Past events with Hannah

Hannah was the daughter of Lucian's servant. They spent their whole life in his service. They were most loyal human servants who were aware of his identity. They have only one daughter who was born after many years of their marriage. But nature can become cruel sometimes. When their only daughter started to fall ill frequently at the age of seven the couple became devastated, so they asked for Lucian's help.

When Lucian told them about the girl's short life span they became devastated. In return for their loyalty and services they ask for long life and protection of their daughter from Lucian.

" I can drag her life for a few more years but not very long. It's impossible to preserve her for more than a decade or so." Said Lucian at that time to her parents. And they agreed it was better as long as they can spend at least a few more years more with their daughter.

But destiny had something else in mind when the girl was fifteen both her parents died one after another due to old age. Hannah didn't know anything about Lucian's reality. For her he was a very wealthy and handsome businessman, who could steal any woman's heart. After her parents' death, Lucian let Hannah move into his house. He assigned a middle aged couple to take care of her. He always thought of her as a small child, who was now his responsibility to take care. Just to repay her parents' loyalty.

But Teenage Hannah was secretly in love with the master of her parents. When she started to live with him in his house, she started to fall for his charm.

For Lucian there was no impression about her. She was just a little brat for him who does not matter to him, nor did her presence affect him. Surely he was a playboy, but he too had some standard. He won't fall for a girl who was barely twenty years old and has a childlike personality, not to mention her parents have entrusted her to him. He was only her provider until she became capable of herself, that's all.

But when the girl finds out that the man she loves has no affection at all, she lost her calm. She tries to find new ways to catch his attention. Going on a rampage, trying to seduce him by entering naked in his room, threaten him with suicide. All sorts of methods a teenage girl could think of.

Lucian had had enough of her, he wasn't a kind man. Nor was he her parent or anything. After trying so hard she decided to leave. Maybe her absence can change his heart, she thought. But after two whole months nothing happened.

So in frustration she left the house last night and met with an accident.


After one month.

It's been a month since she got into an accident and became comatose. They shift Hannah to New York for better treatment. In this past month Jeremy had to keep close watch on her condition as per instruction of Lucian.

But it looks like the girl has no intention of waking up.

Lucian once again got busy in his regular life.

In the morning as usual Jerry came to the office. They were working on a very important project in the past days, which was very important for the company. Everyone was busy because of that.

Jeremy gives some instructions to his secretary. Then proceed to Lucian's office.

After knocking twice on the office he entered.

"Good morning Jerry" Lucian greeted him.

" Good morning sir. Here, your schedule for today. If you like to make some changes." Jeremy said.

"Let me look," Jerry handed him tablet.

" Okay… so I have a meeting with board members at 10 am, conference with Tetra project client at 11 am. Then lunch at 12:30 With Mayra. Huh? Why am I having lunch with her by the way? Lucian asked Jeremy.

Jeremy cleared his throat and explained.

" Because it's her birthday and she is throwing tantrums from last week to meet you. So I just…" before Jeremy could speak anything more Lucian interpreted him.

" So you agree with her, right? Ohh my! How many times do I need to tell you Jerry? I won't do what they want me to do, I will do what I wish to do. It's not necessary to have dinner with her just because it's her birthday. Cancel this" Lucian said

"Alright sir," Jerry nodded.

" let's check what's next…" after that Lucian went through the whole schedule and also made some changes according to his wishes.

When he was done, he passed the tablet to Jeremy and dismissed him.

Jeremy was about to take his leave, but suddenly stop in his track

" Umm. Miss Desai is in the city and requested to meet you. Do you want me to arrange a meeting?"

"What is that serpent- shifter doing here?" Asked Lucian no one in particular.

" All right, fix a coffee meeting with her after dinner at 10 pm. She can choose the place." Replied Lucian after some contemplation.

Soon the whole day passed in a blink. It was almost 10 pm and Lucian was about to leave his office for his coffee meeting. Suddenly his personal phone rang. It was very rare that someone called him on his personal phone, because apart from some special people no one has his number.

The call was from the hospital.

He picked up the call.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lucian Smith?" inquired the other party.


" Sir, your patient, Miss Hannah has regained her consciousness. So can you please come to the hospital?"
