A Callous Low-life Hood

It's been almost a year since Evie joined the gang. The two were a pretty fierce team after all. Evie would go into a shop and talk to the owner, asking where something was, or just flirting with them, and Mal would rush in and steal as much as she could while Evie distracted them. They generally could hit the shop a couple of times before being caught for their scam, but they always got away with it.

That was one of the rules of their gang; don't get caught.

Since the two technically weren't allowed near each other or their homes the two usually hid out in their own base of sorts. It was just an old storage facility that the two had cleared out for their own hideaway. They stored everything they stole there, along with learning how to control their magic.

It was somewhat of a flaw in the barrier, it didn't completely block out their magic, but none of it was strong enough to really be useful or dangerous. Evie had a sewing station, in which she created new outfits for her and Mal. She also learned how to create potions and vile poisons, which they stored in their lair.

Evie and Mal rushed in, careful that no one was following them. They couldn't have anyone find out about this place, or them.

"E, what did you get?" Mal asks.

Evie smiles, pulling something out from under her sleeve. " A watch, pendant, and twenty dollars."

Mal smiles. "Great, that should be enough to get us enough food for at least a month."

Evie smiles, walking over to Mal. "Yep, we're an unstoppable duo."

Mal looks up. "Hey, did you finish that potion?"

Evie smiles, walking over to where she was storing all her potions. She grabs one with a blue liquid and walks over to Mal. "This should be the one, but are you sure you want to do this?"

Mal nods. "How long does it last?"

"Should last at least eight hours. Don't waste it." Evie scolds.

Mal nods. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Evie giggles. "Okay. I'm gonna go get something from home."

Mal glares at her. "Is your makeup bag really more important than me?" She jokes.

Evie rolls her eyes at Mal. "Yes." She answers simply.

Evie is rushing back to her home, the crumbling castle that she's supposed to be trapped in, as she passes by Hell Hall she hears a muffled scream.

She groans, turning towards the source of it. She heads down the dark alleyway and sees a boy with white hair dressed in a black and white leather jacket on the floor injured. Something seemed familiar about him, but she couldn't place it. She runs over and sees a man with a ragged red and black jacket peering over him. She instantly recognizes him.

"Harry." She scowls.

He looks up from Carlos and glares at Evie. "Well if it isn't the little princess. Looking beautiful today, love."

A smile forms on Evie's face. "Thanks Harry. You're looking rather cute as well." She says walking over to him.

Harry smiles. "You look, stunning." He says at a loss for words.

Evie struts over, locking her arms around his neck. "Shut up and kiss me pirate."

Harry leans in to kiss her and the two lock lips. Harry closes his eyes and begins to relax.

That was a mistake...

Harry twitches in pain as he falls to the floor, totally paralyzed.

Evie grins. "Surprised you fell for that cutie. That's the third time."

Harry smiles. "I'll take any excuse to kiss that pretty face."

Evie growls, kicking him in the crotch once again. "That's for being a terrible kisser."

Harry cries out in pain before passing out.

Evie walks over to Carlos. "You okay kid?"

Carlos nods, turning around to face her. He had a red stream of blood dripping down his cheek, likely from Harry,

Evie's eyes widen. "Carlos." She gasps.

He nods. "Long time no see Evie."

Evie smiles, embracing Carlos in a hug. "I never thought I'd see you again." She laughs.

Calos pushes her away, backing out of the hug. "We're villains, we don't hug." He corrects, despite the fact he and Evie both knew it was an act. She could see how much Carlos missed her.

"Does it matter?" She asks.

Carlos shakes his head looking back at Harry. "Guess not."

The two hug again, refusing to let go. "So, you and Harry…"

Evie shakes her head. "No, that's not a thing! That will never be a thing!" She rants. "It's just harmless flirting."

"I didn't know that flirting included making out," He mumbles.

She scowls at him.

Carlos chuckles. "I'm kidding. Still, never will get that image out of my head."

Evie nods. "Trust me, I don't enjoy it either."

Carlos rises to his feet. "Thank you."

