Become a foodie

Annabelle slept for around two hours. She slowly opened her eyes and look around. It took her a while to remember that she was at Lucian's manor. She slowly left the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

She was feeling very hungry, as it was already past noon. This was due to the different dynamics of her new body. She always felt very hungry and consume much more food compared to her previous body. She was never a foodie before, But this body was different from her previous body. Her carvings for good food have increased and she can also eat much despite her small body structure.

Feeling a growling of her stomach Anna headed downstairs in the hope to find food.

Maids were arranging the dining table under the watch of the butler. The butler of Lucian Smith has a very interesting name Faron (which means handsome servant) which was exactly the opposite of his appearance. Faron was a sharp man, who kept his eyes on each and every servant of the mansion.

"Master will be here soon for lunch, use your hands fast. Mary left and fetch the water jug. Maria removed the napkins from there and use the new ones. " Faron was instructing all the maid in his stern voice.

This was the scene when Annabelle came down from the second floor and entered the dining area. Anna turned around to find Martha but she couldn't find her, so she asked one of the maids. Maid inform her that she returned to her home.

Soon the great aroma of delicious food enter her nostrils and her stomach growled ones again loudly. Followed by a slight chuckle from the man who was standing behind.

Anna turn in the direction of the voice and find Lucian standing there with Jeremy. When she came downstairs she has seen that there was no one there in the living room, so she assumed that maybe she won't meet him for at least for some time.

But here he was standing in front of her laughing at her hungry stomach. Anna felt little embarrassed so she just stands there lowering her head.

Lucian slowly walked towards dining table and take his seat while signal her to take a seat too.

" Come and take a seat. I don't want to starve a patient." Lucian said with a mischievous smirk on his lips.

Annabelle, who was about to take her seat looked at him. She doesn't know why, but she just wants to wipe that smile from his face that was mocking her.

But Anna was never an outspoken girl who can easily refute anyone. So she just silently glared at him and took her seat.

The table was long that can fit at least 20 people. Lucian was on the main seat. Jeremy took a seat beside him, while Anna decided to sit little further away from him. So she sits two seats away from him.

Lucian didn't comment any further and just continued to observe her movements. Jeremy who just look at her with slight disbelief because the real Hannah would never miss any chance of pestering Lucian. But this girl was avoiding him. Well, Lucian has already informed him so he was not that much surprise.

Soon the maids served the food under the watchful eyes of Faron. The food was delicious, Annabelle just toss all other thoughts aside and focus on eating.

The chef has prepared different food for her which was less oily and spicy. But it didn't affect the taste of food.

Annabelle was happily eating while Lucian was just observing her, occasionally taking bites from his plate. Maids of the mansion were also very accurate, piling up her dish with all different food until Anna was full. Annabelle was surprised that reincarnation she became a foodie

Lucian and Jeremy have long put their spoons down. Patiently waiting for her to finish. But Anna, who was under the influence of good food was oblivious to that.

After finishing up her meal she lifts her head to find the two men gazing at her. It was obvious that they had completed their meal long ago and now waiting for her to finish.

She felt little embarrassed at her appetite but soon she thought that there was nothing to embarrassed about eating.

Annabelle just Lower her eyes and wipe her lips with a napkin and then looked at Lucian.

After she finished her meal Lucian spoke.

"Join me to the living room, I have something to discuss." After that he stand up and moved towards the living room. Jeremy also bid her bye and left.

'What he wants to discuss with me.' Anna thought. She was little hesitant.

but she followed him to the living room.

Lucian has taken his seat on the sofa where he was previously sitting when she entered this house. Anna took a seat on the other sofa.

"Now that you have recovered and came out of your "rebellious phase" do you want to do something or just sit and eat" Lucian asked with a straight face.

'Reballious phase' the man was obviously mocking her for the deed that was done by the previous owner of her body.

"What do you mean?" Anna asked. She doesn't know what he means by 'do something' but if she could go out of this place that will be a good opportunity for her to get familiar with this place, and she can make some plans too.

After all she can't live here for long. She still has a revenge to take and her mother and Dominic were still in danger.

"What I mean is you can start your studies again so in the future you can depend on yourself rather than me." Spoke Lucian. He wants to give her opportunities so that he can have a better understanding of her. He was waiting to expose her true self.

"and.." Lucian was about to continue but stop after seeing Jeremy to returned.

Jeremy came and whispered something into his ear. After Lucian finish listening him his face darkened few shades.

"We'll talk about it later." Lucian said in a flat tone and he immediately left with Jeremy.