Chapter One: The Change

Once there was a kingdom, with a very special princess her name was Wonda... You see Wonda was your everyday princess kind, loil, fun, and sweet. Until... (Wonda) "Mother, father this is the best roil sweet 16 ever." (Queen Clow) "I'm glad you're having a wonderful birthday." (King Brazen) "Yes it's always grand to see you having so much fun." (King Brazen's thoughts: I just hope the curse doesn't come true.) (Prince Brigon) "Wonda!" (Princess Wonda) "Brig! You're home." (Prince B) "Yes and I'm so happy I made it home for your birthday." (Wonda) "This really is the best birthday ever." (Prince B) "You know what would make it even better, close your eyes… now open them." (Wonda) "Wow a new fish for my pond. What kind of fish is it?" (Prince B) "It's a rare cuttlefish called, "Metasepia Pfeffer's." (Wonda) "Neat, I'll call him Cuddly." (Prince B) "That's a perfect name and I think Cuddly agrees." [Dialogue: The next morning the princess had fallen ill to the curse. Now only the king, queen, and staff knew about the curse. The king and queen also told the roil vet. Prince Brigon was worried for his sister. He didn't know what had befallen her. His mother and father didn't seem too worried. They were more concerned about some other matter. For it seemed they were preparing for a visitor and their pet. Midnight on the third night after the princess's birthday.] (Princess Wonda) *Screaming of agenizing pain* [Prince Brigon was jolted awake by the screaming. He hurries down the hall to his sister's room, bursting through the doors and rushes to her bed side.] (Prince B) "Wonda what is wrong? What is happening to you? (Princess Wonda) *Scream* [As the prince watches her scream and squirm. He sees his sister start to morph and change. He doesn't believe his eyes, his sister now has claws and a tail. She was growing fir, her hands where now replaced with paws.] (Prince B) "Wonda you're a… a… Dog!" [He rushes out of the room slamming the doors behind him. He turns around and sees his mother and father standing there with the roil vet.] (Prince B) "What is happening? My sister is a dog! I don't understand how did this happen?" (King Brazen) "Son I'm afraid this is the fault of your 19th grate grandfather King Dodges. You see, when he was young he fell in love with a peasant girl. He had not seen her in 3 weeks. But when he finally saw her she had news for him. She was pregnant with his child. Scared and afraid he started to yell at her. For his family had no knowledge of his love for this peasant. Out raged he shook her and continued to yell. He through her on the down on the floor and stormed out of the house furious. The next week he went to her house to apologize for his rage. When he entered the house he saw her chanting by the fire. She had lost the baby do to the roughness of the prince. She turned to face him and said it is done your family line is cursed. The 16th princess who will be born on the 16th day of the New Year. She will be cursed, on the third day after her 16th birthday. She will turn into a beast with paws, a tail, and fir. She will be the friend of man. Then she sacrificed herself to seal the curse with her blood and left the prince to dwell on her words." [When his father finished the prince couldn't speak. He seemed petrified. When they tried to snap him out of it he fainted. The next day when the prince awoke.] (Prince B) "Oh I had the strangest dream last night. I draped my darling little sister had changed into a dog. Ha what nonsense." [As the prince wondered down the hall. He saw guards posted outside his sisters room the prince is startled for everything is all too clear.] (Prince B) "Oh no my sister." [He rushes to the doors. But as he reached for the handle the guards stopped him.] (Prince B) "What is the meaning of this? Why do you stop me?" (Guard) "Sorry your highness but no one is allowed to enter without permission from the king and queen." – (Prince B) ���Mother, father why have you forbidden entry to Wonda's room?" (King Brazen) "Brigon it is your sister who has denied entry. Everyone in the palace has tried to enter her room, but every time she would charge at them, forcing them out." (Prince B) "Father let me try." (King Brazen) "I don't know, darling what do you think?" (Queen Clow) "Well he is the only one who has not tried to enter Wonda's room. I say we let him try." (King Brazen) "It's settled then, but we will come to see that she does you no harm." – (King Brazen) "Guards let my son pass." (Guards) "Yes your majesty." (King Brazen) "Go on son will be right here." [The prince proceeds cautiously peering in, he sees Wonda sleeping near her bed. He quietly enters and closes the door. *click* He stops and turns around slowly. Wonda is now awake watching him. Suddenly she gets up and starts moving towards him. Wonda doesn't charge because this person… He seems very familiar. Suddenly she knows it her favorite person. It's Brig her brother. She runs towards him full of joy, finally someone she knows. However prince Brigon is not as happy, for he sees that his sister is about to attack him. But the prince holds his ground ready to receive the attack. Wonda nocks him over and starts licking his face.] (Prince B) "Wonda stop that tickles." (Prince Brigon's thought: I wonder why she didn't attack me like she did the others.) (King Brazen) "Son are you all right?" (Prince B) "Yes father, I'm all right." (Queen Clow) "How is Wonda dear?" (Prince B) "She's fine mother and seems very happy to see me. Why don't you come in and see for your selves." [So the king and queen opened the doors but as soon as Wonda saw them she started to bark angrily. For she did not recognize her parents. Quickly the guards shut the doors, and Wonda went back to her brother's side but only to make sure that no one would hurt him, for he was her only friend. The only one she knew would not hart her. The only one that she had now that she was a dog, now that she was alone.]