Act Seven: Chapter Fifty-Two: The Only Alpha

The Protector,

The one in the front snapped and charged at Elia. She knew that Fenrir was underneath, so she only smiled and stood there in confidence. As soon as the Adlet reached her, a massive canon of wind burst forth out of the ground in front of her. It hit the Adlet and lunching him back into the arch of the cavern, breaking his back, and then falling on the ground.

Fenrir came out and turned into his physical form, standing tall. The Alpha and the rest of the Adlet stepped back. Fenrir ignored them and turned to Elia.

[You came...] Elia said cheerfully, before anything, Fenrir in annoyance lifted his paw and pushed it onto Elia. Pushing her down in the snow [What!...what are doing!...get it off me!] Elia said struggling to move his paw off herself [You deserve this] Fenrir said [What!... no, I don't!] Elia said [Then next time don't go around touching] Fenrir said