Act Four: Chapter Twenty- Eight: Field Mission

Agent Joseph,

In July, the Boston University of medicine had a breakthrough. The join corporation was between the Research section, Biomedical Genetic researchers, and the Research center of regenerative medicine Doctors. Dr. Rachel Lamarck and Dr. Gregory Francis, researchers in the field of Developmental genetics, and Dr. Carl Jaron, Dr. Jean Mandal, and Dr. Linnaeus Crick, researchers in the field of regenerative medicine.

Their vision was pure, wanting to create a medicine that would be able to recreate lost limbs and organs, but would result in disaster. The medicine in the form of a liquid serum, named R.J.C.G.L, was first introduced on small monkeys. First removing their limps, then injecting them with R.J.C.G.L. It was successful but show dire side effects. The R.J.C.G.L took a place inside the host, heal, and replacing all future injuries infected on the host.