Evie smirks. "Carlos, we're villains. We don't thank each other, that's a hero thing to do." She teases.

Carlos smirks. "Using my own words against me?"

Evie nods. "So what did you do to get Harry so mad?"

Carlos grins. "He and I have a complicated past."

Evie glares at him, knowing there's more to it.

"And I might have stabbed him a year or so ago." He mutters, hiding the bit he knew was the real reason. She wouldn't understand.

Evie starts laughing again "Still the same callous boy from three years ago I see." She states between laughs.

"I thought you would forget about me…" He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. "That's why I-"

"I'd never forget you." She smiles. "You're like the little brother I never had."

"I'm only a year younger than you." He complains.

Evie smirks. "I know, but it annoys you."

Carlos groans as he reaches for the scar on his cheek.

"You might want to get that checked out." Evie advises him.

Carlos shakes his head. "You and I both know there is no healthcare on the Isle."

Evie shakes her head. "Not exactly." She sighs.

Carlos looks at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Evie walks over, putting her hand on Carlos' cheek. The cold blood drips down onto her hand, but she doesn't care. "I know someone who can help." She admits.

Carlos' eyes widen. "Who? How?"

Evie shushes him, sliding her finger over his lips. "Just follow me, cutie."

Carlos shakes his head. "You were my friend." He explains. "I know your tricks." He says with a smirk.

Evie caresses his cheek again before turning her back to him. "I really did miss you Carlos."

Carlos smiles. "I missed you too Eve."

Mal stands up as she hears the door slide open. She reaches down and pulls a knife out of her boot, throwing it at the door.

The knife flies through the air before being caught by someone in a blue leather jacket. "That's no way to treat your sister M." She scolds with a smile.

Mal smiles lightly. "You're back."

Evie nods. "Yeah, didn't get that makeup bag though." She frowns.

Mal giggles. "What do you need?"

"Your help." She states.

"With what?"

"Eve?" Someone called.

Mal turns her attention to the door; seeing a boy with white hair walking in. She glares daggers at him, instantly recognizing him.

"Mal meet-"

"De Vil!" She snarls.

Carlos turns towards Mal. "What the hell?" He asks Evie. "Why is she here?" He asks, a tremor in his voice.

Evie looks at Mal and Carlos. "You two know each other." She realizes.

"You could say that." Mal laughs. "What is this wimp doing here? Here for another beating?"

Evie looks back at Carlos who is now hiding behind her. "Wimp?"

"Coward also works." She laughs.

"Coward?" She asks Carlos, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, did he not tell you? He's been nothing but a little wimp since you left. A punching bag; to say the least." Mal explains with a wicked smile.

"I am not a cow-"

Mal's eyes glow green and Carlos cowers back in fear.

"You wanna bet De Vil?" She snarls.

"N-No." He stutters, his voice shaking in fear.

"Carlos?" Evie asks him. "What does she mean by you're a coward?"

"I mean that he is nothing but a scared little boy, who lost everything when he lost his friend. Including his will to fight." She says picking up Carlos by his collar. Carlos glares at her, but continues to tremble in fear. "Still going for surprise attacks?"

Carlos nods slowly.

"Weak." She scoffs. "Now get the hell out." Mal orders, dropping Carlos on the floor. Carlos nods shakily and begins to run towards the door. "And if you tell anyone about this place then, well, let's just say you'll get another scar."

Carlos nods and runs out.

"What the hell M?" Evie shouts.

"What?" Mal shrugs.

"Why did you do that?" Evie snaps. "He's like my brother."

"No, he was your brother. You haven't even seen him in three years."

Evie doesn't say anything just runs out, knowing her friend would not appreciate the truth at the

Mal stares as Evie runs out. "What did I just do?" She mutters. "Why did I have to hurt them?"

Evie runs after Carlos and finds him hiding in an alley. "Carlos?" She calls out. She sees the small white tuft of hair and runs towards it. "Carlos." She sighs, seeing him curled in a ball behind a dumpster.

He looks up, tears streaming down his bloody cheeks. "Just go away Eve." He cries.

