Mercenary Escort, Tokyo the Capital City of the Empire

The Cargo Plane was still flying through the South Eastern Asia Sea, The war below the Cargo plane was still ongoing but thankfully due to the international treaty. Any Nation cannot attacked an International property which means vehicles and buildings.

"Alex, You stay here. I need to meet the pilot of this Cargo plane." Leo said while smiling, Hearing him. Alex nodded and stayed at her seat, Leo appreciated that Alex followed what he said and left the passenger area.

After Leo disappeared, Alex's aura turned cold and the Mercenaries quickly notices the change. They were shocked that the gentle and smiling Alex disappeared after Leo left. They just continued on their business and chatted on each other while Alex was looking at the Naval battle through the window.

'I need more time' Alex thought to herself, She needs more time to say what she feels to Leo but the problem is that a third party could possibly arrive hence hindering her planned so she needs to be swift and fast.

Leo didn't know what Alex was thinking due to his mind control skill automatically disabled, He didn't want to hear people's thoughts since it was very complicated and not fun.


"This is Pilot Wacheley, This is an International aircraft passing through the international borders. I am sorry for hindering your battle but we have no choice but to passed this sea." The Pilot called wacheley said towards the radio right next to him, After seconds later a respond was finally heard.

"This is the ASEAN Navy, You must not passed this area ever again so that your safety wouldn't be compromised. I hope you would be careful not to passed this sea for the second time." The voice in the radio said, After saying what he wanted to say the communication was cut off and another respond was heard.

"This is the Celestial Navy, Why are you passing this dangerous area. Please don't passed this sea ever again or we will have to respond to shoot you." The Celestial Navy said.

"Understood, It was an accident and we would not passed her ever again." The Pilot of the cargo plane said, He thought that this job would be the way to make him rich but passing through a warzone isn't really a good feeling.

The responder of the Celestial Navy never answered and the communications was cut off. The Pilot sighed and continued to fly the cargo plane until he felt someone watching him from behind.

"Hello." Leo said towards Wacheley who was looking at him with suspicious eyes, Leo just grinned since he knew that it must be creepy seeing someone behind you for no reason.

"What are you doing here?" Wacheley asked, This kid in front of him was supposed to be the best mercenary in this group. He was surprised on how the kid was the strongest but he knew that the mercenary Union wouldn't be that idiotic so he trusted his guts and believed that the kid in front of him was powerful.

"Where are we?" Leo didn't answer and asked his question instead. Seeing the kind in front of him didn't answer and asked him instead, Wacheley sighed and looked at the GPS He then spoke after seeing the GPS.

"We are currently right next to Taiwan." Wacheley answered, Hearing him. Leo nodded and left the pilot alone, Wacheley who saw him was very confused. He just shook his head and continued flying the Cargo plane.

While walking down towards the passenger, Vankia who was talking to Hilda notices Leo and asked him something.

"Leo, What are you doing with the pilot." She was curious on why Leo head towards the pilot, She just wanted to asked and to be honest Leo and Alex was the only 2 people she couldn't read.

"I'm just asking about where we are and it seems that we are slowly entering the airspace of the Empire of the Rising Sun." Leo said while continuing to walked, He then sat right next to Alex who was cleaning her Katana for some unknown reason.

"Okay." Vankia nodded and she then continued her talked to Hilda who was looking at her in surprised, Realizing that Vankia was looking at her. Hilda snap out of her daze and asked Vankia about something she was curious.

"Why do you kept bothering Leo?" Hilda asked while whispering to Vankia's ear, Vankia raised an eyebrow when she heard what Hilda said. She was very confused about what Hilda said, Is it weird that she kept getting near Leo?

"What do you mean?" Vankia asked, She wanted for Hilda to say something about her bothering Leo for no reason. When Hilda heard Vankia she sighed and answered Vankia's question.

"You are very different when you are near Alex and Leo, You act like a student in front of a teacher when you are near them which is very weird. You kept bothering the two and asked questions with no context, You are acting like a fan girl." Hilda said bluntly towards Vankia who was shocked, Vankia then quickly opposed and told the reason why her behavior was weird.

"No, What the hell are you saying. The only reason why I do that is just they are the first human I can't read which is very weird for me. I can also see that they are very powerful and their techniques are near perfect." Vankia said, Hearing her. Hilda couldn't helped but nod since she understand how weird Alex and Leo was.

"Okay I understand but you must keep your manners, Even though I am blunt I still respect mannerism." Hilda said, The other mercenaries which was Arnold, Jake, And Tania nodded at her words which made Vankia ashamed.

Vankia nodded and just went silent while Hilda felt that she accomplished something unimaginable for her. She stared at Vankia who was silent and thought to herself.

'Being with Alex and Leo is rather good if I see this side of Leader Vankia'


An hour passed and Tania notices something that was flying with them, She turns her head and looked through the window and saw Jets flying with them.

Seeing her acting like that, The Mercenaries also looked through their windows and find 4 jets flying with them. They were confused on who this jets was and why they are following them.

"Who are they?" Jake asked while looking through his own window, He was curious on what nation the jets came from. The Mercenary notice his question and thought to themselves about the question.

"They probably came from the Empire of the Rising sun. You can see the Capital City if you looked harder." Vankia said, Hearing her. The Mercenaries tried to turn their heads while looking at the window. They finally saw a city that was full of tall buildings in front of them, This sky scrappers pierced through the clouds and can be seen even when they are far away.

"We are now near the Capital City of the Empire, We will now land in the international airport." The Pilot said through their speakers. Hearing the Pilot, The Mercenaries prepared their things and backpacks.

"Where will we go after we land?" Jake asked.

"The Japanese would be waiting for us in the airport." Vankia said while she was preparing her things, Hearing her Jake nodded in understanding and did his own things.

Alex and Leo was still sitting on their chairs, Their things were in Leo's inventory so they didn't need to bring anything. The Mercenaries were curious on why Leo didn't bring their own things but Leo already answered that they were already bringing it.

Although the Mercenary didn't see anything about their things, They just thought about it and was sure that Leo was bringing his own things. It is just that they didn't notice or he didn't want it to be notice.

The Cargo plane slowly landed in the airport while the jets that were with it just disappeared and went back. This was common for International Vehicles to be escorted by the Military of each nations.

"Alex, Let's get out of these plane. I am curious on how Tokyo look." Leo smiled as he stretches his arms, It has been hours since he was in this plane. And most of it was very boring that he practically got inside his Virtual Space and watch TV Programs there.

"Okay." Alex nodded, She was done on cleaning her Katana and she put it back in her sheath. The Plane was currently on its own hangar and the Japanese escorts were waiting outside of the plane.

"Wacheley open the doors." Vankia shouted, The Doors of the Cargo plane slowly opened and the mercenaries inside it slowly left. While leaving the Cargo plane, The Mercenaries saw the Japanese escorts which was guys with black suits.

"Welcome to the Empire, The Top mercenaries of the mercenary Union." The leader of the Japanese black suit guys said with a smile.