Mercenary Escort, Going to the Empire of the Rising Sun

(First Person POV)

It has been currently a week since that night, It seems that the European Union got my message since I didn't found anyone trying to dig information about me and Alex. I am also confident that they are probably solving their problem.

I am currently in the Istanbul Branch of the Mercenary Union, Sitting at my sit with Alex right beside me. She was currently wearing the Headphone that I created for her, Although I can just make her horns invisible. It seems that Alex wanted to cover her small horns which is why I created the headphone for her.

"I have a new mission for you." Gustav said while giving the Documents for the mission to me, I have been promoted into a top mercenary in the Union which means I can travel from different branches for free.

"What is it?" I asked him, I was interested on what he mission he would give to me and Alex but I will just let him tell me the information about the new mission.

"This will be an Escort mission, Read the documents for the information about the Mission Escort." Gustav said as he pointed at the documents that were lying on the table, I stared at the documents and picked it up.

As I hold the documents with my hand, I read all of it and was interested about this mission.

"The New Mission, Escorting a Japanese Diplomat while entering the ASEAN or the Allied South East Asian Nations. I am supposed to bring the Diplomat to the ASEAN capital city or the city of RICE." I read the whole document to Gustav, Hearing me He nodded in understanding.

"So is it only me and Alex or more mercenaries would come with me." I asked Gustav, He didn't want to be with the Diplomat every hour so he wanted to have a team of mercenaries with him.

"Yes, The team I will give you during this mission would be the Team you know." Gustav said with a sly grin, I have a bad feeling on what he was grinning for but the door of the office opened.

I turned my head and saw the teammates that I was supposed to be with, It was some of the mercenaries that I met during the first Mission Alex and I got from the Mercenary Union.

"Meet your team. Vankia, Hilda, Jake, Arnold, And Tania." Gustav said while smiling with an Innocent face, The bastard was planning on probably recording on how I do things as a mercenary.

"It is nice to meet you." I smiled towards the team that I was supposed to join, Seeing me the team smiled back while Hilda was still bothering Vankia who was looking at me intensely.

"It is nice to meet you, Leo." Arnold said as he proceeds to shake my hand, While shaking my hand it seems that he could feel my strength. I can see doubt in his eyes but it seems that the doubt is slowly disappearing with this hand shake.

"Good to see you, Arnold." I said to Arnold while smiling, After a while of shaking both our hands. The both of us finally stopped shaking our hands and Arnold return to his group. I could see that he nodded towards his group which means he was probably testing me.

I could read the minds of every one via mind control but knowing everything would make the whole thing boring and not good. I am training myself to guess the human mentality without my Mind control skill.

[Anime still exist in this world] Charlotte just blurted out something important, I was shocked when I heard it. The current world is far from the (FAKE)peaceful old world and the name of Japan was turn into the Empire of the Rising Sun. I didn't expect for anime to exist in this world or timeline.

'Are you sure about that?' I thought to Charlotte, I was given a second of silence and Charlotte finally spoke.

[Yes, It is one of the main streamed animation in the Empire of the Rising Sun] Charlotte answered my question with her monotone voice. I just sighed at the news and couldn't help but be interested on how different the anime on my last world or the anime on this currently world.

"Are you okay brother?" Alex asked, She was looking at me with the cute face of hers. I taught her about maintaining a professional face which she has done well, Most of the mercenaries would see her cold and serious face unlike this cute face of hers.

"Yes, I am okay." I just nodded, I won't have time to watch the anime there but I just wanted to see what kind of anime exist in that Nation. The mercenary group stopped talking to each other and left the room.

Alex and I also left the office room together back our own room, We were supposed to pack since it was currently 11 am in the morning. We would leave in about 2 hours from now which is 1 pm in the afternoon.

Although I could teleport very easily towards that place since I literally know that Charlotte would have one of my daggers in that nation. But I didn't choose to teleport since in a journey the destination isn't more important than the stepped you take on how you get there. I am also curious as I heard news about a war ongoing between nations in some Asian sea.


"What do you think about that boy?" Jake asked Arnold who was next to him, Hearing him. Arnold turn his head and stared at Jake, after a while of staring Arnold spoke to him.

"He is strong." Arnold said before walking with the mercenary group, Jake was very confuse on what happen to Arnold. Vankia also heard what Arnold said and was surprised that her conclusion was correct.

She was suspecting Leo to be very strong but she didn't have proof about this, Vankia also thought that she must be suspecting bullshit but it seems that what she suspect was true. She knew the strength of Arnold so seeing the man saying that Leo was strong, This was all the proof she needed.

"Vankia?" Vankia could hear Hilda's voice, She turns her head and saw Hilda staring at her right at her face.

"what?" Vankia asked, She was confused on why Hilda would call her name. Did she asked about something? She stares at Hilda trying to get an answer.