"Hey Carlos, I'm not here to hurt you." She explains.

"W-Why were you with her?" He stutters.

Evie rolls her eyes at him. "Cause she's my friend."

Carlos' eyes widen. "That monster is your friend?" He snaps.

Evie's eyes widen. "She's not a monster." She defends.

"What?" He questions angrily. "How could you even say that? She banished you! I lost my only friend and grew up without you, the closest I ever got to another friend is gone, and all that I had was that monster torturing me, considering no one else came near me!"

"Torture?" Evie gasps.

Carlos nods, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a scar on his shoulder. Evie looked closely at the scar. It was of a double dragon symbol. Mal's signature symbol; two dragons forming a heart. It was in full detail as well, to the scales and everything; carved into his arm.


Carlos nods. "Your friend did this." He snaps.

"She would never. You're lying." Evie accuses.

"Ask her yourself. She's too proud to deny it anyways." He argues.

"Why?" She asks. "Why would she hurt you?"

"Besides the fact she enjoys other's pain?" He asks sarcastically.

Evie nods, hiding her smirk. "You stole something from her." She guesses.

Carlos nods, but doesn't say anything.

"Mal doesn't take kindly to people stealing from her," Evie says while giggling.

"I thought you were my friend!" Carlos snaps.

"Carlos, I am, I just don't believe that Mal did this."

"Then ask her." He snaps. "She'll be all too glad to tell you."

"I will." Evie answers. "But you have to come back. Mal can help you-"

"That's who you thought could help me!" He snaps.

"Well yeah, she's helped me before-"

"Eve, I never would be in a situation like this if it wasn't for her!" He shouts. "Besides… why would she help a coward like me?"

"You're not a coward." Evie assures him.

"According to her I am… and she's right."

"No she's not. Carlos I don't know what Mal did, but you are not weak. I mean, you stabbed Harry, that has to prove you're still somewhat callous."

Carlos glares at her. "It was a surprise attack. Anyone can hurt someone with a surprise attack, even a coward like me. Besides, Harry came back to repay the favor."

"Carlos, you're not weak." Evie claims.

"Just leave me the hell alone Eve!" He shouts. "If you're gonna stand by her then do so, just leave me alone."

Evie looks at him. "I stand by my friends."

"Then you have a choice to make. Me, or Mal."

"Why can't I have you both?" Evie cries.

"I still have nightmares because of her, and you aren't coming near me as long as you're still friends with her." He says before running off.

Evie falls to the floor in tears; losing your friend does that to you. "Carlos come back!" She cries.

Mal stares endlessly at the knife. Her eyes watered as she stared at it, unable to take her eyes off of it. Unable to forget…

She takes the knife and digs it deep into her knee. She feels the need to cry out in pain; her mind screaming at her to stop, but she doesn't, she deserves this. She digs the knife deeper into her skin, slowly carving an M into her leg. Blood spews from the open wound and Mal grabs a cloth to clean it up. She wipes the blood off and lowers her pant leg again, hiding the wound.

"What the hell did I do?" She mutters. "Why-Why would I-"

"M?" Evie asks as she walks in.

Mal throws the knife to the side, hoping Evie won't realize what she was doing. "What is it E?"

Evie walks up to her, her expression filled with anger and sadness.

"E? Are you ok-"

Evie slaps Mal with tears continuing to stream down her face.

"What the hell E?!" Mal shouts.

"Did you do it?" She cries.

"I don't know what you're-"

Then again.

Did you hurt him?" She chokes.

"Yes." She answers simply. "I hurt everyone, even you. We're villains, it's what we do."

"The scar. It's of your symbol. Did you do it?!"

Mal rolls her eyes. "Yes."

"Why? Why would you-"

"I enjoy others' pain." She interrupts. "Even yours. That and he stole something that belonged to me!"

"That scar, because he stole from you?! What was so important that he stole?" She shouts. "M, why?! When did you even do it, was it before you and I-"

"It was after. Less than a month ago."

Evie slaps her again. "Why would you hurt my friend?"

