Chapter 4

After finally getting onto dry land we are in a van driving to this "safe house" that they keep mentioning. I am trying to look outside to see exactly where we are going but the weird thing is, is that I'm not able to see anything that's outside. Which is really weird.

"Is there any way that you guys can tell us where we are going? Or when we will be able to call family to let them know we are safe?" Mr. Villarreal asks. And they just ignore him. Weird. We just sit in the van for the rest of the time. It seems like forever when we finally arrive to the "safe house". The van door slides open and then a new person dressed in all black and carrying around guns. Once we got into the house one soldier says, "Alright folks we are going to wait here for the next move and then we will inform you on what to do. For now you folks can rest up and eat up. You might be here for a few days." We nod our heads as they walk out of the house.

"Ok tell me I'm not crazy. But did anyone else hear the conversation with the soldier from the train as well as the soldier on the radio? What the hell did they mean by 'we weren't expecting that much water'? Like were they expecting this to happen? I don't understand." I say hopefully I don't sound as crazy as I'm thinking I am.

"You know I heard them saying that but I don't want to believe that, that's true. I mean they are military, they are supposed to protect us. When I was in the military nothing like this ever happened." Mr. Sanchez says.

"Yea but was there ever a tsunami that hit in an area where there wasn't a water source for miles? Hmm? See that's what I'm talking about. This is so strange." I say trying to see if they would agree with me. After a few shared glances, we agreed to disagree then just moved on and we decided to make some dinner for the kids.

Crazy how this house is fully stocked with food, water and snacks. Iris is making us some stew while we talk about our next plan. I still can't help but rethink everything that the soldiers were saying. It's driving me crazy that no one believes me. Something isn't right, I have a feeling in my gut that something crazier is about to happen.

After about an hour later the food is ready. We sit at the table and the kids are sitting in the living room watching tv and eating dinner. The twins unofficially took on the role of caring for Isaiah and Gracie.

There is a knock at the door and it was a man in a suit, we hadn't seen one of those before.

"Good evening everyone. My name is Guy."

"Really your name is 'Guy'?" Isaiah asks very sarcastically.

"Isaiah don't be so rude! I'm so sorry for that. Nice to meet you 'Guy'. My name is Vanessa, this is my son Isaiah. This is my neighbor Iris and her daughter Gracie." I say.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." Guy says. Iris and Gracie both shake his hand.

"We are the Buckley twins I'm Hannah and this is my brother Hunter." They extend a hand and shake 'Guy's' hand.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Villarreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez." I say. After making a few quick introductions Guy begins, "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Now I cannot begin to imagine what it was like, to go through what you folks have gone through. But don't worry you folks can stay here as long as needed. We are trying to find any survivors and we are going to bring them to the house here if there is still room and if not then they will be sent to the houses near by...."

"When will we be able to contact our families?" Mr. Villarreal interrupts.

".....well sir as soon as my higher ups give us the go ahead and tell us what our next step is then we will let you guys call your families." Guy says.

"So then you don't know how long we will be here for then?" Iris asks.

"No ma'am all we know is, there are boats out searching for survivors. Those waves really did take a toll luckily my men were there to help you but if there were survivors when they found you; well lets just say they might not have been so lucky. Now you folks get some rest, eat, we will talk more in the morning." Guy says and then he says his good-byes and I walk him out.

"Good night 'Guy' thank you for saving us. This has been one crazy morning." I say blushing. I mean looking at him he isn't a bad looking guy he is tall very muscular and he is a dark man with green eyes. He has a clean cut beard and he has a very sexy haircut with a nice fade.

"Ma'am it is a pleasure to have been able to save you all. And had I known that there was going to be a damsel in distress as beautiful as you, then I personally would have gone to save you." Guy says in the most sincere tone. I couldn't help but blush. "I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't mean to offend you. I mean you have a son and I'm sure that you're husband is worried sick about you all."

I can't help but laugh. "Umm no no, there is no husband. He left me after I told him I was pregnant. So it has always been just my son and I."

"Oh well goodie for me then huh." Guy smiles and leans into me. There is a tension between us that is so thick that you can cut it with a knife. And he smells so amazing. I inhale his sweet sandalwood aroma. He smiles down at me and then says, "To bad I have to go back to work ma'am. Hopefully after everyone is well rested we can keep this up tomorrow?"

"Of course. Thank you again 'Guy'. We will see you in the morning." I say and then I clear my throat. He walks away from me and then he gives me a wink. I close the door behind me, and I lean my back against the door. Then I hear Isaiah's little feet come near me and he says," Mom are you ok?"

"Yes son I'm fine." Now I'm so excited for the morning.