Act Two: Chapter Twelve: The Bracelet

Daniel Grayson,

After sitting in the plane for two whole days, we landed at LaGuardia Airport and no time was wasted. As soon as we got off the plane, we found a car waiting for us. From there it took almost twenty minutes to get to the Federal gold reserve.

A fourteen stories building that had a fortress-like appearance that occupied the whole city block. Once inside, I had to go through security checking, but I did not allow them to look inside my suitcase and my wishes were fulfilled By the use of the Amulet. I left my suitcase With Red Cross in the security office, while I had the amulet around my neck.

Mr. Christopher escorted me thought the busy work area. People working there were all over the place. Walking and talking about who knows what, while handling paper and typing away. None paid any attention to, maybe I was not distracting enough. Soon we arrived at the head office.

Inside I was greeted with four individuals. The first one to shake my hand introduced himself as a member of the New York Federal Gold Vault Staff Tommy Lipkin and he pointed at the other two members. Karl M. Cote, also a member of New York Federal Gold Vault Staff, Oscar Marco member of Federal Internal audit staff, and Aaron Mike, the head of security.

The three-member were needed for me to be allowed down towards the hidden vault. Mr. Aaron had a contract and took their signatures. After taking their signatures, I was told to follow Mr. Aaron and Mr. Christopher, as they led me through another security clearance, which ended at an elevator.

Mr. Aaron came forwards and press the elevator button and with a ding, the door opened. Aaron Mike was a man in his late twenties, with dark brown hair and a Carefree look about himself. Once entering the elevator, along the line of buttons. There was a metal box with a keyhole embedded inside the wall. Mr. Aaron walked forward with a key and opened it to reveal a white button. He pushed it and the elevator started moving.

I had my eyes on the screen that displayed the floor numbers. The first one, then two, then three, then four, and then it stopped for a while. Then suddenly displayed floor number six and the elevator door opened, to a giant room. In the middle of the room was a narrow path with four pillars on each side. And at last stood a giant vault door, in front of us.

[Mr. Daniel, this would be the vault that you were told of] Mr. Christopher Said pointing at the vault door [How is it special?]

[All of the vaults of federal gold reverse are state of the art and so is the security system which we use to keep them safe] Mr. Aaron Said, as I looked around and realized that there weren't any cameras around [And is this floor an exception to the security system?] I said looking at him [Kind of...You see this floor is owed by the church and that vault is...How should I say...Doesn't make sense] Aaron said [How come?]

[Well you see that vault has a rather simple lock mechanic than the vault upstairs, but it lacks a keyhole, thus we don't know how to open it. Then of course we resorted to other methods of opening, but they also resulted in failure] Mr. Christopher continued [That is why it can be classified, as something that shouldn't exist...Not even a starch even after using a diamond cutter or laser cutter. We could have found what it was made, that could have help in understanding the vault, but not a single scrapping could be produced from it...So in the end, we don't know how to open it or what it is made up of] Christopher explained

That put a smile on my face. Me being the only one, who would be able to open such a thing.

[Well then...(I faced them) You gentlemen are in luck because today you will be able to see what is inside] I walked towards the giant vault door and place my hand on the solid metal, both gentlemen behind watched in anticipation, as I uttered simple command for the vault [Open!] As soon as I said that things started to happen

The Amulet shinned blue and Instantly on my command, the twelve rods released outward from the central plate in front, and it suck a large amount of air inside. The plate started turning, pulling the long steel bar from the lock, releasing the giant door. I stepped back as the door started opening slowly and revealing its contents. They both were left dumbfounded at the view of piles and piles of diamonds. Littered like sand on a beach, inside the vault.

[Diamonds? that is...reasonable] Mr. Aaron remarked [Thats not why the vault exist, it houses something valuable] I said I walked inside, in the middle of the vault was a pedestal with the Bracelet of the Diamond King on it and of course all the diamonds surrounding it

I stepped into the vault and walked over the diamonds, which made me feel a bit too much special, towards the pedestal. I walked over them, well knowing their worth. After all, every single one of them was mine, but sadly I had no use for, as if this moment anyway. I carefully picked up the bracelet, A few inches long, with a white spiral pattern going across its top and a white clouded gem embedded in the middle. The bottom opened up and I placed it on the arm and then closed it.

It went from my wrist to the center of my forearm. Once on my arm, it immediately glowed. Shining color white and I felt icy cold feeling blanket over me, it was soothing and relaxing, soon the feeling reached my eyes. I could tell that my eyes were glowing white.

I came out and touch the door and said it to close itself. The vault swings back and locked itself. I looked at the confused faces of Mr. Aaron and Mr. Christopher. Before they could say anything, the Amulet started to glow.

[Gentlemen! I would like you two to keep silent about what you saw today] I said that as an order, both of their eyes gave flashes of blue before going back to normal [Yes sir! (Both of them said in unisons)]

[Good, well this would be a goodbye, but I will remember you both] I said walking pass them to the elevator and them shortly following me afterward

One of many guaranteed uses of the Amulet was to control people as well. I left the reserve now with the bracelet on my arm and only the Emerald Ring remaining. I stayed at the Times Square Hotel for a day and the next morning I left for California, Mojave desert.