"Like I said, he stole something really damn important, and I didn't mean to hurt him badly… I just wanted him gone."


"Because I-" She starts. "You know, forget it. He didn't tell you what that scar does, did he." She realizes.

"What do you mean? Other than that, it reminds him of the pain you caused him."

Mal chuckles. "He told you that no one goes near him, right?"

Evie nods slowly. "Yeah."

"Did he tell you why?"

Evie shakes her head. "Does it matter this is about y-"

"It's cause I marked him." She explains.

"Marked him?"

Mal nods. "It means he's my property; that only I can hurt him."

"Your property?" She gasps. "He's my best friend, not your property!" She snaps.

"I thought I was your-"

"Goodbye Mal." She says angrily, turning towards the door.

"E." She says. "I didn't hurt him. I helped him."

"Helped him!?" She scolds. "You carved your symbol into his skin. You made him your property."

"Which means that only I can hurt him." Mal shouts.

"It didn't stop Harry." She mumbles.


"Harry… he hurt Carlos." She explains. "But it's not like you care."

Mal's eyes begin to glow green as she seethes in anger. "I'm gonna kill him." She hisses.

"Stay away from Car-"

"Not him, Harry." Mal growls, grabbing the knife on the floor.

Evie frowns. "Why? I mean, I'm glad you aren't hurting Carlos, but-"

"No one hurts my puppy." She hisses.

"Your what?" Evie questions.

"My property." She corrects.

"You're unbelievable." Evie sighs.

Mal smirks. "No one messes with my stuff, including De Vil."

"Stop calling him that." Evie snaps.

Mal ignores her and walks out with a wicked smile on her face, the knife tucked into her boot.

Evie stares in confusion at her. "Puppy?"

Evie walks by Hell Hall. She hears screams coming from the manner, so she knew she'd have to keep her entrance a secret. She went around the back, examining it, before seeing a window on the second floor. She groaned and grabbed a loose brick, slowly climbing up to the window. She slid the window open and slipped in, careful to notice that no one was in there.

She sighed in relief. "Thank god that crazy bitch isn't up here."

She started heading down the stairs when she heard shouting.

"Carlos! Get up here!" the voice shouted. "Come on boy!"

Evie groaned, starting to feel bad for him. "She really does treat him like a pet."

Carlos runs up and faces his mom. "Yes?" He asks.

"Carlos, I need you to go clean my furs, then wash my baby, then vacuum this house top to bottom, then go out to the market and get me some more cigarettes, then prepare dinner, then do dishes-"

"Mom, I get it. Do my chores." He groans.

Cruella scowls.


"Do not interrupt me!" She snaps.

Carlos winces in pain from the giant bruise on the back of his neck. "Yes mother." He frowns.

She goes to slap him again, but is stopped when she hears the sound of shattered glass.

"My baby!" She screams running out the door.

Carlos starts to follow her, but is stopped by Evie. "Carlos." She whispers.

Carlos turns around frantically, shocked to see her. "What the hell are you doing here?" He growls.

Evie glares at him. "I just saved your ass, the least you could do is thank me."

"I'll thank you when you give my answer. Mal or me?"

Evie sighs. "Both."

"Not an option." He snaps.

"What if it could be?"

"What do you mean?"

I… I think you should join our gang." She admits.

Carlos eyes widen. "What?"

"I want you to join our gang."

"Why the hell would I join that monster?"

"To prove her wrong." Evie argues. "That you're not a coward."

Carlos shakes his head. "No. You can either choose me or that monster, but I'm never going near her again."

"Carlos!" Cruella shrieks.

Evie turns to him. "Do you have a place to hide? I don't think the front door's an option right now."

"How'd you get in?" Carlos asks.

"Window on the second floor. I don't think jumping is safe though."

Carlos nods. "Fine, but once she's gone I want your answer."

Evie reluctantly nods. "Okay."

"Follow me."

Carlos led Evie through the basement full of bear traps and other deadly things, leading her to the backroom. He pulls the curtain to the side revealing a small white room. It's littered with tech and there's a small device on the car table.

