Act One: Chapter Four: The Revenge Summoning

Daniel Grayson,

Her house was furnish from the inside and the living room was decorated with wooden texture wallpaper. I sat down on the couch opposite her. She offered me a glass of cold water, which was needed.

[So Daniel...Sophie told me about]

I almost choked on the water.

[Wait what?]

[Of course, you know that I am her aunt, right]

[Yes but...I didn't think she would have mentioned me] I said putting down the glass

[Why because you left her?]

[Yes] I said nervously

[She was bawling on the phone with me, Daniel] She said with Angry just around the corner of that fake smile

I knew I was in hell for this one.

[I am sorry, I didn't mean this to happen]

[You know you are going to hell for this Daniel] She said with a smile disappearing

[I know, so can tell me about this town] I said locking my eyes with her

She sighed [Many things... had happened, mostly missing children]

[Missing children? is that why your brother moved?]

[No, not really. You see my brother, worked as a bus driver for the local primary school. One day the bus went out of the control and rolled down the hill. This ended up killing 18 children and injuring 7 and the cause was the lack of bus mantaince]

[Oh! sorry to hear that?] I said with sincerity

[Well...Nobody forgave him for this, he lost his job and got threatened, and at last moved away with his family, barely alive]

[And... what about you, why did you stay behind?]

[You see, this is our only family property...somebody had to stay behind, anyway... that accident was a start for wildfire... after which many unexplainable things started happening. Eight Children disappeared one after another inside the forest in the west of the town. This causes most of the town's family to move away... During the first few missing children, the authority was called and they found a cabin in the middle of the forest, near the creek of the lake]

[what about it?]

[They could not get close to it... Each time they tried to get close they would become paralyzed, or pass out, so they left it alone. After a few more disappearances, many families abandoned the town and that's all]

I smiled at her, [I see thank you for telling me all that]

I guess I found out where I needed to go.

She raised her eyebrow at me [Hmm...Let me ask you this, Daniel, what are you trying to do?]

[You are informed about Sophie, right?]

[Of course, I am and you...are you trying to find her]

[I am just trying, I don't know whether I will able to find her or not]

[And then what...are looking for her forgiveness?]

[That comes second... I can live with her hating me for the rest of my life]

She sighed [Alright then...I wish you good luck]

I left immediately, she had made my destination apparent, as I found myself on the west side of the town, facing the mouth of the forest. I started walking, going through it hastily. The air felt cold and dump on my face.

At first, there were trees which were alive, but as I went further in, the scenery started to change. The trees were dry rotting, accompanied by an unusual absence of sound, or any life for that matter. The silence was deafening, except for the sound of the dead leaves crumbling beneath my feet.

I came to a stop by a little girl, standing a few meters away from me. dirty cloth and black sunk eyes, staring right at me. Before I could register the appropriate reaction, the little girl turned around and started walking. "Oh well", I thought to myself, I done questioning at this point. I started following her, a few minutes of walking and she stopped and pointed at yet another girl, this one taller.

Same dirty cloth and sunken eyes and while at looked at her the previous one disappeared. This one led through to the next one, until I had seen a total of 13 children with sunk eyes. At last, I stumble upon on an old, sealed well. The well was sealed with wooden planks, nailed into its sides, and a pungent smell of rotting flesh, along with black goo oozing out from the cracks. I wanted to open it, but felt that if I did, I might regret it greatly.

The air started to get suffocating, accompanied by a similar presence of weight and fear. I turned to face it, the demon. Just Standing there, blending in with the trees, just a few yards away from me. I felt as if I was lead into a trap. On the other hand, the Cross, my only protection against this fiend, was in my bag.

At the first sign of movement from the demon, I turned around and bolted as fast as I could. I quickly swing my bag in front and skunked my hand inside, grabbing the cross. But I was not fast enough to take it out, as the demon caught up to me and it smashed its hand into my side. A loud crack and thud and I found myself against a tree.

