Chapter 10

The drive up here wasn't as long as I thought it would be. When we arrived I decided to get down first with Gracie and talk to her grandpa first before I get all the kids down.

"Let's go Gracie." We get down we knock on the door. And a few moments later Gracie's grandpa opens the door.

"Gracie sweetheart! How are you baby? Where's your mom?" He says.

"Hello Mr. ummmmm....." I slowly say.

"Mr. Waters. Rick Waters. Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Vanessa. Is there anyway we could talk for a minute?"

"Of course come on in." He ushers me in and we go in and sit.

"Mr. Waters..."

"Please call me Rick. " He interupts.

"Rick.... I just wanted to ask you if you mind watching my son and the Buckley twins? We have been through some stuff, well you know about the huge tsunami that hit the town. It was destroyed and only a hand full of us survived. And the few of us that survived, were sent to a safe house we thought we were safe. Iris tried so hard to have them come and check on you. She said she was on the phone with you when the tsunami hit, so she asked if there was any way that they could come and check on you. Well anyways, after that we found out that they were trying to kill us. We escaped and well....." I begin to tear up. "Iris was supposed to follow the plan and she didn't, we don't know what happened she was fighting some soldiers and I don't know what happened to her. In all the commotion we lost her. She made me promise to look after Gracie and I am trying to do that."

"So Iris could still be alive?"

"I don't know. I'm hoping so we will find her. And well this brings me to my next thing. Iris and I were talking about who were are going to leave the kids with while we try and make things safe for us. And well she suggested that we bring them with you. And since the soldiers know where you live she said that you guys could go to the cabin in a remote location that no one really knows about. And she also mentioned that you might have a couple of satellite phones that way we could stay in touch with each other in the mean time. I know that this is all so sudden. But we don't have much time we need to know what the plan is because we need to go. I'm trying to figure out how we can all be safe again."

"Wow... Umm. Of course Vanessa. I don't mind watching the kids, however long it takes. Now do you know where this cabin is? Should I tell you where it is?"

"No, no, no. I want to make sure that if they do capture us then I want to make sure that they don't pressure us into finding out where the kids are. Just please protect the kids. They more or less know what is going on. And well the Buckley twins have agreed to take care of Isaiah, my son, and Gracie."

"Vanessa I promise you. I will take care of the kids my wife and I will take care of the kids. You don't worry about that." He says while he wipes away a tear that escaped from my eyes.

"Thank you so much Rick. Thank you. I have to go already though. Please take good care of my son." I beg, with tears streaming down my face.

"Don't you worry about that Vanessa. We will. Now let me go get the phones."

"Thank you. And I will go get the kids."

I walk to the car and get the kids down. We walk in and we go inside the house.

"Isaiah I love you son. So much. Remember son this is only temporary. I want you to be fine and I want you to be on your best behavior. You are a great kid my love. And I know that you will be good and help out the twins and Rick and make sure that Gracie is comfortable. Once we make everything safe and there is no risk for you kids then I will come back and we will be reunited again. I PROMISE YOU." I say with tears in my eyes. I lean in and I hug him.

"Mom everything will be fine and I promise that I will behave and help around as much as I can. I want you to be careful and be safe. I will be here waiting for you." He hugs me tighter and I just can't let him go I know I have to let him go but its so hard. We have never been apart before but I guess its just time to face it. I have to make it safe for my son and I.

"Alright baby I have to go I'll see you soon." I give him one last squeeze and then I get the phone from Rick.

"Here you go the phone number is programed already just press 1 and it will call us automatically." He says.

"Alright don't call us. We will call you. You know incase it was a wrong time. Now please get going and be safe. They know where you live so please get going ASAP."

"Will do please be safe. We will be in touch."

And now Mrs. Sanchez and I are on our way back to the house. After a few hours we get back and I'm just on the verge of breaking down. I don't know how I feel about this. What if something happens to me and Isaiah is waiting for me. This is going to be crazy.

"How did it go? Are the kids good?" Mr. Sanchez asks.

"Its hard." I say while I fall to my knees and break down crying. "Guy" comes up to me and takes me in his arms and we just are on the ground and he just lets me cry. "Everything is going to be ok Vanessa I promise. Isaiah will be safe. Let it out sweetheart, let it out. Just know that I'm here for you and you won't ever be alone anymore."

"Thank you 'Guy' I really appreciate it." I lean in and give him a kiss and hug him. We need to figure it out soon on what we need to do to be able to be a family again soon.