The Infamous Birthday Party

There once was a prince, a prince who searched through the land to find love, a man who fell in love with a mere maiden, and the maiden became queen of the kingdom, ruling alongside him, and they lived happily ever after.

There once was a princess, a princess who was the fairest of them all; a princess who ate forbidden fruit and fell into a deep sleep, woken up only by true love's kiss from a prince, and they lived happily ever after.

There once was a beast, a beast who was cursed, forbidden to leave his castle until he found love. He fell in love with his prisoner, a young girl, and the curse was broken, and the two lived happily ever after.

All of these stories have one thing in common, aside from love, and living happily ever after. They all have heroes and villains.

The heroes were the prince and maiden, but the villains were the wicked family that treated her as a slave.

The heroes were the prince and princess, while the villain was her evil stepmom who tried to kill her stepdaughter with a poisoned apple.

The heroes were the young girl and the beast, while the villains were the girl that cursed the prince, and a hunter who was in love with the girl.

Heroism and villainy are subjective. The heroes fall in love and defeat the villain and live happily ever after, but what about the villains? They're sent to some damned island by the king, protected by a magical barrier keeping them there! Some villains just fell in love with the wrong person, or the heroes didn't agree with their ideas and views, yet here we are, trapped in this godforsaken prison! Now sure, the villains deserved it, they tried to destroy the heroes' lives.

But tell me, did their children? Did we deserve it?

The Isle of the Lost is just a prison, meant to keep the big bads and their children trapped, while the United Kingdoms of Auradon live peacefully. I mean, it's not like they care about us. All we get is their garbage anyways. There are no rules here, there's no wifi, and most importantly, there's no way out, ever. All there is is pain and suffering, the only release being death. Sometimes that seems like a better option. Now tell me, does that seem like a good home?

A little girl by the name of Mal, who is no more than six years of age, peers down from the balcony of the dark castle, glaring at the commotion down below. In the focal point of her glare is a little girl with long dark blue hair. She's about the same age as Mal and a broad smile begins to form on her face, as a small box with a blue ribbon tied around it, is presented to her.

"Mother!" Mal yells angrily, turning away from the balcony.

Her mother groans, walking over to where her daughter is. "What is it, my Little Dragon?"

Mal sniffs, looking at her mother, a small tear running down her cheek.

Her mother slapped her cheek.

"No crying dear. Villains don't cry, it shows weakness." Her mother scolds her.

Mal nods slowly, bringing her hand to her cheek, noticing the red bruise left by the force of the slap.

"Now what do you want dear?" Her mother snaps.

Mal looks down over the balcony. "There's a birthday party… and I wasn't invited." She complains.

Her mother looks down at the party, noticing the blue-haired girl's broad smile.

"A birthday party!" She growls. "There shall be no parties that my daughter is not invited to!" She looks down and sees a woman standing next to the girl. "Grimhilde." She sneers.

She turns around leaving the balcony. "Come with me Mal." She growls as she walks to the lower entrance of their castle. The doors fly open and the commotion stops at once.

"Get behind me," Grimhilde warns her daughter. Her daughter complies and begins cowering behind her mom.

"Maleficent." Grimhilde sneers.

"This party is over!" Maleficent snaps.

Mal knew of her mother's hatred for party's, ever since she was the only one not invited to the royal christening in the kingdom of Aurorae. She wasn't invited to Aurora's birth, unlike everyone else in the kingdom. She wasn't even evil back then, but she ended up putting their daughter in a sleeping curse in anger, but of course, she woke up, true love's kiss after all. Breaks any curse.

"Now, if you want to keep your lives, then leave!"

Everyone began running around, scrambling to leave. Amongst them, all was Grimhilde and her daughter. Mal glared at the girl, her heart full of hatred and malice, the emotions of a true villain.

"You! Grimhilde and her obnoxious daughter!" Maleficent sneers. "You shall never set foot on these grounds again. From now on you shall never show your faces on this island, and if I ever see either of you again, I will do much worse than banishment."

