Act Six: Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Very Dead Girlfriend

Kenny Harley,

New York/2014,

It was Sunday night and I was on my bed and chat with Anna.

[Hey are you there] I asked [Yeah] Anna replied 

Her parents were out of town and, only I and a close friend of hers knew about it.

[Are you still mad about what James did]Anna asked me [Rather you ask whether I feel bad or not for punching him in his face] I replied

Even though we have been happily dating for half a year, her Ex, James wouldn't leave us alone. Just yesterday at a certain party, he tried to make moves on Anna, my girlfriend. Even after the first warning, he remained persistent and so I had to do demonstrate my second warning, my punching him in his face.

[Listen...I know that he is an asshole, so just forget about him] Anna said [Which part, the face or the annoying ass tone whenever he talks] I asked in response [Both...if possible]