"What is this?" Evie asks.

"My lab." Carlos says plainly.

Evie bumps his shoulder. You didn't tell me you were an inventor."

He shrugs. "It's just a hobby."

Evie smiles. "I missed you Carlos..."

"Why do I sense a but coming?"

"But Mal's my best friend; she's like a sister."

"Then I guess you lose your little brother."

"Carlos, that's not fair!" She complains. "Why can't I have both. Just join the gang."

"And work together with that witch! What even makes you think she'll let me in?"

"I have a pretty good reason."

"Which is…"

"A secret."

"Why would she ever let me in? What kind of dirt do you have on her?"


"So why would I join?"

"Well for one, why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

The scar, what it actually meant."

Carlos sighs. "It means-"

"She marked you. Yeah she told me that."

"It means…"

"You're her property."

"Carlos nods sadly, causing Evie to smirk.

Carlos glares angrily at her. "You really are wicked." He growls.

Carlos… the scar, she didn't mean to hurt you with it."


The scar-"

"She carved a dragon into my shoulder!" He snaps. "How could that not hurt me?"

"By protecting you."

"Torturing me is not protecting me!"

"The scar protects you." She explains.

"How the hell does-"

"Have you ever wondered why nobody but Mal hurts you anymore. Up until today nobody except your mother has laid a finger on you since you got that scar."


"M's taking care of him."

M?" He scoffs.

Evie nods. "The scar, whether you like it or not. It protects you."

"And this proves I should join your gang, why?"

"It proves that despite how it appears, she does care about you. No matter how little"

Carlos frowns. 'Was this actually possible? Was she protecting me?' He thinks. He looks back at Evie. "I'll think about it."

Evie smiles and hugs Carlos. "Thank you."

"But if she ever hurts me again, I leave and you have to make your choice." He sighs.

Evie nods. "She won't. Besides, we're family; and family always stand up for another."

Carlos nods. "In that case I guess I should thank you for saving my ass."

Evie nods. "We're villains, thank you's not in our vocabulary."

Carlos giggles. "Thank you."

Evie nods. "What are sisters for?"

Evie and Carlos were still trapped in Carlos' lab. About an hour had passed and Carlos was showing Evie one of his many inventions.

"So this thing really lets you read minds?" Evie asks.

Carlos nods. "Sort of. It allows you to hear their thoughts, but only for a minute or so." He frowns.

"Still, that's amazing. I mean, with this we could know any one's move before they do it. You might want to mention this to Mal, she'll definitely have a good use for it." Evie explains.

"Carlos nods his head. "Maybe. She'll probably think it's really dumb."

Evie shakes her head. "I don't know, this is pretty amazing. Maybe she could use it to see if people are worthy of joining the gang, or-"

"She'll use it on me." Carlos interrupts.

"I mean yeah, but-"

"I don't want her to know what I think about, what I remember." He sighs.

"Cruella?" Evie questions.

"No, worse."

"Who's worse than Cruella?" Evie wonders.

"This is exactly why I don't want her to use it. I don't want to remember."

"Okay, I'll stop pushing it." Evie sighs. She stands up. "You think Cruella's gone by now?"

"Carlos nods. "I'll go check." He walks out of the lab and walks up the stairs, examining the room for Cruella. He walks up, close enough that the window is barely visible. He notices her car's gone and runs downstairs.

"Evie. She's gone. We can go."

Evie smiles and follows Carlos upstairs. They begin to walk towards the door until they hear a car door slam shut.

"Cruella!" Evie gasps.

"Hide!" Carlos warns.

The two search for a hiding spot, but as the lock on the door rattles Carlos groans, reluctant ro do what he does next. He grabs Evie's arm and pulls her into the closet. It was pitch black in there, and worst of all, there were bear traps everywhere.

Evie feels the need to scream, but is stopped by Carlos who puts his hand over her mouth, muffling the noise.

"Calm down." He warns Evie. "Just don't panic."

The door slides open as a shrilling voice echoes through the room. "I'm home!"

Evie suppresses another scream as they hear that same creepy laugh. "Carlos, come out!"

