Book One: Innocence


"[Oh sorry...I forgot to mention to Daniel, that the usage of these artifacts has a limit...You are nothing but a weak human, so if you use them too much and they will kill you] Servant said to blood-soaked Daniel, as he picked himself off the ground with the help of the Red Cross, again reverting himself, enabling himself to speak

[Why...Why me... If you are so strong, why need me] he complained again [That will be the will of the four kings, as for me, I was ordered to help you, to fight the threat which may end up dooming the entire creation] the Servent explained

Hearing this, Daniel let out a chuckle [I already told you to fuck off...but just tell me why... why did everything I ever cared about, had to be taken away from me] Daniel asked with tears appearing, tracing down his cheeks, which made him laugh [I don't know...How about you ask your God when you see him] the Servent replied and Daniel clenched his teeth [That's not an answer!] he screamed"