Chapter Three: The Pup

[Over the next 3 weeks Wendellen took care of Wonda. This gave prince Brigon time to catch up on his roil duties and get up the nerve to talk to his parents about Wonda.] (Prince B) "Mother, father I think it's time you get reacquainted with Wonda." (Queen Clow) "I don't know my son. Last time she wasn't too happy." (Prince B) "I know mother, but she has come a long way since then. I am certain she will let you near her." (King Brazen) "Well we do have a gift we want her to have." (Prince B) "A gift?" (Queen Clow) "We had the silver smith modify one of Wonda's tiaras into a caller she could ware." (Prince B) "That's brilliant." (King Brazen) "Indeed. It was your mother's idea. She did not wont Wonda mistaken for a regular dog." (Queen Clow) "Well I just want to be able to recognize if it's Wonda or not. And no princess should be without her tiara." (Prince B) "Anyways, you can come see her tonight and give her the caller." [That night the king and queen went to Wonda's room with the gift and rapped on the door.] *Knock-knock* (Prince B) "Come in." [The king and queen entered and were over joyed to see sitting there at the door was Wonda wagging her tail looking happy to see them. But truthfully Wonda did not know them, she was just trying to do as Brig had told her and be more opened to new people. The king and queen knelt and rapped their arms around Wonda holding her close. Then the king took the special caller from its case and slipped it on to Wonda's neck, as the king did this he saw that Wonda had a noticeably large belly.] (King Brazen) "Brigon is Wonda well? She seems a bit over weight." (Prince B) "She and the pup are both healthy and fine father." (King and Queen) "Pup!" [The king and queen were shocked this was the first they had herd of this surprising development. Brigon explained it to them and also that the vet had said how the curse could be broken.] (Queen Clow) "Well how soon is she do?" (Prince B) "Any day now." [Within the next few days Wonda had the pup. It was a boy, but he was ode for he had charcoal black fur, which did not match his mother's shiny golden fur.] *Knock-knock* (Prince B) "Enter." (Wendellen) "Good morning Prince Brigon." (Wonda *Woof*) (Wen) "And good morning to you Wonda. Say where's that pup of yours I have a gift for him from me and the rest of the castle staff." (Prince B) "Wendellen you got him a gift?" (Wen) "Yes! All the staff pitched in and we had a caller made for him with a round gold tag." (Prince B) "Very nice." (Wen) "Sorry there's no name engraved, but we didn't know his name." (Prince B) "Oh that's right we haven't named him yet, well for now let's if it fits. Let's see try looking under the bed that's usually where he hides." [Wendellen walked over and looked under the bed. Sure enough there was the pup. She got him and took him over to the prince and princess. She set him down, and then she proceeded seeing if the caller would fit. As the caller slipped nicely on to his neck, the tag started to glow shining brightly. It stopped and now on the tag was a name PLINK.] (Wen) "Well look at that, I guess we now know what your name will be." (Prince B) "Plink what an odd name." (Plink) *bark* [He liked his name and he liked the nice lady who gave him this nice caller.] (Wen) "Well if you will excuse me now, I need to run a few earns." (Prince B) "Very good, you my leave." [Plink saw Wendellen was leaving, now Plink had never been outside his mother's room but he wanted to thank Wendellen for the present. So when Wendellen opened the door he slipped out with her and trailed along behind as she walked down the hall. Then Plink cot a whiff of something, it smelled so good and was coming from the door Wendellen was approaching. Wendellen opened the door to the kitchen and from the corner of her eye she saw something black rush in. - Plink couldn't stand it he had to know what that smell was, so as soon as the door opened he ran in to find out what that delicious smell was. When he found it he noticed that there was someone staring down at him it was a little scary but he liked that there were more people than just his mother, Brigon, Wendellen and those two crazy older persons.] (Sav) "Well now what are you doing in here little fella?" (Wendellen) "Plink how did you get here?" (Sav) "Wendellen do you know this puppy?" (Wen) "Yes this little guy is Prince Plink." (Sav) "Prince? Do you mean this is Princess Wonda's pup." (Wen) "Yes, and my guess is that you slipped out when I was leaving." (Plink *whimper*) (Wen) "Oh well at least you like meeting other people." (Sav) "So Wendellen are you going to the village today?" (Wen) "Yes, I'm meeting my cousin at the tavern." (Sav) "Well since you're going would you mind getting me some apples, I'm just about out and I still have four more apple pies to make." (Plink: So that's what the smell is, apple pie.) (Wen) "Of course I will after all you can't have apple pie without apples." (Sav) "Thanks here catch." [Sav tossed one of the remaining apples. Wendellen turned to catch it but before she did Plink leaped up and cot it. Then proceeded to gobble it up.] (Sav) "Well I guess you'll be wanting some apples too." (Wen) "Well if that be the case then Plink would you like to come to the village with me to get the apples?" [Plink barked he definitely wanted to have another one of those delicious apples.] (Sav) "Are you certain it's alright to take him?" (Wen) "I'm certain it'll be fine, but I'll go ask the prince if it's alright" [Prince Brigon agreed that it was alright. So Wendellen got her horse from the stables put Plink on and headed to the village using the back road. On the way Wendellen pointed out the road that led to the port. They arrived at the village and after Wendellen boarded her horse at the village's stables, she and Plink went to the tavern. Wendellen was meeting Einn, her cousin in law. Einn was married to Wendellen's cousin Malcrol. They lived down at the port where they ran an inn. Every so often Wendellen and Einn got together at the tavern to catch up. / As Wendellen entered the tavern she saw Einn at their usual spot.] (Wen) "Hello Einn, it's been a while." (Einn) "Yes it has." (Plink *Arff*) (Einn) "Wendellen, who is that?" (Wen) "This is Pr… Plink! Yes this little pup is Plink." [Wendellen was cautious, she didn't know if she should mention that Plink was really Prince Plink son of Princess Wonda.] (Einn) "Well you are quite a little cutie." [Ms. VanDerzee the owner of the tavern tended to them personally Ms. VanDerzee was a good friend of Einn's she spent quite a bit of time at their inn before finding a place of her own to make a new start. Just then Einn heard a voice calling, "Wendellen".] (Einn) "Wendellen someone is calling your name." (Wen) "What I don't hear anyone, you must have imagined it." [Einn could still hear the voice calling. She looked around, it seemed to be coming from under the table. She peered under and saw the voice was coming from Plink!] (Einn) "Plink?" ~Ar~ (Plink) "What?" [Plink hearing his name went over to Einn.] ~Woof Bark~ (Plink) "Yes, you called did you want to play?" [Einn couldn't believe it Plink could talk! Wendellen didn't know it but Einn could understand exactly what Plink was barking even thou no one else could.] (Einn) "Wendellen where did you say this pup was from?" (Wen) "I didn't say." (Einn) "So he just fallowed you?" (Wen) "Well you see… oh alright, but not a word to anyone. This is really Prince Plink. He's from the castle." (Einn) "So he's the roil pet?" (Wen) "Well sort of." (Einn) "So he knows special tricks?" (Wen) "No, he's pretty new to the castle. I don't think he knows any tricks yet." ~Arff Arff Yip~ (Plink) "Hay! I know some tricks, like sit." [Then Plink sat.]