A broad smile forms on Mal's face as she hears her mother's words. She waves, taunting the little girl with a wicked smile on her face. "By E."

The girl growls, walking over to Mal. "It's not E! It's Evelyn!" she snaps.

"Like I care." Mal scoffs. "See ya E. Maybe next time you'll invite me." She says coyly as she walks back into her castle.

"Evelyn, we must go." Her mother snaps.

The girl frowns. "No, this is your fault!"

"Evelyn." Her mother warns.

"Why couldn't you have just let me invite her. Now because you feud with Maleficent, I'll never be able to leave the freaking house!"

Her mother's face contorted in anger, the back of hand colliding with her daughter's neck, the wedding ring still on her finger increasing the pain the girl felt.

"That's quite enough!" her mother snaps. "Now come, or you'll go without dinner for a week."

Evelyn frowns, feeling the pain on the back of her neck, but follows her mother.

Three years later, way across the island, in an old crumbling manor, only known as Hell Hall, lived Carlos De Vil. He wore a black t-shirt and wore a red leather jacket with long sleeves, covering all the bruises he had sustained. Over the red jacket, he wore a ragged white leather vest. He had spiky white hair and blue eyes. He was about a year younger than Mal and Evelyn, eight. Yet even at eight, his life was a living hell.

He lived in Hell Hall with his wicked mother, Cruella De Vil, but to him, the literal devil. His mother was nothing short of crazy. She often came home completely drunk or high and beat Carlos for no actual reason. Sometimes she even forgot he existed and Carlos would just hide out in his lab. Those were what he considered peaceful nights. He was tormented and tortured by her, with no way out of it.

Today was another one of those days, and after having nearly escaped his mother's wrath he headed out towards the other side of the isle.

"Kid, what you got for me?" A voice asked from behind him.

Carlos turned around, seeing none other than Harry Hook, a kid with dark brown hair, grey eyes, and a hook on his hand. He was also three years older than Carlos.

"Two packs of cigarettes," Carlos answers plainly.

Harry grins at his words. "What do you want for 'em?"

"Simple. A weapon. A way to protect me from my mom." Carlos smiles.

"Harry smiles and pulls out his dagger. "Deal?" He asks, handing the dagger to Carlos.

Carlos grabs the dagger. "Deal."

Harry grabs the packs of cigarettes and starts walking off, whistling a tune.

In a small shop on the far side of the isle lived Jay, the son of Jafar. He wore a leather vest with blue and yellow stripes on it, along with a red hat that he often hid things he stole in. He has light brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was no more than eleven years old.

"Jay, get over here!" His father shouted.

Jay ran into the room. "What is it, father?"

"What'd you score today?"

Jay frowned. "Nothing."

"What?!" His father snapped.

"I don't want to be a thi-"

Hia father didn't even let him finish, he slapped the boy as hard as he could.

"Get out of this house and steal something expensive!"

"Dad, I don't want to-"

"That's an order!" Jafar shouts. "If you come back here empty-handed then you will be punished! Got it?"

Jay nods and runs out.

He runs over to one of the nearby shops, specifically one that sells weapons. He walks over to the stand, seeing that the shopkeeper is talking to a young girl with purple hair. Jay sneaks into the back and grabs a group of knives, sharp, and jagged knives. He puts them under his vest and walks out, as the girl with purple hair is turned away by the shopkeeper.

Jay walks away, but the girl spots him. She runs over to him as Jay turns his back, wondering if he should run or not.

"You!" The girl shouts.

Jay turns around. "Me?" He asks.

The girl walks up to him. "I need one of those knives." She says.

"Guess I didn't hide them very well." Jay sighs.

The girl scoffs. "I can recognize a thief when I see one."

Jay pulls out the knife. "Why should I give it to you?"

"Because if you don't I'll hurt you."

Now it's Jay's turn to scoff. "You?"

She growls and a wicked smile forms on her face.

"You." Jay realizes. "You're Maleficent's daughter, Mal."

She smiles. "Yep, now hand over a knife."

Jay groans. "Fine."