"Nothing" Hilda just smiled, Vankia shakes his head not understanding of what was happening. The both of them walked in the hallway heading to their own room. Jake was all alone in the giant building, He looked around and found no one.

"I will just go to the tavern." Jake said as he head towards the exit.


In the skies or Airspace of Malaysia or One of the ASEAN nations called Malaysia, There was a AN-225 cargo plane flying through the islands. It was currently heading to the Empire of the Rising sun but they just can't fly through many nations.

This world is still having a war on each other, there were many conflicts between nations and its people. Inside this Cargo plane was the mercenary team that was assign in this mission with Leo.

"Why does it take a long time to get there?" Hilda complained, Her mercenary job was centralize in the European Union, Allied Central Nations, And sometimes in the Soviet Federation. She never bothered to looked at the other countries because she was focused on her job.

"The International Airlines aren't allowed to fly through the Soviet Federation and the Celestial Empire airspace which meant we need to fly around their territories." Vankia answered what Hilda asked.

Tensions between nations were still popular around the world, No one would open their territory for the world to see or get inside since it would make it vulnerable. This close minded thinking save many weak nations and they still think of it as a tradition even after they are strong enough.

Alex and Leo was sitting right beside each other, Alex was sleeping while leaning at Leo's shoulder. The both of them were very silent while the mercenaries was still talking to each other.

"Brother Leo" Alex said quietly to Leo, Hearing her Leo raised an eyebrow curious about what she wanted to say. Leo stared at Alex eyes and spoke to her with a gentle voice.

"What is it?" Leo asked, He wanted to know what was the problem since he wanted to solve it immediately but what he didn't know was that the problem Alex wanted to say was more awkward and harder to solve.

'I must say the 3 words I wanted to say, Big Sister taught me to be honest to my love one's.' Alex thought to herself, She stared at Leo with a blushing face trying to speak what she wanted. The words she wanted to speak couldn't get out of her mouth and after a while of staring to each other Alex finally spoke.

"I-" Alex was cut off before she could say something, The Cargo plane shakes very hard as if it was an Earthquake. The People inside the plane holds their own seats so that they could try to stop the shaking on their own bodies.

"What the?" Jake said, The shaking finally stopped and the whole cargo plane was finally in a smooth flight.

"It was a turbulence." Vankia said, That was a very strong Turbulence that she even expected for the plane to crash. The mercenary group hearing her words nodded except for Tania who was silent all along the journey but now she finally spoke to the mercenaries.

"No, Look outside the window." Tania said as she pointed her fingers towards the window. The Mercenaries were curious on what was happening and looked through their own respective windows. All of them were shocked when they saw what was happening outside.

"How the hell is their a naval war below us." Jake said while looking through the window, There were many warships shooting at each other with cannon, torpedo, or missiles. All of it was having a way below the plane, He was also curious on how the ships in the war below didn't try to shoot them.

"It seems that they are having a war between the national border within the sea." Leo spoke, All of them finally understood what was happening. Tania who heard Leo also spoke about the war below.

"The war is between the ASEAN and the Celestial Empire." Tania muttered, Her words were clearly heard by the mercenaries. They nodded at their words since it has been years since they saw an official war.

"According to the information I got, They are fighting over their sovereign in the South Eastern Asia Sea. Trade routes are important in this area and they are supposed to fight for a whole month. After this month the territory they gain would officially be theirs." Leo spoke about the information of the war below them.

"How did you know?" Vankia asked what the most of the mercenaries wanted to asked to Leo, Hearing her Leo answered.

"It's a secret." Hearing him, All of the mercenaries sighed. They expected some good answers like a super soldier or a super hacker or more but still they expect a great answer unlike the It's a secret answer.

"This is the Pilot, There would be a lot of shaking due to the war that is currently below us. Please hold on and don't get injured, Stay on your seat." The Pilot said via speaker, When they heard the Pilot the mercenaries sat on their sits in a perfect manner.

"Sleep, it will still take an hour before we would land." Leo said while patting Alex's head, He completely forgot about what Alex wanted to say while Alex lost a lot of confidence,

'I will just wait.' Alex thought to herself before falling asleep due to Leo's gentle pats, Seeing the sleeping Alex during the Cargo Plane travel was like a drug for Leo due to how cute Alex was.

The Mercenaries that was looking at them couldn't helped but feel awkward, They just talked to themselves to avoid the awkwardness. The Men or the 2 men in the Mercenary, mostly Jake was jealous on seeing the two of them.

'I should really retire.' Jake thought to himself as he sighed.

The Plane continued to fly through the warzone that was below them, Ships could be seen exploding while jets could be seen flying through the air. The ships that were sinking and the ships that were on fire was seen from the windows.