew Al in the crowd glared at the girl's in front of them. The girls were now getting nervous. Al just started at them and sighed.

"Just leave it alone! I can take care of my own things! I don't really need help to just trash talking right in front of my face! I mean they are just a bunch of words, when did I ever listen to people before! Hahaha!", said Al laughing cheerfully, as she got up from the bench and started walking out of the crowd.

The girls glared at her with jealousy and hatred, while the others stared at her with admiration. Especially some certain people. Ace then stopped starring at her walking figure and looked at the girls and said, "You guys are not going to get away with this, as punishment you will be washing the dishes, cleaning the campus, and sweeping the whole school.". Everyone else agreed, except of course the mean girls.

The girls had a shocked face on and looked at Jonas. "Are you really going to let them do this Jonas!", asked May. "Yea are you going to let them do this to us!", said Sabrina. "I thought we were lovers!", said Alaya. While Regina was just nodding to the word's they were saying. "We were never lovers Alaya. When did you ever think that way and you just bullied a good friend of mine.", Jonas sighed.

Alaya looked heart broken and the other mean girls looked shocked and furious. "You should also know that the girl you just bullied is our vice captain, so bully her again and see what happens.", said Ace in a threatening voice. "Yep, so watch your mouth next time you twats!", yelled Layla. "Sometimes I wondered how you guys survived the zombie apocalypse.", said Merrie. "We all know you don't have common sense. Oh, I know now! It's because you don't have brains!", yelled Mandilon.

"Yep true.", agreed Harris. The mean girls paled and nodded their heads embarrassed. "Everyone else, go back to what you were doing!", commanded Layla. Everyone got back to what they, except for the mean girls. "Ok you guys follow me.", commanded Layla. The mean girls followed Layla to the cafeteria. Jonas, Ace, Harris, Merrie, and Mandilon went off somewhere to do their own jobs they were supposed to do. But, at a distance, there was 3 people in the dark glaring at the group in the middle.