Act Eight: Chapter Fifty-Nine: Power Junkie

The Protector,

The five of them came in with their respected gear, except Reco, he was just wearing an ABYSS-issued suit, which in itself was made up of Graphene. One-atom-thick sheets of carbon are 200 times stronger than steel.

Cote had a single belt going around his waist and his shoulder. It contained forty daggers. These were explosives and had three settings, impact detonation, timer detonation, and remote detonation. They had a handle meant to carry with one hand and blade longer than one-fifth of the handle and would leave the blade behind inside the target after exploding. Created by Cote, himself and he stood on the far right.

Karl came in with a Barrett M95, manual bolt-action anti-material sniper rifle, using a 12.x99 mm .50 BMG cartridge. Other than wearing the ABYSS-issued Suit, which itself was protection, above that he worked a tactical vast. He stood far back, close to the wall.