Act Six: Chapter Forty-One: Confrontation

Kenny Harley,

I walked towards the front door of my house, and gently pushed it open, It was already open and he was inside with her. I closed the door behind and as I entered. The lights were out and my parents weren't at home. I heard noises coming from the kitchen.

I made my way to the kitchen and there she was, tied to the chair with rope and duct tape covering her mouth. She was crying profoundly, as she looked at me, she mumbled for help. I stood there still as he walked out of the living room, holding a gun.

I could not help but smile at his brilliance [Took you long enough, Kenny! I was getting broad] Ray said with a peal of laughter in his voice [I am sorry... for not accepting the fact, it was you along] I said with a smile Oh come on dude, who else could it have been, James?] Ray said and I laughed [That was my bad]