Carlos hushes her and leads her farther into the closet, careful to not step in any bear traps. "Come on. Watch your step." He whispers.

The two make their way through the closet before getting entangled in Cruella's fur coats.

"Damn it! Mom has so many of these." Carlos whisper-yells.

Evie sighs, continuing to follow Carlos, but stops in her tracks as one of the bear traps clamps shut on her foot. She feels the need to cry out in pain, but refuses. She looks down, barely able to see the stream of blood dripping down her leg.

Carlos kneels down, careful to not touch any bear traps of his own and pries the trap apart, releasing Evie's leg.

"Come on. We gotta get out." He says grabbing Evie's hand and helping her through, all while Evie resists the urge to scream.

The two near the closet door and slide it open, careful to notice Cruella lying on the couch, passed out from drinking too much.

"She's gonna have a major hangover." Evie chuckles.

Carlos nods. "Come on. Let's go!" He whispers, careful not to wake her.

The two walk over to the door and carefully pull it open before sliding out and quietly closing it behind them.

"So are you coming?" Evie asks.

Carlos chuckles. "Like you could make it back on your own."

Evie scowls at him. "So that's a yes?"

Carlos smiles. "As long as she lets me in."

Evie smirks. "Oh, she will."

"What makes you so sure of it."

Evie laughs. "That stays between me and Mal."

Carlos rolls his eyes. "So can she really help your wound."

Evie shrugs. "Maybe. Usually I'm the one who patches stuff up, she does the forceful things like popping your shoulder back in."

"So why did you take me to her for my cheek?"

Evie shrugs. "Thought maybe she could do it."

"And you couldn't?"

Evie feigns a smile.

"You brought me to her on purpose?!"

"I wanted her to do it." She answers plainly. "To show she could care for others."

"She's Maleficent's daughter, she'd never show weakness." He retorts.

Evie shakes her head. "No, she'd only show weakness to those she cares about."

"You." He realizes.

Evie nods. "To some degree."

Carlos chuckles. "You really have come a long way from the girl who was banished because she didn't invite Mal to a birthday party."

Evie shakes her head. "No, Mal has come a long way. She finally has a friend, and soon she'll have two."

Carlos smiles. "Let's hope she lets me in."

Evie smirks. "That won't be a problem."

Carlos laughs and wraps his arm around Evie's shoulders. "Then let's go."

Evie smirks. "You don't know the way there, do you?"

Carlos giggles. "I may have forgotten."

Evie glares at him. "I've only been there once." He complains.

Evie smiles. "Come on, I'll show you, just don't let go."

Mal stares at the blood-stained knife, laughing quietly to herself as she remembers what she did. She grins sinisterly, "Don't mess with my puppy, Harry. I'm not afraid to hurt you, not when you don't have your little pet to protect you."

She stares at the knife as her mouth drops. "Puppy?" She growls.

She glares angrily at the knife. "What the hell Mal. Puppy? Love is weakness!" She snaps at herself, digging the knife into her skin. She closes her eyes, refusing to look at the wound as she carves into her knee.

"How could you fall for it?" She cries. "You're just like your dad; weak. A weak, pathetic human, blinded by love."

She takes the knife out, staring at the wound, which was a blood stained carved out heart.

She growls angrily and throws the knife. The knife flies through the air, digging into the wall. She glares at the wound. "How? Why? Why do you show weakness Mal?!" She snaps. "Love is weakness!" She growls, falling to the floor in tears.

"Mal?" A familiar voice cries from behind her. "Mal!"

Evie runs over to her, ignoring the pain jolting through her leg. "Mal. Mal, what happened."

Mal leans into Evie's shoulder, crying. Evie looks at the wound on her leg. "Did Harry do this? I'm gonna kill him!"

Mal shakes her head slowly. "No. He didn't."

Evie looks up noticing the knife dug into the wall, blood dripping from it. "No, Mal, please say you did not do this to yourself."

Mal glares at her, despite all the tears her glare still sends fear through Evie's body. "I was weak."