Unable to breathe or speak, a few of my ribs were cracked and the right lung was shattered, for a while I lost myself to the insane pain and the fear that I might die today. The Cross was in my hand, but I was unable to move my arm. The demon came over me and grabbed me by the neck and lifted me. Its face started convulsing and stretching again, forming a mouth.

It screamed at me, followed by laughter and again Sophie's voice. The frustration kicked in and the fear turned into pure rage. I just had enough of this bullshit and was fed up with all this. My right side started burning up, like on fire. I clutched my teeth and with all my power I raised my hand and stabbed the demon into the shoulder.

[Writer note: Yes he is a human]

It dropped me and started screaming. Its skin started bubbling up, reviling faces of children, followed by them dragging themself out of him. Screaming, sobbing, and rotten all over. As they felled on the ground, they continued dragging themselves towards the well, going through the wall. Soon they all disappeared, leaving behind a crippled body of the demon. I got up and walked towards it. The demon started yelling at me.

[Stay...Stay away!... From me!]

Again in Sophie's voice. I grabbed the cross.

[Shut the fuck up!]

Kicked the demon back, taking the cross out of it. It felled back, turning into a black mist. The mist flew through me and around, towards in a certain direction. I followed it and found the house in front of me, near the creek, with the black mist going inside of it.

I hid the cross in my belt and I made my way into the house. The cabin was old and decrypted, the walls were falling apart and mold was growing around them. The door was opened, so I walked in. There were some old furniture and a terrible smell. the only source of light was the sunlight coming in from the window on the side. Coming closer to the window, I saw the reflection of an old woman.

I quickly turned around and found an old woman running at me with a knife. I tried to jump out of the way but was caught by her, stabbing from the front into my kidney. She was too strong for me to stop her, pushing me to the window. She was crying and calling me a murderer. So I had to do what I had to do. On the side of me was the table with a vase on it, I grabbed it and smashed it on the side of her head, knocking her out cold or...maybe killing her.

I moaned in pain, as I walked away from that psychotic bitch and felled on my knees. With all my strength I pulled the knife out. I screamed in pain, while the blood poured out. I was going to pass out from the pain and the blood loss. Then it happened again, my body started burning up and the bleeding stopped and so did the pain.

I didn't have time to question what was happening to me, just like most other things that have happened to me, I accepted it, and moved on.

I got up and looked around until I found the door which went down to the basement. Where I finally found her, Sophie, tied to the ceiling. Her condition brought tears to my eyes. She looked weak and skinny, with torn clothes. She was cover with many scars and bleeding from a deep wound in her shoulder. I called out to her, but she was unconscious.

I quickly tried to run to her, but suddenly got shot back from an invisible force. I again got up and noticed a red circle with symbols around her. the only reasonable thing I could think was to use the Cross. I took the Cross and stabbed the circle with it. With a bright red light and another shock to the ground, the circle dissipated.

By that point, I was fed up with everything and wanted this day to end already. I was able to cut her down, she weighs next to nothing. I laid her beside the wall, touch her face with my hands. She was cold and I could feel her cheekbone.

I wiped my eyes and took off my coat and draped it over, in a vain attempt to keep her warm. Then I too laid beside the wall and called the police and explained the situation. Telling them about where I was and told them the address of Miss. Lucy, for some sort of proof. My hand fell limp on the ground, as I felt power leaving my body. I gave my final look to Sophie.

[I am sorry...Sophie...Please forgive me]

I knew that she might not be listing to me, but just in case one of us doesn't make alive out of this. Right now I was in terrible pain, with my broken ribs and a wound in my kidney. I soon started to slip into unconsciousness and the last thing I remember hearing, faint footsteps coming down the stairs.

Suddenly I woke up and I was on the stretcher, being pulled out of the house. On my other side were both Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner, coming along with Sophie. The two officers then proceed to load me in the ambulance. I quickly grabbed the arm of one of the police officers. I told him to check the well in the middle of the forest, then again passing out.