Chapter 9

"Iris what are you doing?!?!?!?!?!" I yell while Iris is running outside and she is attacking as many soldiers as she can.

Mr. Sanchez says, "Its time." And he takes off running and I look over at the twins and they are holding Gracie and Isaiah, and I tell them, "Stay behind us. And keep up. We will protect you all." They nod their head in agreement. They are keeping the kids heads down. Trying to keep them from seeing the damage. I'm trying to see if I can make an opening to get the kids through to go around the house to the car, that's when I see 2 soldiers coming at us. I took the lessons that Mr. Sanchez gave me and put them to good use. I took them down and make a path for us and the kids to get through. We make our way to the car and Mr. Villarreal made his way to the front of us and he takes out the driver. Once we get into the car we realize that Iris isn't with us. Hannah covers Gracie's ears and then asks, "Guys, where is Iris?" We all look around and hear a car peal out around us. But there is no sign of Iris.

"You don't think that they killed her do you?" Mrs. Sanchez asked.

"I don't know but we have to get out of here. We have to meet up with 'Guy' at the location." Hunter says. We didn't have time to wonder what happened to Iris, I can only hope that she is alive, and I will keep my promise to her. I will protect Gracie.

We have been driving for what seems like hours, when we arrive to the spot and "Guy" is there in the new car ready for us. There is no small talk, we jump in and we are on our way. Isaiah, Gracie, Hunter and Hannah are asleep in the back, so we are able to somewhat speak freely.

"Where's Iris?" "Guy" asks. No one says a word. He takes our solid answer and he places his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently. It was comforting knowing that he is going to be here for us.

"Iris' family will take the kids. I have to take them to them. But I want to go alone. The fewer people that know where the kids will be the better." I suggest. "Guy" agrees.

"We need to find you a car so you can take them we can't be to careful." He says.

We find a car and hot wire it. We go to a fore closed home and that's where us adults will take shelter for now. But I don't have time to wait here. I have to take the kids. We don't know if any one followed us. I need to be safe, these kids need me.

"I'll be back I want to take the kids now. I have to, they don't need to go through all this." I say with tears in my eyes. "Guy" comes up to me and hugs me and plants a soft tender kiss on my fore head.

"Vanessa you don't have to do this now just wait you need to rest, and so do they. Its been a long night. At least wait until the morning. That way you are rested. It's a long drive." He says in a sincere voice. I can't help it I am worried about the kids, but he is right I'm to tired, and I don't want to screw up and compromise everything. We are sleeping in shifts. Everyone suggested that I sleep through the night but I don't want to. I want to protect the kids. I have to.

"Vanessa get some sleep you are driving tomorrow. We can protect the house. Sleep." Mrs. Sanchez says.

"I can't I promised Iris that I would protect Gracie and that's what I'm going to do. I'm protecting her just like I would Isaiah. And I want to protect the twins to. I have to." I say while I break down crying. "Why? Why couldn't she just follow the plan? Why did she have to sacrifice herself? Didn't she think of Gracie?" I question in frustration.

"I don't know what she was thinking. All I know is, she helped us. And we have to make sure that, that sacrifice wasn't in vain. We ALL will protect these kids. They are ALL our responsibility now. We will help you. Now please get some sleep. And think again about me going with you. You shouldn't be going all that way alone. I personally think we should all go. But I understand that it could be risky. Just think about me going with you it will help you and I don't think its a good idea for you to drive back alone." She says while she places a hand on my shoulder giving me comfort.

"You're right. You are absolutely right. And I won't let Iris' sacrifice be in vain. Its just, just last night I asked her to promise me that she would take care of Isaiah if anything was to happen to me tonight. And then she made me promise the same, I just didn't think this was actually going to happen. But yes, would you please come with me when I drop off the kids? I don't think I should do this alone." I beg.

"Of course." She hugs me. "Now get some sleep. In a couple of hours we will be leaving." I agree and I finally fall asleep holding Isaiah and Gracie.

The next morning we get up and prepare for another long day.

"Kids listen, what I'm about to say will be very hard to hear but I need you all to really pay attention. Last night was scary I know, but I have to take you all somewhere where you will be safe....."

"But mom I don't want to be away from you. I want to be with you." Isaiah says with his eyes all watery.

"I know baby." I say as I hug him. " I know, but you can't come with us. I need to keep you safe. So I am going to take you to Gracie's grandparents house and from there you guys will be going to a new place, somewhere that I won't know about until the time is right. But they have satellite phones and I will take one so we can stay in touch. I will be back for you." I say holding my sons beautiful little face in my hand trying to hold back the tears.

"We will all be together soon Isaiah, until then you will be with us Isaiah. And once the grown ups make it safe for us to be together again you will be with your mom again. And I promise Vanessa I will protect Isaiah and Gracie. Hannah and I love them and they will be in good hands." Hunter says while he hugs me. I'm crying at this point.

"You see Isaiah, you will be fine I promise. And we will be together again. I just need to make sure that we will all be safe. You kids have already been in enough danger you don't need to go through that ever again. I will make sure of that." I say.

"And I will personally make sure that ALL of you guys are safe and protected." "Guy" says while he hugs me. "Isaiah I will protect your mom with my life. I won't let anything happen to her or you. All of you are now under my OFFICIAL protection and I won't let anyone harm you in any way. Now Vanessa you have to get going. It's a long drive and I need you back here as soon as possible. I have a plan."

"Alright. Mrs. Sanchez are you ready.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She says I hug Isaiah and we drive to Gracie's grandparents house.