TA: Special Chapter Alex's Training Part 2

Alex was currently training herself, She was looking as if she was going to war which was partly true since her brother was going home tomorrow. It has been almost 2 months since her brother left her in the Cabin.

"Black Flame Training." Alex said nervously, she activated her Flame using her hands. She slowly manipulated carefully so that it won't burn any thing in the Cabin. This Training was given by Charlotte herself when Alex stayed at the Dreamscape which was own by Charlotte.

The First Training of the Black Flame Training was the Duration she could use her Flame, The first time she did his training was very hard and she only manages to maintain the Black Flame for 2 hours.

The Second Training of the Black Flame Training was Fusion which fuse her Black Flames into some sort of Laser. She would use this Training on her Katana which makes her Katana look like a Black Light Saber. The Black Flame Fusion's heat was 1000x more powerful than normal but it was focused on one spot which is why the Fusion is perfect for her Katana.

The Third Training of the Black Flame Training was Combustion which Combust her Black Flames creating an Explosion. This Explosion would melt the surrounding area and creates a very powerful shockwave. The Black Flame Combustion looks like a Black Fire Ball which was needed to be thrown by Alex towards her enemies. The power of the Black Flame Combustion was determined by the Black Flame she puts in it.

The Fourth Training of the Black Flame Training was Control, Alex needs to control her Flame so that it won't burn anything she didn't want to burn. She would be training this on trees and controlling the Flame to not burn the trees without her permission.

The Training Charlotte gave her was very effective since she could slowly control the Black Flames better than before.

"This will take a long time" Alex said as she stretches her body and hands, The Training was slowly integrating on her Daily Life which was unexpected but a good one. As She was preparing to Train she could remembered one of Charlotte's words.

"The Black Flame is yours to control but it is up to you if you would take the effort to control it or not. People who can't control their powers are mostly cowards or people who had a traumatizing past. It is not the powers fault that they couldn't control it, It was theirs."

"Alex I hope you won't be one of that kind of people who can't accept a gift from nature just because someone said that it is bad. Your brother or Leo also has a high expectations for you, You must not forget the past but don't stay too much in the past. Nobody is perfect and No power is good or evil because in the End, it depends on the one who uses it."


(Flashback, During the Dreamscape with Charlotte)

"Big Sister Charlotte, what am I doing here?" Alex was curious on what Charlotte wants, She stares at Charlotte as she tilted her head with a face full of question marks.

Charlotte seeing Alex cute face chuckled, Alex on the other hand was confuse on what was happening. A Table and two sits then appeared in front of the two of them, Charlotte walked towards one of the sit and sat at it.

"Come, Take a sit" Charlotte said towards Alex, Alex followed what Charlotte said and took the seat that was on the opposite of Charlotte.

Charlotte created a Tea pot and two tea cups, She uses her power and the Tea pot levitates as it gives it's tea towards the Tea cup. After the Tea cups was full, Charlotte looks at Alex with her Purple eyes.

"Long time no see, Alex" Charlotte smiled towards Alex.

"Long time no see too, Big Sister Charlotte" Alex replied to Charlotte.

"Please don't call me Big Sister, It is very weird" Charlotte said as she shows Alex her teenage body, Alex understood what Charlotte meant and replied.

"You just remind me of my Brother" Alex said as she scratches her head, The Black haired girl with a purple eyes reminded her of her Brother. And the Effect of not seeing her Brother is hitting her since she saw someone that had the Same Aura as her brother.

"Leo?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes" Alex nodded, She was very honest when it comes to her brother.

"I see" A slight smile could be seen on Charlotte's face.

"Can I call you Char?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, Sure" Charlotte nodded when she heard what Alex wants.

"Char, Why do you remind me of my brother?" Alex began questioning Charlotte, She was very curious on what her Brother and Charlotte's relationship was. Charlotte froze and stares at Alex, She grins as she spoke to Alex with a teasing voice.

"Do you want to know?" Charlotte said with a grin towards Alex who began nodding intensely.

"I'm his Assistant, his Maid, his Caretaker, and his Manager" Charlotte said honestly towards Alex who had a face full of question marks. Alex didn't understand what Charlotte meant and was confuse on what she was saying.

"Let us not talk about that, Let's change subject shall we." Charlotte decided to change the subject due to the awkward situation.

"Do you know how to control your Black Flames?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes but I could only control it for a short time" Alex shakes her head, She was disappointed at the control she had. She needs to train the Black Fire slowly because it has proven itself to be lethal.

"Then I'll give you a Technique to control the Black Flame as a thank you gift for coming here in my Dreamscape" Charlotte waves her hand as a Black Book appeared in front of Alex, The Book had a red crimson crystal on the middle while the whole book was releasing a dark aura.

"Thanks!" Alex took the book and holds it with her hands, She could feel something inside her resonating which means this was really the Training book for her Black flame.

"Alex I want to ask a question" Charlotte said towards Alex who was still holding the book as if she found her new toy.

"Okay" Alex nodded she was curious on what Charlotte's question was.

"You keep calling Leo as your brother, You and Leo also aren't on the same blood. You don't have the same guardian and you still kept calling Leo as your brother but you should know that there would be a time were your brother would marry someone. If you keep calling Leo as your brother like always, Leo would look at you as his sister and there would be a time where he would find someone he loves" Charlotte dropped a bomb that was equivalent to an extinction event for Alex.

"Wha-t?" Alex stuttered

"If you keep lowering yourself as his sister there would be a time where someone would steal Leo's love away from you. That lucky girl would be his wife and would be the focused of his life" Charlotte smirked as she drops another bomb on Alex.

As the Two discuss many things, Alex finally realizes that her brother wouldn't stay with her forever and would leave her.

"It is time for you to leave and do the Training Manual I gave you" Charlotte smiles as she throws Alex out of her Dreamscape.

As nobody was around the Dreamscape, Charlotte smirked and spoke while holding her tea. The wind was blowing slightly on the background while the leaves were slowly falling from the trees.

"I gave you a favor Leo, I hope you would pay it"


Meanwhile during the day before the 2 months training ends, In the Command Base that Leo built. A tank was slowly opening itself while containing Leo inside it. The blue liquid in the Tank were slowly drain while the injections that was injected all around Leo's body was leaving.

The Tank Slowly opens itself and a new wave of Aura could be felt, It was like a primordial monster waking up from its slumber. This Aura would suffocate cowards while making normal people fear him just by looking at his eyes.

Leo's Azure Blue eyes open as he stands up and slowly left the Tank, He looks around the Lab and knew that it was time. He felt power that was in his flesh, bones, and his cells itself, This was the first time he felt this kind of power.

[Welcome on your Rebirth Leo] Charlotte said with her monotone voice. She had been waiting for Leo to wake up for days.

"It is time Charlotte, We will go home tomorrow. I wonder what Alex would give me, I hope she will be more powerful than before when I go back in the Cabin tomorrow" Leo said as he smiles. He puts on his towel and left the Laboratory which contains the Tank.