The intruder

The atmosphere was filled with dark and depressed vibe. It was a time of noon, but there was no sun in the sky, only dark clouds, which were making the atmosphere gloomy. There was a strong powerful dark energy in the air.

This place surely live up to its name 'Realm of evil and suffering' also known as 'Hell'.

In the middle of the dense forest there was an open area. In the middle a big castle was located. Surrounded by high and big trees. The whole area was surrounded by fifteen ft. high and five meters thick curtain wall, The only opening was a giant gate, which leads inside.

In front there was a garden. All types of flowers one can find in the world were all planted there. Maybe those flowers are the only thing that reduces the dark atmosphere a little and give a sense of ease.

In the middle of the garden there was a wide path that leads to the main castle. At the end of a long pathway there was a big fountain. The fountain was made in a shape of a large dragon with open wings and his face towards the sky.

Anyone who looks at it will definitely gasp in wonderment. Not only because it was beautiful. But because, instead of water, the fountain was releasing hot lava. Dragon's mouth that was facing sky was releasing hot lava in the sky with force. Which afterwards falls on the ground like a fire rain. The lava rain covered certain area near the fountain. Leaving enough space for people to pass from both the sides. As the fire drops touch the floor, they immediately absorb by the floor. The dragon look very fearsome and cruel like a ferocious beast. The scene was terrific yet quite mesmerizing.

The castle was very high and designed carefully. It was an excellent example of the proud and elegant castle, which didn't lack in security as well as beauty. At the top tower of the castle there was another statue of dragon as ferocious as dragon of fountain . But this dragon wasn't breathing any fire.

Two men in black rob appeared at the entrance of a castle. They were dragging something behind them, which was covered with black cloth. The gate that leads inside open automatically. Both of them entered and walk towards the main building. After crossing the fountain they walked straight into the building.

They walk in the long corridor, after taking several turns they stood in front of the closed door. As happened before the door just opened by themselves. They dragged that thing inside.

The hall was big, very big. The selling was very high. There was a four sits on both the sides, which were empty.. There was a good distance between them, due to the big size of the hall.

Thousands of candles were burning on the chandelier. That was the only source of the light.

At the end of the room a big throne was placed on a high platform. On the throne sat a man in a white shirt and black pants.

Two top buttons of his shirt were open, giving a glimpse of his toned and drool worthy chest.

Both the men bow towards the man on the throne and other who was sitting in the side chair.

" My lord. We have found this creature near the tomb of forsaken'. Trying to get in stealthily." One of the man informed. His voice was hoarse, and intrusive, Unpleasant to hear.

" Hmm. Someone has guts to invade in my place. Let me take a look, who have a death wish?" Lucian's expression was grim. It wasn't first time that someone has tried to invade in his place. But that happened decades ago, and intruder had met with very bad ending. That resulted into peace for the long term in his place, as no one has ever tried to pull the same stunt again.

After receiving the command from him, the man on the right uplift the black cloth swiftly.

Under the black cloth was a big Cage. Like one that used to cage the birds, but this one was bigger.

Inside sat a small creature. It's head in between knees. After sensing movement around, it slowly uplift it's head from knees and slowly stand up.

As she stands up, her full body came into a view. Her red Phoenix eyes were half closed. Her hourglass figure was covered with long red dress. Edges of the dress was little orange giving the impression that dress was burning. Most eye catching thing was Fiery red wings at her back. In short, she looks like those one of the animated fairy who come alive in real life.

Her wings flapped in the air and make noise. She calmly gaze at the person in front of her. Her thick eyelashes flutter opened fully.

She casually glance at the man on the throne and smile charmingly, like she wasn't a prisoner but came here to meet him normally.

When Lucian recognized the person in front of him, a quick ray of surprise pass through his eyes. Which didn't left unnoticed by the woman in front of him.

" What an honorable guest I have today! But I must say sneaking in is a bad way to visit Someone's place. Look now what happened? Instead of warm welcome you got treated as criminal." Came the sly words from Lucian.

At his smart words the red fairy just sneered.

"You are talking like you would have to treat me any better if I would have asked you for your permission to enter here" She threw her words with the same smile as Lucian's.

" Hmm. That's also questionable scene, me welcome my enemies with opened hand. But still, I must say your skills are becoming worst and worst, after I left." Remarked Lucian in a mocking tone.

" Must be because there are no more fights and bad influence. So we are just enjoying our time in peace after throwing you out of heaven." Answered the fairy.

At her words Lucian narrowed his eyes, but there was his signature cunning smile on his face.

Jeremy who was on his left side, didn't speak anything, he was just wondering why she was here.

" Tell me honestly Alyssia payr, why are you here?. Tell me the truth and I will set you free." Said Lucian in all seriousness. He wasn't in mood to drag their conversation.

The person in front of him was a fairy. Apart from angels there are some more holly creatures who reside in heaven. Fairies are one of them. They help angels to maintain balance and order in the world. They also protect the angels and heaven.

The fairies can be differentiated in two categories; one who is normal fairies who handles the order on earth and reside there in different forms with limited powers and abilities. While second type are those who much stronger and who resides in heaven. They are known as angel-fairies. They control and lead those who resides in earth.

The one in front of him was the one of the oldest angel-fairy. It was quite doubtful that she came here secretly and get caught by his normal guards.

" You know I can't do that. And I'm not afraid of your little threats. You can deal with me as you wish." Said Alyssia.

"And yes now if you 're done with your interrogation session, please let me rest, I'm very tired." She said in a very bored tone.

At her words Lucian just smiled. And Jeremy was amused at her gutsy demand.

" Take her to the dungeon. Make sure you guard her well." At Lucian's order, guards covered the cage with black cloth again and left swiftly