TA: Special Chapter Alex's Training Part 1

First Person POV

I am currently alone in the Cabin sleeping silently, The whole cabin was filled with silence as I was the only one inside the Cabin. My Brother left to train himself, I was sadden when I heard that he left but before he left he decided to give a bet for the both of us.

The bet was about having a duel in two months time, This made me get over my depression and work hard every day.



An Alarm clock could be heard destroying the Silent atmosphere of the Cabin, A Silver White haired girl could be seen stretching her body while trying to stand up. Her hair was having a bedhead, And the girl looks around the room while yawning.

"It's morning?" Alex said as she rubbed her eyes, She was struggling to get up due to her training yesterday which made her very tired. Alex stands up and slowly walked towards the Bathroom while still rubbing her eyes and yawning herself.

(SFX Bathroom noise sound)

30 minutes later, Alex walked out of the bathroom with energetic eyes. She was revitalize due to the bath that she got, Alex was excited on her training today and it has been half a month since her brother left.

"I wonder what Brother is doing?" Alex said as she walked out of the room heading towards the Kitchen where she cooks her own food. She opens the Cabinets and took out the tools and ingredients for her food.

After placing the ingredients and tools on the table, Alex the began cooking. She cleans her Cooking tools first and cleans the ingredients after. After cleaning the two, She then turns the the switch of the gas stove and began to cooked.

Another 1 hour later of cooking, Alex then places her food on the table it was the food that she and her brother would. After placing the food on the table Alex then sat on her chair. She looks at the chair that was in front of of her and remembered her brother.

"I hope brother comes back" Alex said as she sighed, She eats the food for breakfast and starts to reminiscing the time where she was with her brother.

Alex finish her breakfast and rest for an hour before she starts her training, She was watching the news that was on the TV. She saw a female reporter reporting about a place that was Important to her.

"It has been Months since the Meteor crash landed on the Forest near Mont Blanc, This was the most powerful meteor blast that was seen in the 21st Century. The power of such blast was comparable to a 35 megaton explosives, This was a city destroying meteor but thankfully it didn't hit any places that had civilization and only hit the Forest near Mont Blanc. The Specialist or Researcher that deals with the subject called Meteoritics" The reporter said as a points towards the man who was next to her.

Alex was surprised on how the events in the Forest happen, She knows that this was not what happen but she was impressed on how her brother manage to cover their tracks. He literally just dropped a bomb to where they are just to destroy everything that points towards them.

"Hello" The Specialist said towards the Camera and the Reporter.

"Sir, What do you think about the Meteor crash?" The Reporter asked the Specialist.

"Well, Like what you said this was one of the most powerful Meteor crash in our current history and the 21st century. Our Space agency has detected this meteor before the crash but we didn't have time to launch rockets to intercept it. We were very lucky that this meteor didn't crash near or in the cities." The Specialist said.

"Sir, What do you think the size of the Meteor was?" The Reported asked another question towards the Specialist about the size of the Meteor.

"The Current estimations we had is about the meteor is 45 meters in Diameter" The Specialist said. The Reporter nodded when she heard the estimations of the Specialist, The Reporter was about to asked another question but the TV was turn off by Alex before it was heard.

"Wow, My brother is really powerful" Alex sighed, She walked out of the Cabin and began her training.

"But I won't lose" Alex smirked and began her training. The First Training was tree running, She would run all around the trees with out stopping and there was at time where she could double jump in mid air. She was currently studying on how it works.

Alex was running on the Forest for hours while conserving her stamina, Although she was running for hours. Alex was still not tired as she holds the sheath of her katana as she runs, Running like this was hard but Alex always trained when she runs. She would always hold her Sheath with one hand while running, She would always be ready if something attacks.

The Second Training was the Boulder Training, Having a 5 ton boulder on your back while trying to going up towards the top of the hill everyday was very tiring but Alex got a hang of it as she trains with this training everyday. Alex can even run while carrying the 5 ton boulder with her, She could even throw it if she uses most of her strength.

(The hill is 200 meters in height)

A sound of a girl panting was heard, Alex was heading towards the hill with the 5 ton boulder on her back while running. She didn't even manage to conserve her stamina since she was very focused on trying to balance the 5 ton boulder that was on her back.

"Thi-s is hard, I shoul-d not t-ry to run while carrying a 5 ton boulder" Alex said while panting. She was currently laying her body on top of the hill as she looks at the sky, There was a boulder right next to her laying with her as well.

"I'll take a short nap first before going down" Alex said as she slowly closed her eyes.

Time passes by at a fast speed and it was now 3 pm in the afternoon, Alex opens her eyes and saw that she was late. She quickly gets up and runs back towards the Cabin.

"My katana training!!!" Alex said while running down the hill at a fast speed, She Arrives in front of the Cabin and saw that the time was still early in the afternoon. She thought it was 5 pm but it seems that she was wrong.

The Last or Third Training was the Katana training. This Training was the Training she really likes and she would always use her Black Flame with her Katana since it was easier to use. The Katana training would make her slash her Katana in mid air for 10,000x. It was impossible to do that if the user of the Katana was weak.

Alex could slash her Katana 100x in 1 second which was very fast, She could even create something like the Sword Skills from a Sword Cultivator from Cultivations stories which was about having a territory using his sword.

This Territory was like a 5 meter in radius and it was like a border that was around her, Anything would be burn or cut when something or someone would passed her territory which makes her very powerful.

Even slicing bullets was easy for Alex since Leo tested it with his Glock, Alex manage to cut everything that the Glock could fire.

Alex was powerful on her own even without Leo, which makes Leo curious if she was a protagonist on some kind of Novel due to her power up and backstory. But that shit was impossible and it would never happen, Leo could be considered like her since he had Charlotte which was why it was impossible for him to be in a story since Charlotte is overpowered as fuck.

After doing her training, Alex return backed on the cabin and cooks for her dinner. The night was approaching and it was the end of the day. Alex walked towards the bedroom and slept there silently while she was having a good night dream.


"Where am I?" Alex looks around, This place was like a Deja vu for her. She knew that she has entered this place before, She puts her hand on her chin as she thought about it. Alex then remembered the Dreamscape that she entered when she was in an Awakening.

"Am I in the Dreamscape" Alex said while looking around the place.

The current Dreamscape was different from the last one, She knew that it was a dreamscape since she could sense what she met before and there was nothing that could go through her.

The Dreamscape was a hill that was full of grass and flowers, It was like the incarnation of peace and beauty. The sun was warm and was not hot, It was perfect while the winds was soft and very relaxing.

"Yes, You are in my dreamscape or my territory" A girl's voice could be heard, Alex then turns around and saw a Black haired young lady. Alex smiles as she said the name of the girl that was in front of her.

"Big Sister Charlotte" Alex said with a gentle smile on her face. This girl in front of Alex somewhat reminded her of her Brother.


A man was behind the stage, This man was the specialist that was in the news that Alex watch. The Man took out his phone and called his boss, A cold voice could be heard on the phone.

"Hello, Are you done on your mission? But looking at the news it seems that the mission is complete" The Person in the Phone spoke. This was a mission to cover up the reason or the cause of the huge explosion that happen in Mont Blanc.

"Sir Neptune, We manage to cover up the whole accident and the media won't bother us anymore." The Man who was the specialist said towards the phone.

"Then let us start the Operation Manhunt, We need to find every G-force user that is in Europe and turn them in our side" Neptune said with a cold voice, They manage to let one slip so they need to find the other G-users fast.

"Understood Admiral" The Specialist nodded. Neptune the cut off the call and continued on his work while the Specialist exited the news station.