"Mal, you're not weak."

"Friendship is a weakness! Love is weakness!"

"Mal, I'm not your weakness." She assures her.

Mal looks up and shakes her head. "No, you're not." she cries.

Evie hugs Mal as tears drip down her cheeks. Mal begins to close her eyes and relax when she notices blood dripping down Evie's leg.

"E." She calls.

Evie looks down at Mal. "Don't worry Mal, it's nothing."

"Who did it?"


"Who did it?!" She snaps, looking up to see Carlos. "You!" She hisses, glaring at the white-haired boy.

She tries to get up to hurt him like he hurt Evie, but falls to the floor in tears.

"Mal, don't hurt him." Evie snaps.

"But he-"

"No, he didn't. I hurt myself."

"Then how'd you get hurt?"

"Saving my ass." Carlos answers.

"E, why? Why did you go after him?"

"Because he's my little brother."

"I mean, why is he here."

"To join the family." Evie whispers.

Mal glares at her before looking at Carlos. "Hell no! I would rather kill him."

Evie shakes her head, laughing quietly. "No, you won't."

"What makes you think that?" She hisses.

Evie smirks. "You'd never hurt your Puppy.

Mal's eyes widen. "It doesn't mean anything!" She argues.

Evie narrows her eyes at her. "So why are you so overprotective of him?"

"He's my property." She snarls. "Only I can hurt him."

Evie giggles. "M, it's okay to care about someone." She explains. "I care about you."

"Love makes you weak." She snarls.

Evie shrugs. "Maybe… but it also is the only thing that keeps us alive here."

Mal doesn't say a word.

"M, it's okay to care about him. I do too, not like that, but it's not a bad thing. I mean, how evil have we been together versus apart?"

"We've been pretty rotten." She smiles.

Evie nods. "M, before I joined your gang I was a little girl who was obsessed with her looks. I always had to have the best makeup and dresses, even though nobody could see them since I was banished."

Mal rolls her eyes. "I thought we were over that."

Evie chuckles. "My point is, you turned me from a prissy pink princess to a badass villain, why can't you do the same for him? Change him from a coward to a villain. Just like you did with me, just with my help."

"Evie, I only could do it for you because I didn't have a prior feel- you know what, it's nothing. I don't want him here. He's too weak."

Evie smirks. "He's too weak, or you're afraid he'll make you weak?"

Mal groans. "I don't like him that way, E!" She argues.

Evie rolls her eyes. "Really, so what did you do to Harry for hurting your puppy?"

"Property." Mal corrects.

"What did I say?"

Mal grins, "I just gave him a painful reminder of what we did to her,"


"Don't mess with my property." Mal interrupts.


"Same thing." Mal admits.

Evie laughs. "So is he in?"

Mal sighs. "He gets one chance. If he messes up though he gets another scar."

"That protects him." Evie giggles.

"No, one that's far worse."

"Okay, one chance." She smiles, walking out to give Carlos the good news, since he left when Evie and Mal started arguing.

Mal looks at the door and as Evie and Carlos walk in, the latter with his hand on Evie's shoulder to keep her up, she smiles.

Mal walks over to Carlos. "You have one chance, De Vil" She snarls. "If you make one mistake you will deeply regret it."

Carlos backs away but nods.

Mal smiles. "Welcome to the gang." She walks closer and pulls him in for a hug. Carlos feels oddly violated, but in fear of what Mal would do he hugs her back. Mal smiles as she hugs Carlos, and an evil grin forms on her face. "And if you ever steal something from me again, I will kill you," She threatens. He gulps nervously and Mal backs away, noticing Evie smirking at her.

Evie walks over to him. "Welcome to the family C."

"C." Mal scoffs.

"You call him De Vil, a rather crude name," She mouths 'puppy' with a smirk. "I'll call him C."

Mal glares at her. "Whatever, your choice E."

Evie laughs silently and a smile forms on all three faces. They were going to make a good family, as long as Carlos didn't mess anything up. But how long would it be until Mal's feelings came out? "Is love really a weakness?" Mal wonders.