Chapter Two: Wendellen

[For the next few weeks the prince stayed with Wonda in her room. He made sure that she was fed and comfortable. At one point he got her to fallow him into the room that his mother and father had prepared for her new form. It was a marvelous pet sweet. With all the comforts a dog could wont, with a princess them of cores. Now the prince noticed that Wonda was getting fatter. So he left her in her new room and went to see his father to discoes what should be done.] (Prince B) "Father I'm concerned about Wonda's health. She's getting fat." (King Brazen) "It's probably time we let the vet try to do a checkup. But Brigon do you think Wonda will let him near her?" (Prince B) " Father I think she will let him but only if I'm beside her." (King Brazen) "Well he'll be here in an hour. I've been having him come here every day now. And it's about the time when he visits. Go tend to Wonda and I'll send him up when he arrives." [The prince went back to the room. When he went in Wonda was right there waiting for him.] (Prince B) "Wonda there is someone that is coming to see you." (Wonda- *Gerr*) (Prince B) "Now don't be that way. I will be right by you the whole time, ok. But you need to be more open and less defensive towards new people. I can't be here all the time. Try to be good when he comes." [Just then the vet knocked on the door.] (Vet) "Hello Prince Brigon is it all right to come in?" [The prince looks at Wonda she is laying down watching the door. She seems calm.] (Prince B) "Yes you may enter. I believe you will not be harmed." [As the vet enters the room Wonda is still. He moves closer to her. Until they're about a foot apart. Then he slowly extends his hand, he is confident in what will happen. As he expected Wonda got up and sniffed his hand, then her tell started to wag.] (Vet) "Well then this is a great start. Now Wonda will you allow me to do a checkup." (Wonda *woof*) (Vet) "Ok, please get up on the bed and I'll start the checkup." [So the vet checked Wonda's ears, paws, and her heart beat. Then he checked to see if she had a heart beat in her stomach. She did.] (Vet) "All right you everything is perfectly fine, Wonda is in tip top shape. All though you should know she is pregnant." (Prince B) "What!? How is that possible? She hasn't left my side even once." (Vet) "You didn't know. Well that doesn't supersize me. You see my family has been waiting for this curse to happen for many years. Now that it has happened I can help break it, or at least tell you how it can be broken." (Prince B) "You know how to break the curse?" (Vet) "Yes. To break the curse 6 people must be helped by a good, kind, and loll pup. Only then will the curse be broken." (Prince B) "So if my sister helps 6 people the curse will be broken? But why is my sister pregnant?" (Vet) "Oh yes. Well that is part of the curse. You see when the peasant girl lost her baby she said that her baby would be saved by the link the child had to the roil blood line. I think that the baby's descendent is the pup in your sister." (Prince B) "So were a life was taken another life was promised." (Vet) "Yes. Now I recommend that her food be doubled until she has her pup. She should have the pup in about a month. Now you need to keep her comfortable and is there a servant I could talk to, someone Wonda trusts." (Prince B) "The only one that comes to mind is Wendellen." (Vet) "Well then I'll go talk to Wendellen. I just need to let her know what to do if the puppy comes and I'm not here." (Prince B) "Oh of cores." (Vet) "Right then I'll be on my way." [After the vet left he found Wendellen, and told her that she needed to stay with Wonda. He told her what to do if the pup came. She listened well to what he told her. But she was not sure she could even get near Wonda, let alone help her. So that night she went to see the prince to see what he thought. The prince told her to bring the princess her morning meal and he would help Wonda warm up to Wendellen again. For you see Wendellen was Wonda's lady in waiting ever since birth. She had always attended to the princesses every need. Until the curse, then only the prince could get near her. The next day…] *Knock-Knock* (Wonda *Growl*) (Prince B) "Wonda stop that. Remember what I told you." [Wonda stopped but continued to watch the door.] (Prince B) "It's ok you may enter." [Wendellen opened the door and stepped in cautiously.] (Prince B) "Ok Wendellen now come towards Wonda slowly and place the tray on the floor in front of her. Then hold out your hand." [Wendellen did as she was instructed. She set the tray down and held out her hand.] (Princess: I wasn't so sure about this strong lady, she smelled wired. But I remembered what my brother had told me. That I needed to be more open and not so defensive. When I saw that she had brought me food I was happy. Then I saw her out stretched hand. I decided to investigate. So I got up and started my investigation. I circled around her looking and sniffing. And I found a familiar scent, it was the scent of roses. This lady was Wendellen.) [Wonda remembered, every morning she would wake up to the smell of roses and Wendellen would be standing right there with breakfast and roses. Oh what joy. Wonda's tail started to wag. Then she placed her head under Wendellen's out stretched hand. Wendellen smiled and patted Wonda's head. She was glad Wonda remembered her and spoke the phrase she had said to Wonda every morning since she was born.] (Wendellen) "Good morning little rose."