Chapter 3

"Is everyone ok? Are there any other survivors?" One of the men in the military suits says as he looks around.

"No sir just us. So far, we just began looking for people but so far its just us. Do you have any idea what happened?" Mr. Villarreal asks.

"Sir I am not sure exactly what happened all I know is that there was a massive natural disaster and now we are here to round up all the survivors and bring them to any family out." The military man is trying to explain everything to us but its kind of weird because he isn't even looking at us in the eye.

It's weird but I'm not letting my guard down. "Ok then officer. But do you have any news on what happened I mean a tsunami hit this town but there is no water source near by. The nearest water source is 5 hours away. How is this even remotely possible?" I ask and again he isn't even looking me in the face.

"Not sure ma'am. All I know is we were told to come ASAP and for us to find any survivors and bring them to the safe house. Those are our orders ma'am."

"Ok see I get that but why won't you look me in the face?" I ask as he is walking away from me.

"Ma'am are you or anyone else hurt? Do you guys need medical attention?"

Isaiah says, "No we are ok. We had to get some out from under cars and pieces of buildings but they came out without a scratch."

"That's good son. We need to get going and make our way to the train and go to the nearest city for the safe house." A different soldier says.

We all agree. As we are walking toward the train station, we begin to feel the ground shake again.

"OK guys you have to hurry towards the trains. Lets go, RUN HURRY!!!!" The soldiers yelled and we all run.

As soon as we make it to the train we make our way inside of the train. Once inside we look out the windows and we see on our left side a huge wave coming at us. All I could think of was "Oh boy here we go again." But then I looked at the other side. Now not only is there one big ass wave coming our way but there is also another wave just as big coming our way also.

"Soldier get everyone inside the train and make sure everyone is buckled in, and brace for impact. We believe that once these two waves hit each other then they should die down. So hurry and make sure that everyone is buckled in and brace yourselves." The voice over the radio says.

"Copy that sir. Alright guys, you heard the man buckle up and brace for impact." The soldier said and then took his seat and buckled in.

I was holding onto Isaiah I put him under me and I used my body as a human shield. The twins were sitting in front of us and they were also protecting each other. And then I just happened to glance over to the side and I see the soldiers that had found us sitting near us and they are buckling in and they are bracing for impact as well.

That's when I felt the train get slapped by the biggest wave ever, on one side of the train; but not a second after that happened the train gets slapped again on the opposite side of it by the other train. The train gets rocked side to side, and water slowly begins to come into the train. There is water coming in through the windows. The soldiers radio goes off and I hear, "You guys are going to have to try and climb to the top we have to send some boats for you. We didn't expect to have this much water and it isn't going down at all. Climb up and be wait for the boats. Do you copy?"

"Yes sir! Copy that. Alright guys you heard him. We need to climb to the top and wait for these boats."

"Who's going to go first?" One of the Buckley twins ask.

"Iris can go first and then we will send the kids up with her, and go from there." I say as I offer up a suggestion. Everyone agreed with me and we prepared to send Iris up first. Once she's up we get Isaiah and Gracie ready and send them up. Then the twins and Mr. and Mrs. Villarreal and then the rest of us. Once we are up we light up a flare and keep an eye out for the boats. I'm trying so hard to shield Isaiah's eyes from the mess that's all around us. There are bodies floating everywhere, and they aren't exactly in great condition.

"Excuse me sir.... how long did they say that it would take for the boats to get here?" Gracie asks.

"Not sure little lady. They just said for us to keep an eye out for them."

I'm looking out for the boats but I'm still circling the words that the man on the radio said. What did he mean by "We weren't expecting that much water."? I mean it doesn't make any sense. How would you have expected this to happen? I don't know, maybe I'm just reading into it.

We are looking and still nothing what seems to be hours has only been 10 minutes of us waiting for these damn boats. When all of a sudden we saw 3 boats come our way. I was relieved that help was coming. They position the boats as close as they can to the train and we all begin to jump on to them.

"Alright does anyone need medical attention?" The soldier asks. We all shake our heads and then he says, " Alright then we are going to take you all to the safe house where you will be waiting for further instructions. Is that clear?"

We all just agree because after the morning we had being in a nice warm and safe home sounds pretty good to me. After a few minutes of being on a boat we slowly come to a stop and that's when we reach the part of land that isn't covered with water; we are all being put into a van now and going towards the "safe house." I don't know exactly what that means, but all I want is to call home and hopefully they are all safe as well.