In the hospital

Fire....cold.... She didn't know what was happening any more. It was like one second she was feeling like laying on the ice, while the other it felt like someone had set her on fire. The vicious cycle of cold and fire was repeating itself. After an indefinite amount of time, pain reached to it climax breaking her apart.

It was the end. All the pain and suffering had ended. Her soul feels light, floating in space.

Slowly she was falling in the pit of darkness. There was no light, no pain, no suffering, only endless darkness.

There was nothing around her, like she was in space. She was just about to get lost in the pit of darkness but suddenly someone extended a hand toward her, like signaling her to follow.

Slowly the hand grabbed her hand and started to move towards a small ray of light. As they reached near it, her surroundings started to fill with light, and soon the light engulfed her.

" Huuuuu…huuuu." With a snap her eyes open. Her breathing was laboured, It was like she had run a marathon. Her whole body was falling apart.

The medical equipment connected to her body started to beep loudly. Soon the beeping sounds coming from medical equipment entered her ears. She tried to look around but everything was blurry. She can see the slightly blurry white ceiling.

"Where I am??'' Thought Anna to herself. Her throat was very dry.

Soon the nurse entered the room, she had heard the loud beeping of medical equipment. Nurse was shocked at first, but she quickly regained her senses. She quickly asked someone to call the doctor.

Nurse hurriedly checked her vitals and asked if she was feeling any discomfort anywhere.

" Are you feeling okay? Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?" Asked the nurse to Hannah. With difficulty "Hannah" managed to speak one word.

" wat…water."

'' Wait a second, let the doctor check your body first. After that you can drink water,'' the nurse said in a very slow and gentle voice.

Soon the doctor entered the room. He checked her pulse and other vital signs. The nurse asked him if the patient could drink water. When the doctor allowed her to drink water, the nurse took a glass of Lukewarm water and fed her water with a spoon.

Doctor informed the hospital reception staff to inform the patient's family. In the meantime he has run another important test on her to find if there is any problem or discomfort in her body.

As soon as water passed through her throat a wave of relief passed through Hannah's body. But soon the vivid images start to flood in her mind like a film. There were different scenes, all jumbled.

But it was all Strange, it was like she herself was there in all the scenes, like she herself was there in all the places.

Her head starts to hurt. All she can clearly remember was that she was in the church, wounded, and dying. But now she was here, at this strange place. Her face start to twitch with discomfort.

When the nurse noticed her uncomfortable face she hurriedly came over and asked if she was alright.

" Are you okay, miss Hannah? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" The nurse asked in a concerned voice.

Hannah? Huh?

'Who is Hannah' thought Annabelle to herself. But soon the clear image of a girl appeared in her mind.

The girl was standing in front of her in an ocean-blue knee length dress. She was twirling in circles, there was a bright smile on her face.

When Annabelle tried to take a closer look at the girl, realization hit her. No, there wasn't a girl standing in front of her but she herself was looking at the mirror. The reflection in the mirror was her own.

The scene ended and Anabelle came into her senses.

"Miss Hannah…miss Hannah… are you listening to me?" A worried voice entered her ears. A strange thought entered Annabelle's mind.

She died in that church but somehow her soul enters someone else's body. But how? How in the world is that possible?

Annabelle was in her own thoughts, trying to solve the mystery of her reincarnation, so unknowingly she ignored the questioning nurse. When the nurse slowly shook her she came into her senses.

"ye….yes " replied Anna with difficulty. Her voice was a little bit hoarse.

" Are you alright? Do you remember what your name is or who you are? Asked the nurse.

When Annabelle or now Hannah didn't reply to her question, she thought maybe the patient had lost her memory. It was possible to lose memory in the cases of the accident due to trauma or possible head injuries.

" Yes I'm fine. Don't worry." "Hannah" Replied.

After hearing her reply, the nurse Relaxed.

Soon the door of the room opened and four people entered the room. As soon as Lucian received the call from the hospital he left with Jeremy for the hospital. Jeremy also told Bran and his wife to come to the hospital.

Coincidentally they meet in the corridor.

Doctor also arrived in the room to inform them about the patient's health.

"Hannah" was slowly observing the people in the room. As she looked at someone's face, different scenes related to them started to play in her mind.

She was busy looking at a middle aged couple when a strong male voice entered her ears.

"So you are awake, little bird?" Lucian said in a strong intimidating voice. He was observing each and every little emotion pass through her face from the moment he entered the ward.

As soon as the man's handsome yet intimidating face entered her vision, her body froze. Many different scenes related to him flooded in her mind at once.

In some she was running behind him with a bouquet of red roses. In the other she was eating at the dining table. Once she was staring at him through the glass door of his office. And in one she was standing in the room naked, trying to seduce him.

And unknown to herself the words left her mouth.

"Lucian darling!"