Jay holds out the knife, but as she goes to grab it, he pulls her into a

headlock. He holds the knife dangerously close to her neck, as she sighs.

"Really?" She groans. "You realize what would happen if you tried to kill me, right? What my mother would do to you."

Jay gulps at the mention of Maleficent's name, causing him to lose his grip on Mal. She laughs, elbowing him in the stomach and freeing herself. She holds out her hand again.

"The knife." She urges.

Jay sighs. "What do you want it for anyway?"

Mal smiles. "It's for a very special someone."

On the very far side of the island, farther than even Hell Hall is a crumbled castle. Inside that castle is the young girl with long blue hair. She's wearing a blue leather jacket and black tights with small holes in them. She has dark brown eyes and is wearing black fingerless gloves. She is staring at the mirror, brushing her hair, when she hears a knock on her window.

She puts the brush down, reaching into her pocket and grabbing a vial. She walks over to the window and opens it, but is surprised to see no one out there.

"Surprised to see me, E?" A voice says from behind her.

Evelyn turns around and glares at her, instantly recognizing the voice.

"Mal." She growled.

"Nice to see you too, E." Mal smiles.

Evelyn walks over to her. "The name's Evelyn!" She snaps.

"Whatever you say." Mal scoffs, rolling her eyes.

Evelyn pulls the vial out of her pocket but continues to hide it from Mal's view.

"Get out of my room! Because of you, I can't even show my face outside." Evelyn growls.

Mal nods. "Hmm, how you likin' that so far? It's been what, three years?"

Evelyn growls at her. "Don't make me do something I might regret."

"Like what? Fight back?" Mal asks. "No, I would much rather you let me do this the easy way." She laughs, walking closer to Evelyn, pulling out the knife, glaring menacingly at Evelyn.

Evelyn backs away, but Mal advances. Evelyn continues to back away but reaches her window.

"Take one more step back. I dare you!" Mal shouts.

Evelyn looks around her, nodding mentally as she opens the vial, making sure to keep her thumb over the seal to stop it from spilling.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Oh, it's simple. To hurt you. Like you hurt me." Mal scowls.

"Is this about the party? Look, I wanted to invite you, but my mom was still mad that Maleficent was the leader instead of her." Evelyn explains. "I begged her to let you come, but she refused.

Mal stops her advancement, stopping in her track at the realization. "You wanted me to come?"

Evelyn took the chance and walked over to her. "Yeah, look, I'm sorry. Just please, forgive me."

Mal scoffs. "You do sound like a princess."

Evelyn laughs and walks over to Mal. "Yep."

Mal growls and holds out the knife. "Here."

Evelyn looks at her curiously. "What?"

"I won't hurt you. On one condition." Mal warns.


"You join my gang." Mal answers.

"Why? Your mother just banished me. Why would I join you now?"

"Why? Because in one second I can thrust this knife into your stomach and leave you here to bleed out, does that sound fun?"

Evelyn shakes her head, knowing that Mal was telling the truth. "Why me?"

Mal laughs. "I need someone with your... unique abilities."


"Okay, E. I've seen how you act. You get people to give you what you want just by flirting with them, and besides, that potion you're hiding behind you, a potion powerful enough to defeat a dragon. Well, I don't want to go against it, I want to use it."

"Why should I join you? Why shouldn't I just use this potion on you now?" Evelyn growls.

"Because I can give you the one thing I know you've always wanted." Mal sneers. "A family."

Evelyn smiles. "Okay, I'm in." She says reaching out her hand to Mal.

Mal hands the knife to Evelyn. "Welcome to the gang."

Evelyn grabs the knife carefully observing it. She notices a word engraved in it. "Evie." She reads. "Really?"

Mal sighs, "Easier to say than Evelyn, Evie."

Evie sighs. "It's better than E."

"Yeah, I'm not stopping that." Mal grins.

Evie groans. "Fine. M."

Mal scowls at her. "M?"

"You call me E, so I'll call you M," Evie explains.

"I think you're taking this family thing too far, Evie," Mal complains.

Evie laughs. "Sure seems that way."